Unforgetten | Teen Ink


October 15, 2015
By Anonymous

I can remember faded memories. I remember seeing a sky, clouds scattered everywhere, and a bright sun that peaked through the clouds that covered the plains. But the plains were not empty; they were filled with disagreement and lies. I remember lying in a house, all alone, hearing loud footsteps with shadows that were the size of a giant. I remember seeing strangers, being captured and put into cells. Others even lying on the ground, but not seeming to want to get up or even move at all. They lay on the frozen ground looking soulless. I also remember feeling so alone, but I can’t remember anything else!
“Xero!” my master yelling as he pointed to a mix match of equipment.
My master was a guy who looked like he had not shaved nor had a haircut in years but looks can deceive, and he was one not to be judged by his look. His name was Alltuk and he a very good swordsman.   
“Tell me which one of these is used to control other’s actions?”
I look over trying to hold off the memories and flashbacks.
“The second one to the right?” as I disengaged my eyes up from the floor in confusion.
Alltuk looked at me with sincere concern. “Is there something that has been bothering you Xero?” Alltuk asked.
I looked at him with hesitation in my eyes, and told him everything that has appeared within my memories.
“I don’t know where these memories came from, but when I was able to speak and remember clearly, those memories were the first to come to and now I can’t get them out of my head” as I looked at him with mercy.
Alltuk looked at me with concern in his eyes and dismissed me an hour earlier than usual.

I walked home trying not to let the memories get to me. I finally arrived at my dorm when I heard someone in my dorm. My dorm was a one-person dorm that was small but big enough that it could be filled with just my belongings. I ran in and found no one. It is probably just a bug or at least that’s what I kept telling myself. I went to bed, but couldn’t fall asleep. I lied there. It was one O’clock in the morning until I fell asleep.
Boom!  The sound woke me up. I ran toward the window and saw the academy but it was not normal. The academy was on fire, the buildings were broken and some even collapsed. I ran into the hallways until… Boom!  I collapsed onto the floor and instantly fainted. When I came to my senses I was being carried to the emergency bunker. We had only used the emergency bunker once for a mix match with ingredients in science class, but besides that we had really never used it before. I fainted again. My master was sitting in front of me with a wet towel on my head when I came to. “What is happening out there!?” I screamed.
Alltuk looked around checking if anyone is around.
“There is something I  haven’t told you.”
Alltuk choking on his words finally broke, “I work for those people that bombed the academy.”
I look at him with doubt, thinking that he might hurt me or even kill me.
  “Don’t worry; I’m not here to harm you,” Alltuk said
“I was sent here thirty-five years ago before you were born by those people, they are called the Kintuk’s, and they sent me here to spy on the Telen’s.”
“When you were born you were the upcoming leader of the Kintuks but the Telens came to our city and kidnapped you because they were afraid that you were going to try to overtake them when you grew up.” Alltuk explained.
Everything was happening so fast. All I knew was a lie but the memories were all making sense.
“So the memories, the woman, and the man in them, were they my parents?” I asked.
“Yes, they are your parents and they have spent many years to come up with a way to get you back,” Alltuk explained
I didn’t know what to believe but what I do know is that those memories are in my head for a purpose. I looked at Alltuk and for the first time in my life I saw mercy in his eyes.
“Let’s go” I said as I started to run out of the emergency bunker.
Alltuk and I had to find a way to stop this upcoming war before both sides started to attack. We ran out of the academy and ran to the Kintuks. We had to reach the Hall of Supremes were the head master for the Kintuks would be. We walked inside and saw both Kintuks and Telens armies with both of my parents in the front ready to fight and the Telens leader up in the frojnt also ready to fight.
“Wait, please do not fight!” I yelled out just before both sides attacked.
“I know that our sides do not get along well, but we should not fight.”
Both sides look at me and my parents come running at me with their arms wide open.
“I know that we have done things j\that we regret and wish that we could take it back and don’t worry Telens, when i grow up i promise that i will not overthrow you.”
The Telens army lowered their weapons with relief and so did the Kintuks.
“we are so glad that you are reunited with us,” My father said
The war stopped and everything was peaceful. i was home and both sides got along right after.

The author's comments:

My intrest for sci fi really inspired me

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