Life After... | Teen Ink

Life After...

October 15, 2015
By ANorthKoreanKFC BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
ANorthKoreanKFC BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I look over at what used to be Indianapolis all I could see was burned down buildings and burning cars. As I walk I can hear all kinds of things crunching underneath my feet ranging from broken glass to broken bones.  I suddenly stop as I heard the sound of glass being broken and people talking. I take cover behind a corner and peek out. I can see a group of about three people looting a gas station.
I pull out my laser rifle and start to try to sneak past them. After barely sneaking by them I start to think about my family and how it seems like I’ll never find them.  I’ve been searching for them for about six months and all the clues I’ve heard have been false. I’ve checked all the refugee camps and most of the forts to no prevail.  I start to hear a dog barking at me so I go up to him and give him a little pat on the head hoping he wouldn’t attack me.
“Hey there big guy!” I exclaimed.
So far this dog is the only creature that hasn’t attempted to attack or kill me. He has a collar on, so I decide to inspect it. I read the name of the tag and it reads “Hunter”.
“You want to come with me Hunter?” I ask him.
He barks again and begins to wag his tail. I think to myself, I finally have a companion. So now its just me and this Blood Hound. I start to walk some more, hoping I would see my parents or one of my siblings. After a while of searching to no prevail, I decide to pack up and head into the nearby woods. Its about nine o’clock so I decide to camp out between two big maple trees.
I wake up at about six A.M. to see Hunter licking my face. I pack up and decide to move north. As I’m walking I hear something rustling in the bushes. I move towards it and a rabbit jumps out. I startles me but I wipe my brow in relief it was a mutant or something. I start to pack up my thing and think about where to go next. I finally decide to go to Chicago to search some more for my family.
As I following my compass down the road I see a traveler. He looks like a shady type of guy, so I decide to avoid him. As I’m walking I decide to start checking cars to see if they are working. I find a dark blue SUV and start to head much faster towards Chicago. I see a variety of weird creatures along the way. I see what looks like a fairly large humanoid creature chasing a random cow.
The car runs out of gas a third of the way there. So I decide to take a little nap as Hunter begins to nap on my lap. I wake up to Hunter growling and barking at something. I rub my eyes and look in the direction he’s barking to see a pack of mutant creatures.  The begin to slowly walk in our direction. I tell Hunter to be quiet and I push us both beneath the seats.
I can hear their footsteps getting closer and closer. Then out of now where what seems to be a mutant wolf. They start to battle during the fight Hunter and I escape. So we continue to walk  the never ending walk. It’s about twelve in the morning when we arrive in Chicago. I find some brush and decide to make a little makeshift bed.
I wake up at about eleven in the morning and start my search again. I check a lot of the popular but destroyed restaurants. I go into the last one before I make myself lunch. I look in there and I see a human. I yell “Hello!” There was a faint response from her.
“Who are you?” she whispers.
She looks at me and I instantly know who she is. It’s my sister, Ashley, I can tell by her face that she recognizes me. We run towards each other in a hugging motion.
“Where’s mom and dad?”  I ask.
She replies “Well they’re both sleeping upstairs.”
Before we have a chance to begin our walk upstairs I hear a loud roar. I look out the window in utter horror to see two gigantic mutant animals. Before I could even think about what I should do I grabbed my sister and ran faster than I ever had before. I can hear them running after us they were right on our heels.
My heart was racing I couldn’t think of a way to get them to lose us. I had completely forgotten about my rifle. Then I realized that Hunter wasn’t with us, so I turn around to see distracting the two creatures. Hunter gave me enough time to push to push my sister into cover and pull out my rifle and fire. I manage to kill both the creatures but Hunter was badly injured. I did my best to patch him up, but within hours he had perished.
I was so happy and sad at the same time I had found my family but lost a great friend in the process. After several days of catching up with my family we decide to head to the woods and make a shelter to live in for a couple of months. I have learned a lot of the several months I was alone and when I met Hunter he kept me from going completely insane. It felt good to be with my family but I honestly would never forget Hunter for the rest of my life even it were to end a day or in twenty years.

The author's comments:

This was an assignment it wasn't that fun.

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