The Virus | Teen Ink

The Virus

October 15, 2015
By ZoieS BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
ZoieS BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was October 1st 2025 the day just before Bentley and I’s 14th birthday. Did I mention we are twins, but he’s older. He doesn’t act like it though. We look exactly the same; we both have blond hair blue eyes, and are exactly the same height. My parents don’t know how we look exactly alike; sometimes they don’t know who is who. Sometimes we switch schedules and go to each other’s classes; the teachers don’t even know we do it. Anyways tomorrow is our birthday but we’ve been hearing crazy things on the news like people getting bit by other people and becoming cannibals. I’m like what the heck is going on. My parents told me and my brother we are not going to school until they have this infection under control.
Last night I heard my parents talking and I heard them say it’s not safe here we have to get out of the city. My dad said we’ll figure this out tomorrow after I get back from getting some supplies; we need to get some sleep.
I woke up in the middle of the night because I heard something outside, I didn’t know what it was, I realized it was a zombie, I was so scarred I was shaking in my bed, I thought surely it will try to get in my room.
When I woke up in the morning I realized we were getting low on food and other things we need to survive, so my dad rushed to the store. When I was fully awake I went to bens room to ask him if he had heard anything, he said he heard a zombie also and thought it would get him while he was asleep and I said me to, we were thinking the exact same thing.  The worst part of this whole apocalypse wasn’t even that people were getting sick and eating people, it was what the people were doing to other people. They were killing people and burning down buildings and who knows what else they were doing to people. It was total Pandemonium.
When my dad got back from getting our supplies he turned on the radio and there was a Military Officer on the radio and he said “Any survivors go to Kiwan Beach tomorrow there are very few boats but there should be enough to get the survivors away from all of this, bring any supplies you might need to start the new beginning and go to KoKo Island.” He also said “We will be evacuating the city around 4:00PM today. So after he finishes talking we immediately start packing our things. When we are done we all pile our belongings into the van, then we cram into the van trying not to smash any of the food that we have with us.
While we are driving we see lots of destroyed buildings and dead people all over the place. I even saw a dead baby I felt so discussed that no one saved that baby, I tried not to think about it anymore, but it was just so horrible.
When we got to the beach my dad got out first to see if there were any of the dead around, there was only one so my dad killed it. We got everything out of the car and loaded it into the boat. When we were making the last trip to the boat I looked back to make sure Ben was behind me, but he wasn’t. At first I thought he was playing a trick on me but then herd him scream “HELP” I ran over to him and polled out my knife that I got from Boy Scouts when I was 8 years old. I saw that a zombie was chasing him, and my dad darted past me and stabbed it right in the skull. We all hugged each other and said we will never ever leave one behind again. So we hurried back to the boat and sped to KoKo Island, there were less than twenty people there.
We looked for a good comfortable spot to put up our tent, we found the perfect spot to put up our tent. We have a very big tent.
We’ve been here for about three months and the military just came to pick everyone up to take them back to their house because the city is safe. They said we just have to be careful and watch out for anything strange. If anyone you know starts getting the symptoms of the Z virus contact quarantine immediately.
Everything is back to normal and nothing strange has happened since then.

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