Chapter 20, The Giver | Teen Ink

Chapter 20, The Giver

May 30, 2015
By Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
Khushii PLATINUM, Parsippany, New Jersey
20 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just a girl trying to get her ideas out there.

 “The community has the right to know what release is; what death is, so they may put a stop to it! So they may put a stop to Sameness! They must know, Giver! We must tell them,” Jonas pleaded.
The Giver firmly replied, “No, we must not. The memory of death would put everyone in too much pain, and some might even go to war with the committee, who is responsible for release.
Jonas grew silent with the memory of war. He frowned trying to force the image of the bloody light-haired boy out of his mind. War was wrong and unfair. Unfair to the people Jonas loved, like Gabe who was too little to witness war, or Fiona, a sweet innocent girl.
Then, a grin slowly spread across Jonas’s face that now lit up with joy and madness. He had an idea. A crazy idea.
“Giver, please give me all the memories you can today. All of them,” Jonas spoke quickly.
“But why would--,” The Giver started.
“Just please. I must have them!” Jonas exclaimed with stubbornness.
The Giver reluctantly placed his hands on Jonas’s back as Jonas laid down on the plush bed and closed his eyes. He could see, feel, smell, hear, and even taste the memories that flowed through him, as if they were coursing through his veins. He felt a blend of emotions. He felt happy, sad, at peace, angry, scared, and confused all at the same time. But, then the jumble of feelings, colors, and memories suddenly ended.
“That is enough for today, Jonas,” The Giver said looking drained of life. “You should go now.”
Jonas obeyed, sprinting out the door, eager to carry out his plan.
“That is okay, I have all I need. Thank you Giver. Goodbye. ” Jonas spoke.
“Goodbye,”The Giver softly spoke as he wondered what Jonas was up to. As he watched Jonas disappear behind the door. Forever, never to reappear again.

“Let there be war. As long as they know the truth, all shall be right. My loved ones will not suffer. They will never suffer,” Jonas whispered to himself as he rode to his dwelling.

At his dwelling, there lay an expected sight: Gabe. Jonas knew Gabe would not be able to sleep at the Nurturing Center without good memories. Gabe would be brought to his dwelling once again, to sleep with his family unit. Jonas wasted no time. He excused himself from the evening meal, sneaking his food under his tunic and darted to his bedroom, taking Gabe with him. Once they had reached the bedroom, Jonas transferred one of each of his memories to Gabe. Just one war, one hill, one experience. First starting with the painful memories, Gabe squirmed in his spot, then fell fast asleep with a smile from the good ones. In Jonas’s mind the memories looked like fast-forwarding movies in super speed. This process took the whole night, or at least most of it. During the remainder of the night, Jonas walked to a certain person’s dwelling with a scribbled note. It read:
Dear Fiona,
Please do not take your pill tomorrow. Please trust me because it is very important.
Since no doors were locked, Jonas quietly snuck in and put the note on Fiona’s bed. He admired how she slept; curled up in a ball, her red hair spread out on the pillow. Jonas hoped Fiona would listen to him. He kissed her forehead then disappeared into the darkness of the night.
Jonas reached home just in time before his parents woke up and before Gabe woke up too. Today was the December Ceremony, the day of Jonas’s plan, the day he would make a sacrifice. No, the sacrifice, the ultimate sacrifice. He was glad to make it.

Jonas volunteered to take care of Gabe during the Ceremony and roamed about the crowds of people, his eyes scanning for one person in particular. Then he saw her. He moved hastily towards Fiona, their eyes making perfect contact. When Jonas finally reached her, he took her off to the side, not to be seen.
“Did you skip taking your pill?” Jonas asked hopefully.
“Yes, but why?”Fiona questioned.
“To do this,” Jonas answered. He leaned over and gave Fiona a quick peck on the cheek.
Fiona stared at Jonas for a while then spoke again, “That felt...good. What is it called?”
“A kiss, but I like to call it love,” Jonas replied.
“Love,” Fiona whispered trying the word out for the first time. “But I still don’t understand why--”
“You are going to have to trust me, Fiona. Do you trust me?” Now it was Jonas asking the question.
“Yes, I do. I do trust you, Jonas,” Fiona said.
“Good.”Jonas spoke relieved. “Take this.”
Jonas gave Fiona his meal from the other day from his tunic.
“And take him too,” Jonas continued and carefully handed over Gabe, who was now awake, but rather confused.
“Now what do I do?” Fiona asked.
“Go,” Jonas replied
“Go?” Fiona questioned.
“Yes go, now. Take Gabe, take the food, take your bike, and go. Go far far away to Elsewhere. Elsewhere where people will welcome you, feed you, and love you. Elsewhere where you will be safe. Elsewhere where you will not see me again. Now quickly, go!” Jonas explained.
“I will do as you say, Jonas,” Fiona stated. “Only because I love you. Goodbye.”
Fiona hurried to her bike and started to make her way to Elsewhere with Gabe, without being noticed. Jonas wished they would find a place of  joy where they could happily live their lives in peace. That is when Jonas knew it was time. Time to make his sacrifice. His ultimate sacrifice. Jonas had no fear.
The pain swelled up inside of Jonas, but he did not cry out. He breathed heavily while beads of sweat ran down his cooling body. Just moments before he had stabbed himself in the heart with a chair leg. Now he laid on the ground, dying, finally making his sacrifice.
“So this is real pain,” Jonas thought to himself smirking.
He looked up at the sky, knowing that once more sunlight would come from it. Knowing that once more snow would fall from it. He felt the memories he had left being drained from him, entering the minds of the community's people instead. Around him those people were pointing at him, panicking, running around asking questions, some were just staring at each other in shock, others making their way to the committee, seeking answers. He knew what kind of pain they were experiencing, but also knew about the immense happiness. He knew The Giver would be disappointed in him, but he also knew he had done the right thing. His vision became dimmer and dimmer, his breaths shorter and shorter. Until, everything was colorless, completely black and his body lay cold and motionless. With the end of Jonas, came the end of Sameness. Obviously, after this, nothing would ever be the same again. Ever.

The author's comments:

Prediction of chapter 20 and on in The Giver. I was wrong.

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