The Changing | Teen Ink

The Changing

June 1, 2015
By drewlikes2write BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
drewlikes2write BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They misunderestimated me." - George Bush

Chapter 1:
An average day in an average library. It was very chilly outside and I was continually gazing at my finest watch. I had been a part-time employee at a luxury department for a few months to make enough money for my ongoing research. I had been researching cancer for several weeks. I had been talking to my roommate Jerry who was a genetic researcher. It all went downhill after we started our argument.
Something was wrong, and I was unsure what it was. Jerry was very stressed out. This is the story of an unfathomable journey of pain and terror. But the reward of curing the Changing was too tempting to pass on.

Chapter 2:
“Shut up right now!” I screamed at Jerry. Jerry’s eyes practically turned red with anger. “How about you make me, you idiot!” Jerry screamed at me. Things got heated and Jerry and I continued calling each other names and eventually we grew very loud. Then the haunting sirens of my childhood went off.
A piercing noise that made you want to fall over and die. In the past, some people’s ears would ring for minutes, while the sirens were ringing. You wished you were dead. You have two options when you hear this noise. You can duck and hide or you can run and scream.
The sirens sent us into total silence and the argument was ended. At first we cringed because it was so loud. Then Jerry started running as fast as he could. Either someone was wreaking havoc or playing a game on us. The only other possibilities are that the Changing is happening again, or there is a severe weather condition. I am very frustrated that I am not home where I can run to my underground bunker. Instead I am stuck in this library.
I eventually decide to follow the sirens. My reasoning for this was because of the way this library is built. The sirens will lead you to the middle of the library. The middle is the safest spot in the library because this is where the officials work. If I can get there in time then there might be space left for me to get in one of the pedestrian bunkers.
When I get to the middle of the library, there is room left and I duck into the last bunker. There are two ladies, five little kids, and two men. I am the last allowed in the pedestrian miniature bunker of 10. If I hadn’t gotten there in time than I don’t know where I would’ve gone. I begin to reassure myself that this one is just a drill, but then I remember that drills are banned now.
After the severe set of storms recently came into our country everything has been thrown into chaos and things haven’t been the same. I don’t know if this is because the Changing is back, or the weather is getting way out of hand. Things are not looking up.
We’ve all heard about the mystery storms, but it’s hard to really believe them. I have no clue if they’re real or not. But the mystery storms were rumored to only happen in the dead of the night and it’s around noon right now. I was going to make conversation with the other people in the bunker but none of them spoke english. They must’ve come from the tri-lingual or bilingual departments of the library.
There is still a chance of the Changing being the cause of this, but nobody has become infected with it in around 20 years. The last time someone had it I was an 8-year-old. I start pacing and the others look at me a little funnily but I am so stressed that it doesn’t faze me. I hear a vibration but it is too quiet to be anything serious; then I realize its coming from my jacket. I pull out Jerry’s iPhone.
“I am so ignorant!” I scream out loud. Why did this completely slip my mind? The vibration came from his phone. I start ranting out loud. I rant for a while, getting louder and louder. The others look at me horrified. I feel terrible for making them so frightened. I try to shake the men’s hands, but they cower away. They must be foreigners, I feel terrible. I start pacing again and then decide to sit down.
The other people just sit there cowering and then they explode into thin air. I stay calm and then just lean onto the wall to stay stable after being shocked. To my surprise, I suddenly slide as if I were butter, through the elevator wall. A rush of terror flies through my body and I scream. I feel as if I’m endlessly falling.
I continue falling for what feels like several days and eventually hit the ground. A pulse of electricity surges through my body. The pain is unbearable and I feel like I can’t endure anymore. Then, a giant light blasts into my face and sirens go off. The sirens are ringing again. I try to get up, but I’m stuck to the floor with some kind of adhesive. When will this madness end?
I finally struggle my way up off the floor and am instantly knocked back to the ground. I hit my head when I fall, and the light fades. I am suddenly woken up by screaming. I am in a hospital now. Another patient with giant bruises on his skin is the cause of the screaming. The gruesomeness of the other patient makes my stomach ache.
I reach the bathroom facility before I vomit. I notice that many other people are looking at me, as if they were deer in headlights. Then I realize why they’re so scared of me; they are women. I am so unlucky. I hadn’t even thought to check which bathroom it was. I run out as quick as I can.
I continue to run. I run for miles and miles. What the heck is happening? A few hours ago, I was just in an average library. This has to be the Changing. Someone is coming down with it, and it’s happening fast. All of these weird things happening, were my training. The last time I saved someone from the Changing, I was a kid. The purpose of the training is to prepare you for the stress of handling a Changer.

Chapter 3:
The Changing is a severe and rare disease that causes extreme physical and mental pain. The physical pain is a result of the disease spreading throughout your entire body. The physical part of the disease causes your bones and muscles to grow at a rapid rate, while your skin’s growing rate slows down.
The mental part of the Changing causes you to hallucinate, causing every fear that you have and every bad memory that you have to haunt you and keep you awake for days. It can also cause you to slip into a coma.
The Changing is a quick fix, but if you don’t fix it fast enough, then an outbreak of the disease will spread like wildfire. That’s why I have to find the Changer, and cure them. Why do I have to cure them? I have to because it is a legal requirement. I have to cure them because:
I created the Changing.

Chapter 4:
I sprint through the hangar, nearly missing my flight to Kansas. I have to get to the library and find out who the Changer is. The flight attendant looks so worried. The flight is short but it feels like days. Everyone looks so out of place and nervous. This isn’t good.
When I fly through the library doors, there are people on the floor getting tested for the disease. People look worried and families are being separated. The previous and only other case of the Changing was nothing like this. The previous case took place in my father’s lab after I accidentally created a vicious possibly incurable disease when I was 9.
“You can do this, stay calm!” I say encouragingly to myself. I continue walking through the library. An F.B.I. Agent pulls me to the side and escorts me to the men’s bathroom. I am very confused at this point. “The Changer is in there.” The Agent explains. This is the moment.
The Agent carefully opens up the door and I see the Changer on the floor. Jerry is the Changer. My jaw drops to the floor in shock. I slam my briefcase down and open it on the floor. I dump the medicinal contents that I plan to cure him with. Jerry struggles, but he is no match for the buff F.B.I. Agent.
Jerry starts screaming and shuddering. It hurts to see my best friend in so much pain. “YOU DID THIS TO ME!” Jerry hisses at me. Then, he starts sobbing. I am working as fast as I can to make the cure. The Agent tells me to hurry up, but I can’t make any mistakes or Jerry will die.
I finally have made the cure. All that I have left to do is inject Jerry with the cure. He begins squirming away from the syringe. I finally get a clear shot at him. Jerry instantly starts healing and looking much healthier. Relief shoots through my body and I reach down to help Jerry up. As I’m waiting for him to grab my hand and get up, I think about how happy of an ending this is-

and then Jerry knocks the Agent out, steals his gun and shoots directly at me.
The last thing I hear is Jerry whispering “You did this.”

The author's comments:

This sci-fi piece describes a great adventure with plot twists that you will not see coming.

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