train track bones | Teen Ink

train track bones

April 7, 2015
By jacobPhonesavanh BRONZE, Sacramento, California
jacobPhonesavanh BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A boy was walking along a train track looking for random things then he notice something strange it looked like a bone from a human being arm. He took it home he washed it and it was white like his teeth then he put it in a shoebox late that night he heard a whisper

“I want what’s mine little boy I suggest you give it back or ill make your life miserable”.

He woke up and thought it was some kind of dreams it was cold in his room and so cold his lip turned blue his hair was sticking up and he felt strange as someone was staring at him the whole time and he fell asleep again. The next morning he noticed something more terrified on his picture he took a look at it and he noticed there was an “X” on his head he was even more terrified and paranoid. He then took the box where he put the bone in and took it to the backyard and dug a hole while he was doing that he heard evil laughs.

“HAHAHA little boy you made a big mistake and now I’m going to make you pay for it”

“No I’m sorry please don’t I’m sorry” said the boy

The voice soon vanished away with an evil laugh. Later that day he asked his mom some questions to see if she saw what he saw and heard what he had heard.

“Mom do you ever see anything weird lately in the house or feel anything weird”

“No I haven’t why is there anything going on that I need to know” replied mom

“No” said the boy.

Later that day his mom and dad was going to go on a vacation for a week that mean he had the house to himself he wanted to ask if he can come along to but they lied and said they had a job meeting so he had to stay home alone he was scared he didn’t go to his room he stayed and watch T.V. on the couch alone all day. The T.V. kept turning off and on he was scared he seen nothing but static and notice something in the T.V. it was a black figure


He took off and ran to a nearby gas station where he knew there would be people he went in there and looked outside and people stared at him like he was crazy.

“Hey kid what’s the matter with you” said the cashier

“Something is chasing me please help me I’m scared it’s been going for days” replied the boy.

“Kid where your parent’s at” said the cashier

“Uhmmmm I don’t know” said the boy

“WHAT” replied the cashier?

“LOOK ITS HEAR DO YOU SEE IT” yelled the boy

“NO I don’t see you” said the cashier

“It’s coming in don’t let it get me please don’t please I’m scared please” cried the boy.

            Then he ran home as fast as he could he undug the bone quickly and he ran straight to the train to where he found it at he seen something a black figure staring deep into his eyes watching him as he runs to the place where he found the bone at and following him as soon as he got to the place where he had found the bone the black figure stood there looking at him.

“Don’t you ever take what’s mine or I will make you pay young boy” said the black figure

The boy ran home and seen his mom and dad car and he thought they went out for a week he wasn’t sure he walked into the house and his mother was sitting on the couch worried about the boy.

‘’SON ARE YOU OKAY!!” said mom

“Yes mom I’m fine” replied the boy

“I was worried sick about you son don’t ever disappear like that again ok!!” said mom

“Yes mom I won’t I promise” replied the boy.

Then he went upstairs to his room it didn’t feel like anything wasn’t there anymore he felt more safe and was relived and he then laid on his bed and fell asleep knowing nothing won’t happen anymore and everything is over.






The author's comments:

this intersting story that i wrote that really inspired me is that he was the only person who seen the figure and he has to what it takes to bring back the bone or else the black figure will make him pay for he stole from the black figure.

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