The Mission | Teen Ink

The Mission

October 9, 2015
By brielle.harrison BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
brielle.harrison BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bang! It happened all too fast. Karsten had been struck by lightning and blacked out.  His parents saw him lying on the cold ground.  They rushed him inside and put him to bed.   After a couple of days he woke up.  The first thing he saw was his mom’s smiling face. 
“You’re finally awake, your father and I were worried sick.”
“What happened?”
“You were struck by lightning.”
“How long was I out?”
“Um… About a week.  The doctor is coming over today,  just to see if your okay.”
When the doctor came over Karsten was still in bed.  He was starting to feel a tingling sensation in his body.  The doctor came into his room and asked how he was doing.
“I’m doing fine, just a little sore.” Karsten said with a little shakiness in his voice.
“Well that’s good to hear.  I’m just going to run a couple of tests to see if you’re functioning correctly.”
The doctor put the stethoscope buds in his ears to listen to Karsten’s  heart beat.  His heart was beating at a very fast pace.
“That’s strange...Your heart is beating at an unusual pace.  It’s beating at at least 500 beats per minute. Are you sure that you feel okay?”
“Yes, I feel fine.”
Next, the doctor tested his reflexes.  He got his reflex hammer out and hit his knee.  His knee went up and slamed into the bed with a great force.  Karsten broke the side of the bed.  The doctor was shocked.  He had never seen anything like it before.  After the tests were over the doctor went out in the living room to talk to Karsten parents. 
“So, how is he?” Karsten’s  worried parents asked
“Well...out of all of the years being a doctor, I have never seen anything like this.”
“What is it? What’s wrong with my baby?”
“After the lightning struck him, he developed a few powers.”
“What do you mean developed powers?”
“He somehow got the powers of speed, and strength;  I’m not sure if he has anymore.”
“Oh my this is terrible.”  his mother said with tears in her eyes.
“Mommy look, I’m flying!”  Karsten said looking very excited.
His mom turned around and started to smile, “That’s wonderful sweetie!  Just be careful.”
Mrs. Kein turned back around to finish talking to the doctor.  But when she went to talk to him he was gone.  Her husband told her  the doctor said  to try and keep his powers under control.  They both agreed that they have to keep him from everyone because they knew what would happen if they didn’t.

After a couple of years, Karsten’s powers started getting stronger and his parents couldn't do anything about it.  The Keins had to make the one of the hardest decisions of their lives.  At Karsten’s 12th  birthday, they were going to take a trip to Earth.  Karsten was so excited to actually be able to go outside again.  It had been 7 years since he had last been outside. 
When they landed, Karsten couldn’t get over the view.  They landed on the Great Smoky mountains  in Nashville, Tennessee.  The air was warm and crisp, there were meadows of beautiful colors. The air was filled with the smell of flowers and the bittersweet smell of grass.
“This is so beautiful! I could just lay in those soft fields all day if I could, ” Karsten said with great excitement.
“I bet you could,” His dad said.
“Let's go run through those flowers,” his mom said, feeling sad.
“Okay that sounds fun! Let’s go!!”
Karsten and his mother raced down the hill and rolled around in the grass together. They were in the meadow for hours, laughing and frolicking through the flowers.  When they were done they decided to go eat at an Earth restaurant.  His parents thought that it would be the perfect place to drop him off without him knowing.
They got to the restaurant called Texas Roadhouse and went inside.  When they sat down to look at the menus, they had no idea  what anything was on it.  They decided to walk around to see what looked good.  While they were looking, Mr. and Mrs Kein were looking at all of the smiling faces that greeted them as they walked by.
These people seem nice. Some of them just might care enough to take care of my baby because I just can’t anymore. Mrs. Kein thought to herself.
After a while of looking around, they finally ordered.  While they were waiting a couple came up to their table and started talking to the Keins.
Why are these people trying to talking to us? Mr. Kein thought.
“Hi, we're the Walkers and we were wondering if you lived around her because we have never seen you before.”  Mrs. Walker said.
“Oh no, we’re not from here, we’re from…” Mrs. Kein had to think about it for a moment because she didn’t want to tell them that they were from Saturn.
“Lexington, Kentucky.”
“Oh that’s not far from here. So why are you guys down here.”
“It’s our son’s birthday and we wanted to celebrate away from home.”
“That’s sweet.  Happy birthday!  How old are you turning?”
“I’m turning 12.” Karsten said.
“Oh how nice. We have always wanted a kid of our own but we have always wanted to adopt.  Well we should be getting back to our table.  Nice meeting you!”
“Nice meeting you too.” Karsten said.  “They are really nice people.”
“Yes they are but they are a little annoying.  I’m just happy that they are gone” his mom said.
After dinner the Keins went out for ice cream. When they got to the ice cream parlor, the Walkers pulled up next to them.
Why are they following us? Mrs.Kein thought.
“Hi again guys, I didn’t know you were here.  Mind if we join you since we’re all here?” Mrs. Walker asked.
“No, we don’t mind at all.” Mrs. Kein said with frustration and sarcasm in her voice.
“Great! Let’s go inside”
When they got inside the Keins and the Walkers sat down in a booth.  instead of sitting down, Mr. and Mrs. Kein went back by the bathroom to talk.
“I don’t like the fact that these people are following us.” Mr. Kein said.
“I know, it’s making me feel really uncomfortable. I just hope nothing bad happens.”
“I feel the same way.  Let’s just try to make it through the night I know it will be tough but we have to do it for Karsten.
After the talk they came out of the restroom area and saw that the Walkers and Karsten were gone. 
“I knew something like this was going to happen!” Mrs. Kein said with disappointment.
“Who knows where they went and we will probably never see Karsten again.
“Well we won’t find them anytime soon, so let’s just go home.”
“You’re right, at least now we don’t have to worry about Karsten destroying the house anymore.  But, isn’t that what we wanted?”
“Yeah, because we couldn’t take care of him any longer.  Plus, I felt bad because Karsten didn’t get to see or play outside for years.”
“Okay, let’s go home I guess”
In the car, the Walkers had Karsten tied up and blindfolded.  Karsten was so scared he didn’t know what to do. He tried to use his super strength to break out of the chains but he couldn’t. His powers weren’t strong enough yet.  The  only thing he could do is sit there and do nothing.
It’s like they knew that I had superpowers.  When they took me they made sure to tie me up in chains and they made sure that my feet weren’t on the ground. But they didn’t tape my mouth shut I wonder why?  Karsten thought.
He heard the Walkers talking about what they were going to do with him.  He was starting to wonder if his parents were looking for him.  Then he realized that there was no sign of anyone and that the Walkers didn’t sound worried at all.  They were calm about the whole thing.  They were even calm when they put him in the back of their van.
“Why are you doing this to me?!” Karsten asked.
“...Because we thought that you were the one we wanted.” Mrs. Walker said.
“Where are my parents?!”
“They don’t want you anymore.  That’s why they brought you down to Earth.”
“How did you know that we weren’t from here?”
“Because we aren’t from here either.  The name Walkers was only a disguise so your parents wouldn’t know that it was us.”
“Then who are you people?!”
“We are the Renegades.  We were your neighbors on Saturn.  We saw you guys leaving for  Earth and that's when we decided to follow,” Mr. Renegades said.
“Then why did you kidnap me?”
“Because we knew about your superpowers and wanted to use them for specific purposes. In fact, we will be using them to take over the world.”
“No, you can’t do this to me.  I’m too young and I would probably die if you ran tests on me.”
“That’s why we are going to wait until you are older so that we can do what we want to do.”
After another 2 hours, they stopped driving and got in the Renegade’s Private jet.  The ride to the Amazon rainforest took about 20 hours.
They  arrived at the Renegade’s secret lair.  They took Karsten out of the back and put him in a room in the basement.  The room was dark, damp, and cold with very little light.  There was one bed and a few toys on the floor. 
‘Why are all of these baby toys on the floor? I’m 12 not 2.” Karsten said.
“No reason.” Mr. Renegades said.
“Well then can I get some more covers and toys that are age appropriate because it’s cold in here and because I’m bored.”
“No toys, but I’ll get you some blankets.” Mr. Renegades said firmly.
“Thank you Mr. Renegades.” Karsten said.
“Whatever, just take the blankets. And don’t call me Mr. Renegades, call me Dr. Renegades because you know that I’m evil now.”

  The year is now 3030 and Karsten is 23 years old.  He is still being held captive by Dr. Renegades and is about to be tested on.  Dr. Renegades wife died when Karsten was 15 years old.  In the 11 years Karsten was able to get his powers under control so that he is able to defeat Dr. Renegades.  Dr.Renegades told Karsten the day before that the test would start today and Karsten is ready for anything that Dr. Renegades is going to give him.  
“Today is a big day.  It’s the day I take your powers away from you. Are you ready?” Dr. renegades said.
“Sure, just give me one second.  I need to get something from my room.”
“You better hurry I want to get those powers from you so I can be the most powerful man alive.”
“You sure about that?” 
Dr. Renegades couldn’t get out of the way in time, so he got a punch to the face.  The force was so powerful that he flew back 15 feet.  He got back up and shot a laser at Karsten.  He saw it coming and flew out of the way.  While in the air he grabbed a board and threw it at Dr. Renegades.   Dr. Renegades wasn’t looking and got hit on the back of the head.  And with that hit he fell to the ground in pain.  Then Karsten picked him up and flew through the ceiling.  They were outside now.
“This is what you get for locking me in a basement for 11 years of my life.” Karsten said with anger.
“No, wait please don’t throw me!”
“Oh I wasn’t planning on that.  I was thinking about feeding you to jaguars so that you know what suffering feels like.”
“No, anything but that!  I don’t want to die like that.”
“I suffered for every day of my life and even you don’t know what that’s like.  Both of my parents are probably dead and I didn’t even get to say goodbye. But I’ll be able to say goodbye to you.”
‘No, please I’m begging you to just let me go.  I’m sorry from taking you away from your parents and for trapping you in my basement for 11 years.”
“Really?! I didn’t know that you were sorry.  In that case I’ll let you live.”
“Really?! ”
And with that word, Karsten took Dr. Renegades down into a jaguar cave and fed him to the jaguars.  Karsten was so relieved to finally be free after 23 years.  He wanted to check to see if his parents were still alive so he went flew to Saturn.He got to his parents house and knocked on the door.  A lady in her mid 50’s came to the door.  She looked like she was at least 34, her hair was still as brown as it was when he was taken, and she barely had any wrinkles.
“Hello there stranger, are you lost?”
“Mom is that you?”
“Karsten?! Oh I’m so sorry about what happened 23 years ago. Your father and I were trying to get rid of you.”
His father came to the door.
“Oh my Karsten it has been so long since I last saw you.  I’m so…”
“Mom already told me everything. But it’s okay, I know that I was giving you guys problems. That’s why we went down to Earth.”
“So you forgive us for trying to get rid  of you?” His father asked.
“Yes, you are my parents and I love you both,” Karsten said.
“Since you’re here  , do you want to finish the night when we “lost you?”’ His mother asked.
The Keins went out for ice cream to celebrate.

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