The Creatures | Teen Ink

The Creatures

April 23, 2015
By 2Anonymous BRONZE, Huntersville, North Carolina
2Anonymous BRONZE, Huntersville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"First go like this,spin around,STOP,double check three times,one,two,threee.Then,PELVIC THRUST WOOOO!WOOOO!STOP ON YOUR RIGHT FOOT, DONT FORGET IT!Now it's time to bring it around town!Then you do this&that&this&that&a perfect bubble."

The Bermuda Triangle was home to many stage things. But little did th Human race know everything  mysterious about this strange place was caused by a mysterious race of human like god creatures. Every mythic story, beast, and idea came from within this very island. The reaon for all the hocas pocus in the region was the power these creatures possesed. They tried many times to make contact with beasts and the human race but the power always drove the beasts mad. It had become so bad with the Dinosaurian race that they had to be iradicated. The same thing happened to the city of Atlantis. The god-creatures sunk this advanced city into the oceon to punish the atlantians for the abuse of their power. But one god-creatures became angry because his Atlantian lover was now doomed to the bottom of the ocean. Little to the rulers of these god-creatures know that the women had beared a child and set him to land before their city was sunk. When the babies father heard he had a son, he created a female human to acompany his son and to start the human race. To this day the god-creatures million times great granddaughter who carries the god gene walks amoung the humans not knoing what power she possesses.    

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