The Cure | Teen Ink

The Cure

October 15, 2015
By kylee_armey BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
kylee_armey BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How am I going to overcome this? I’m going to die. Why me? Nothing can save me. All these thoughts were juggling through John’s mind all at once. Especially today.
“Oh my gosh! Randy, get in here! We need to get John to a hospital ASAP!”
Randy, John’s father, and Amy, John’s mother, quickly scooped John into their arms and carried him out to the car.
“Hang in there John, we’re almost there!” John’s mom yelled in a worry some voice.
A few moments later, feeling like hours, they arrived at the hospital.
“Ma’am, please stay calm. We don’t want to have to admit you too,” the doctor said calmly.
A few moments passed as they quickly wheeled John on a stretcher to the operating room.
“Get him up on the table quick! Get the defibrillators started up. We’re losing him!” the doctor said frantically.
John had minutes maybe even seconds of his life remaining. John’s life was on the line.
“Okay, everyone clear?! 1, 2, 3 SHOCK!”
“There is still no pulse doctor!” the nurse said worriedly.
“Alright. AGAIN! We have to keep trying. Everyone clear?! 1, 2, 3 SHOCK!”
“Doctor, we have found a pulse! We need to get him stabilized!”
“Good good. I told you we couldn’t give up! John, if you can hear what I’m saying, please raise either one of your arms.”
John raises his left arm.
“Okay. Take him to the MRI room so we can try to find out why all of this happened. I’ll go let his parents know that he is doing better.”
“Roger that, doctor,” replied the nurse.
Both of John’s parents were in the waiting room pacing frantically with upset looks on their faces.
“Amy and Randy? John’s parents,” asked the doctor.
“Yes, that’s us!” they yelled.
“Okay. Well I have some good news. John is doing better and we have him stabilized. The nurses on staff are getting him ready for his MRI so we can find out what caused this whole incident. I’m sure your son will be just fine. You all were very, very lucky!”
“Yes. Very lucky indeed, thank you doctor. We owe it to you,” Randy said happily.
Meanwhile, in the MRI testing room, the nurses and doctor have helped John change into a hospital gown and picked him up and put him on the MRI bed.
“Okay John. The most important thing during an MRI is to lie completely still,” said the doctor.
John raised his left arm.
“Okay nurses. Get it started.”
A while later, the MRI was finished and they wheeled John into rom 405 to rest. The doctors and nurses brought John’s parents in and told them that he would need to be admitted for three days at the most. While John and his parents were visiting, the doctor began looking at the MRI scan results.
“Oh no. This can’t be,” pleaded the doctor.
But it was. Pictured right in front of him, lighting up like a Christmas tree was a huge cancer cell showing up in both of his lungs.
“John has got stage 4 lung cancer. I don’t know how I am going to break this news to John and his parents,” said the doctor dreadfully.
Moments had passed before the doctor knew how to tell John and his parents that he had cancer and a 55% chance of making it to the month of December. He walked into John’s room with an upset look on his face.
“Well John. I don’t know how to break this to you or your parents but, I’m just going to come right out and say it. From the MRI results, it shows that you have stage 4 lung cancer and you have a 55% chance of making it to December. I’m terribly sorry that this happened to you. This kind of stuff just happens and there’s nothing you can do except treatments.”
“No. You must have the wrong MRI results sir. That can’t be right, a 55% chance of making it to December? No. My son is going to live a long, cancer free life,” said Randy very quickly.
“Yes. I agree with my husband. There’s no way that my poor son has cancer. You have the wrong MRI. I know it,” Amy said dreadfully.
“Amy, Randy , I’m sorry but I don’t have the wrong MRI. His name is printed clearly on the scan. Enjoy what time you have left with him. I’m not saying that there’s no hope. It’s going to be hard, but we’re going to make it through it together. I’m going to give it my all to try and make this terrible cancer go away,” said the doctor trying to act cheerful.
“I… have…. Canc---er?” asked John very, very slowely.
“From what the doctors are saying honey, you do. But were going to make it through this! Your father and I will be by your side every step of the way,” replied Amy.
“We can begin treatments whenever you want to start them. We can even start them now if you want to. The sooner the better,” said the doctor.
“Yes, please. Let’s start right this minute,” replied Randy.
He started John on chemotherapy. He remained on chemotherapy for the next week that he is in the hospital. So far, the cancer has gotten worse. It has grown bigger than the normal size of a golf ball. He had months remaining before the cancer takes over his entire body. Doctors are losing hope, and so are John and his parents.
“I just can’t believe this. We’re spending all this money on treatments, and they’re not working at all,” said Amy mournfully.
A week had passed, and John was doing a little bit better and was allowed to go home.
“Hello? Who is this?” asked Amy.
“Hi. My name is Rudy. I’m a scientist from Science Central. Word has gone around that your poor son, John, has stage 4 lung cancer. Cancer is just so terrible and I’m sorry that you’ve had to go through this experience.”
“Okay. Thank you for your concern but please get to the terse,” said Amy in a bored voice.
“Well, I have built a machine that I call ‘The Cancer Free Machine.’ It’s supposed to take away ALL types of cancer completely and prevent it from ever coming back. It is 99.9% proven to work, and I am willing to let your son, John, try it for free!” replied Rudy.
“Oh my goodness this is music to my ears! I can’t thank you enough! Yes, we will definitely take you up on that offer Scientist Rudy. Where will we need to meet you at?”
“I understand that you live in Florida so you will need to fly down to Los Angeles, California tonight and meet me somewhere. Let’s see, today is Sunday, so meet me at Science Central on Tuesday at 4:00 PM. And FYI, John will not feel a thing. This is proven to be a pain free procedure and will take no more than one hour to complete. Your plane tickets have been paid for by me. Your flight is to leave at 9 PM tonight so if I were you, I would start packing and make your way to the airport.”   
“Oh my! Thank you SO much Rudy! I will never be able to repay you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” replied Amy excitedly.
Moments later, Amy spread the news to John and his father. 
“Yes. He just called out of nowhere and mentioned that he had built something that goes by the name, ‘The Cancer Free Machine’ that takes away all cancer and prevents it from coming back in less than an hour! And get this; he said John will not feel a thing because it’s pain free! He is letting us give it a try at no cost and he bought our plane tickets to Los Angeles. So get your stuff packed, we leave tonight at 9!”
“I can’t believe that you will just believe a man who randomly calls you out of nowhere. I bet you this machine doesn’t even exist. I’m not going, and I don’t feel comfortable letting my son being the FIRST person to try this out. That is, if it’s even real,” said Chad angrily.
“Honey. This may be our only chance to save John’s life before it’s too late. Sometimes, we’re forced to take chances. It’s a part of life. I can’t loose my son, I just can’t! Please, I can’t do this without you!’ said Amy tearing up.
“I’m still not confident with this, but you have a point. I guess I’ll go with. John, are you up for it?” asked Chad.
“Anything to make my pain go away dad. Thank you all for sticking by my side. I’m lucky to call you my parents,” said John sympathetically.
A couple hours later, they started packing up the car to head to the airport.
“Alright. That’s everything. Let’s get going. Cancer free here we come!”
Thirty minutes later, they checked in their names and sure enough, Rudy had paid for their flight there and back. The sent their luggage for checking, and then gathered it all up and started boarding.
“Florida to Los Angeles. This flight should be about four hours tops. We should be landing at about 1 AM,” boasted the flight attendant.
The time is now 1:15 AM and John’s flight just landed. They are now in Los Angeles, California.
“Alright, let’s go check into our hotel room. Why don’t we just book a room at the Four Seasons hotel?” asked Amy.
“Sounds good to me honey,” replied Chad.
“I don’t care where we go,” added John solemnly.
They have checked into their hotel rooms and got some much needed rest. It was going to be a big day… the day John would finally live a cancer free life! Or at least that’s what they hope…
“Good morning, John. It’s time for you to get up and take a shower; it’s an exciting day!” exclaimed Amy.
“Okay mom, thanks for waking me up. And yes it is an exciting day!” added John.
About two hours later, everyone was ready to go. They had to meet Scientist Rudy at around 4:00 PM.
“When we return, you will be a changed man,” said Chad.
  They arrived at Science Central at 4:00 on the dot. Filled with joy, Scientist Rudy was standing there waiting for them.
  “Hello, hello, hello! It’s a big day. Are you ready to go back?!” asked Rudy.
  “I sure am sir,” replied John.
“I’m going to have you guys come in as well so you can see what will be happening as we kill this awful cancer that your son has.”
“Okay, that would be great Rudy. Thank you so much again!” replied Chad.
Rudy took John and his parents back. He had John change into a hospital gown and lay down on a bed that was connected to a machine that looked like the exact same one as he was in when he was getting his MRI done.
  “Okay. Just like an MRI son, the important thing is to stay completely still. This procedure should take no more than an hour to complete. And remember, it’s pain free and you won’t feel a thing. Just think, once you come out of this machine, you are going to be cancer free!” said Rudy excitedly.
  An hour has passed, and the procedure was completed. John came out alive, and explained that he didn’t feel a thing. Rudy then took him back to the MRI room to see if the machine had actually worked, and sure enough there were no cancer cells in sight. This meant that the machine had worked and John was cancer free!
  “What a miracle!” screamed John and his parents at the same time.
  “Yes, a miracle indeed. And also remember that the ‘Cancer Free Machine’ prevents the cancer from ever coming back,” replied Rudy flabbergasted.
  “You saved my son’s life and made us a family again! I will never be able to repay what you have done for us Rudy,’ replied Amy.
“Oh, please stop, Mrs. Amy. It makes me happy enough to know that I saved someone’s life. I made a family come back together. That is enough for me,”
“Yes. Thank you so much, Rudy,” added Chad.
“You saved my life, Rudy. I can’t be thankful enough. Cancer is not a death sentence, but rather it is a life sentence that pushes one to live. You pushed me to live Rudy. Please, if you know ANYONE that has cancer, please put them through this machine! You have worked wonders with this,” said John tearing up.
“Believe me son, I definitely will. I believe that God put me on this earth to help people. And I will continue to help people through their biggest challenges whether   I know them or not for the rest of my life. Thank you John. You are my inspiration to keep on going no matter how hard life’s battles can be,” replied Rudy.
In conclusion, what if we had a machine that could take all forms of cancer away and prevent it from ever coming back? A machine that would prevent us from losing the ones we love most. About 7.6 million people die each year around the world from this terrible sickness we call cancer. In real life, there is not yet a cure. But when there is, our population will be higher and stay higher than it ever has. And we won’t have to worry about losing our loved ones from cancer again. Yes, there is treatments including chemotherapy, and radiation but why spend all your money on those treatments? Usually, they will take the cancer away but 9 out of 10 times, the cancer almost always comes back and will haunt you forever.

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