A Missing Twin | Teen Ink

A Missing Twin

October 15, 2015
By MarykingJackson BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
MarykingJackson BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A Missing Twin
“Oh My Gosh, how come I keep having those dreams?”
Ever since those people decided to come and take innocent bystanders I haven’t been able to sleep. I call these people the rats. The reason for this is because they sneak through the houses of people when they are sleeping, dig through their stuff, and squeal and run away when they are caught. Oh let me introduce myself, I’m Blair. I’m just a normal girl from New York City who just so happens to have a horrible life. Well, I guess not horrible but pretty close. I’ve always been different because I’m 5’11, but I don’t understand why everyone looks at me so different. I also have long blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and stupid dimples that I wish I never had. But enough about me, Let me tell you a little bit more about the society that I live in.
Almost 500 years ago there were two countries that thought bringing out nuclear bombs was a good thing. The two countries kept threatening that they were going to fire them, but then never did. To sum it all up the leaders of all the countries came together for the first time to make a treaty. The treaty was put in place to keep other countries from invading more countries so that each place can keep their peace. It lasted until about two years ago when somebody from the other country and brought radiation poisoning with them to the United States, to kill the president and his family.  This made each state go on lockdown to make sure that nobody else got sick. Today, there are nuclear bomb threats all the time. But me, I’m just in the middle of it all.
“Hey Blair, will you come help me with this?”
This was Sophie. I’ve known her since we were little kids, so we’re basically related but not really.
“What do you need this time,” I said sarcastically trying not to laugh at myself.
“I need you to help me get this shirt off of the shelf,” Sophie said whiningly.
By the way Sophie is really short so she asks me to do everything for her.
“Ok just give me a minute; I’m looking at something interesting”
“What are you looking at?” said Sophie.
“I’m found something and you’re not going to believe me if I tell you it,” I said shockingly.
Sophie had given up on the shirt and walked towards where I was standing. I was looking at some old family photos that were strictly off limits to me, but I got curious and my parents weren’t home. While I was looking through these pictures I saw a boy who looks exactly like me, but this can’t be possible. My mom always said that I was an only child, and she couldn’t have any more kids.
“Sophie, do you know where my phone is?”
“Don’t you have it in your pocket?” Sophie replied.
“I don’t have it in my pocket because it was charging.” I said in probably a mean way.
Sophie brought me my phone and I called my mom asking her to come home right away. When she got home she saw me with the picture in my hand and she told me to put it back. I obviously didn’t so she just started telling me the story.
“Blair, you have a twin brother named Ross who we had to give to the government when he was two. We had to give all of our kids up because your father was in a lot of trouble, so we hid you and kept the secret that we had more than one child. The government finally got off our back and then we just pretended that you were our new baby.”
I stood there shocked at what I just heard. Then I did something I never thought I would do.
My mom looked shocked, and to be honest I was shocked to. I knew I had to leave and find him before I lost my mind. So again I shocked myself because I ran to my room and didn’t come out until I knew she was sleeping. Then I would take Sophie, Cece, and a guy named Logan with me.
Let me tell you a little bit about Cece. She is an average height with short red hair and bangs. She is very fashion forward with a little bit of attitude. Plus she is one of the smartest people I know. Logan is the tallest person I know, well except for me I guess. He is the one person who can still make me laugh even though I’ve been through a lot in the last year. Logan is probably 6’4, has short strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. The weirdest part of this all is that Cece and Logan are siblings. I really don’t want to say it but I know I have to, I think Logan is really cute.
That night I got my stuff and left. I sprinted down the street to Sophie’s house and texted her to get her butt outside. Luckily Sophie was a night owl.
“Blaire, I honestly don’t know how we’re still friends.” Sophie Said grumpily.
“Aww thanks for thinking so much about my feelings.” I said sarcastically.
Next we stopped at Logan and Cece’s whose house was only down the street. Cece’s mom was basically my second mom so when I told her I was going to look for my brother, she was all ears.
“Cece, why does it take your brother so long to get out of bed?” I said in an annoyed way.
“I don’t know, but if you really want him to come down I’ll just text him and say that one of the rat guys got you. It works wonders really.”
When Cece said that, I turned as red as her hair. Finally Logan was outside and we were running as fast as possible considering we had a ton of our belonging with us. The next fifteen minutes were torture because all of us had been on each other’s tails to see who could run faster. Finally we got to a spot in the city where the government had set up cameras to see if anyone was going to break in. Although I was tall, I could kick butt in the any pair of shoes you gave me. Plus because I was tall, it was easy to knock out cameras. This place is where they took the smartest people in the state and tested them to see if they could make weapons for any surprise attacks. Sophie was a computer genius so I was surprised when the government didn’t go to her house and tell her she was coming with them. I think the reason is that her mom has always been good at hiding things just like each parent since people have gone missing.
“Blair, do you think that somebody will catch us doing this?” Cece said nervous enough she was shaking.
“Honestly I think you worry too much,” Logan was laughing about this for like five minutes strait.
Now that Sophie had hacked all of the computer systems it was a lot easier running around the building, until somebody came up behind me. Nobody would have been able to tell that I knew because I was trying to act calm. Next thing I know, the person had a hand on my mouth and said something I couldn’t really understand. Then this figure dragged me down the hall into pulled me into a pitch black room.
“Who are you and why are you here?” said the figure in kind of a scream, whisper way.
“Why would you care anyway?” I said this in the calmest way I could, but it didn’t really work. Next thing I know there is a stinging pain in my left cheek. He slapped me. The figure just straight out slapped me and I couldn’t do anything about it.
“Let’s start over. I’m Ross and I am head of security here. So, who are you?” The figure, well actually Ross said in a way that was a lot nicer than before.
“I’m Blair, and you look really young to be a security guard.”
For some reason he looked really familiar. I don’t know if it was the green eyes that shined through cracks in the old door, or the way he said my name like he had heard it a million times. I don’t know what it is, but its weird man.
“Why does everybody say that, I’m only 18 so it’s not like ‘m that young,” Ross said it a pitiful way actually.
“I’m looking for my brother who got taken away from my family by the government when we were little kids. Do you think you could help me find him in the hall of records?”
Usually I would never trust somebody that I just met, but he was different. He seemed almost like a lost puppy that now had a bear as a mother.
“I trust you which is weird because I don’t usually trust anyone, but you seem different. I think I could probably get you in, but I don’t know about getting out. This place has loads of cameras that have different places where they are controlled. If I get you in, you have to do something for me in return,” Ross said in an almost loving was.
“What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to find out who my family is because when the government started taking children to make weapons, I was chosen and I don’t remember who my family was.” Ross was sad and even though we were in a room filled with dust and probably more weapons and it was pitch black, I could tell he really meant it.
We left the room and finally found my friends. When I was running to them with this guy I just met, they looked worried and mad so that wasn’t good.
“Blair who is this?” Logan said like he was about ready to fight.
“This is Ross and he is showing us where the hall of records is.”
“Why is he doing this may I ask?” Cece said in a sassy way.
“He is helping us because I’m also finding his family because he was one of the children who was taken when he was younger.” I am really starting to get frustrated with them to be honest.
They all were quiet now and Ross was showing us where the hall of records was. Once we got into the room, he turned the lights on and I was at a loss for words. This was the biggest room I’ve ever seen in my life. It looked like it went on forever. I finally got a chance to see what Ross looked like, and he looked just like me but with brown hair. To be honest I was kind of stunned because it was like he was a duplicate of me.
I started walking down the endless hall to see if I could find my last name. It took me about ten minutes to find it and then came the aisle and then I had to walk around until I found it. My last name was pretty common so it as easy to find the records. When I started looking closely I saw that I had a twin brother but I didn’t get to see the name before Logan came around, picked up off the ground, and started running the opposite direction of where I was supposed to be.
“Ok I’m going to try to tell you this fast, I was looking around more and I saw that not all of the cameras had been turned off. The light that usually blinks when the cameras are on was yellow which means that somebody is watching you. Once I saw that I started running back to where I had left Ross and the girls, and they were gone,” Logan said breathlessly.
“Logan put me down before I start screaming bloody murder.” Logan put me down and tried to catch his breath.
“What are you talking about and why did you pick me up?” At this point I was way past furious so I looked at Logan and then looked back at the door ,but when I looked at the door I saw that there were little figures coming closer and closer until I saw that these people were actually security guards.
When I looked back at Logan, I saw that he was already off in the other direction. That made me know that it was probably time for me to stop being stubborn and go with him. I had almost caught up when my shirt was yanked back and I had fallen on the ground. When I looked back to see who it was, it was one of the top security guards in all of New York City. My nest question was why did they want me and let Logan keep running. I think I’m pretty spacey so when I looked up to see I was almost out of the gigantic room, I started to scream like it was that last thing I would ever do. That caught Logan’s attention and he was right back on their heels.  I was still screaming to one of the other goons stuck some take on my mouth and told me to shut up or I won’t see the sun ever again. That basically did it for me and I stopped immediately.
After a few more turns I was in another big room but this one had my friends in it. What I didn’t expect to see was that they were both on different sides of the room with knives brought up so there neck so if they moved them it would cut there throat. One of the goons threw me in a chair, tied all my limbs, and pulled the tape off so fast I think it pulled off skin. We sat there in silence until Logan sprinted in but only got a good two feet before he was yanked to the ground by the security guy. He was so close to getting out until the guy cut him with a knife in the back. I looked at him and for the first time ever I saw fear. Fear was a word that was never a part of Logan’s vocabulary. Fear was something that was never talked about because nobody had time to be scared. Logan was screeching, whining, groaning and he was as pale as a ghost. Cece and Sophie were forced to not be able to look because if they did then they would die. I was done. I looked at Sophie then Cece and knew what I had to do. The two goons who were standing by me weren’t paying any attention to the gun that were on their waists. While they were looking at Logan on the floor, I started turning the chair so that if I fell then when I fell on the floor I would have a cushy place to land. Because they didn’t tie my arms together it was pretty easy to get a hold of the gun. As I predicted, it was the easiest plan in the world. I got the gun and shot the goons, but when I pointed it at the security guard, Ross barged in and kicked the gun out of my hand.
“Ross what are you doing!” I said yelling.
“Oh Blair, you are stupider than I thought. When I was a little I remember having a sibling. This sibling was actually a twin sister who I got along with very well with until my ridiculous parents decided that they would rather have her than me. When I heard them talking about it, I planned to be a terrible kid so that they really could give me to somebody else. If you could guess my plan worked perfectly and they gave me to the government and kept there little princess. I never saw them or even heard them again after it happened.”
“What does that have to do with me Ross?” I basically yelled but yet didn’t.
“Oh Blair, don’t you get it?” Ross said questionably.
“No not really,” I said frustrated that he didn’t just tell me already.
“I’m your brother that you don’t remember. I’m the person who our parents never talked about.”
“Wait, how did you know I was your sister when I didn’t even know I had a brother that I didn’t know about until yesterday?” I was wondering why he just didn’t tell me till now, but I guess that he had a plan to.
“I had always looked at the files and plus I would never forget you because you’re the only friend I ever had,” Ross said but I could tell he was obviously lying.
“Ross can’t you just not lie for once? I know you had other friends even if you did get taken away from our family.” I didn’t care that he was evil at this point, I just wanted my brother back.
Ross looked at me with revenge and disgust and that’s all I needed to go charging after him. Yeah I was tall but I could fight like I was trained by the best fighters in the world. I punched him a few times, then drop kicked him so he fell backward. He fell to the floor so hard I think he made a dent in the floor.
“Ross, I don’t want to kill you but I will if it means that my family will be safe then I’ll do it.”
“Why do you try so hard Blair, especially when we both know that you’ll never do it because you’re so scared that I will kill you anyway?” I really don’t like him right now to be honest with you.
I ended up tying him up and getting my friends out because you know what he wasn’t worth my time, and he didn’t know what love was anymore. When I got the two girls out, they both game me a big hug and then we all went over to Logan who was still in a ball on the floor. We all helped Logan up and walked out of the room and left the building before we all got sent to jail for the rest of our lives. Walking home was the easiest part of the whole day. All of us lived about fifteen blocks away from the city, but it felt like ages went by.
Sophie went home to her house and because Logan and Cece’s mom and dad were out of town for business, I went in and helped Logan with is back. Cece went up to take a shower but I knew she just did it so that Logan and I could be alone.
“Thanks for saving us Blair. For a moment there I thought we were all going to die, so it was nice that we lived.” Like I said before, Logan always could make me smile.
“It was no big deal anyw-.” Before I could finish what I was saying Logan did the most unexpected thing that anybody could do, he hugged me. It was quick, but it meant a lot.
“Sorry about that Blair, but I really like you and I had to do it at some point.”
“You know Logan, I’m not a very emotional person but I really like you to.”
Cece came down the stairs and just looked at us and started laughing.
“I can’t believe you finally did it you big butthead.” Cece said laughing which made me laugh to.
Even though I know who my brother was now and I would probably see him again, I knew we have a bunch to talk about and I couldn’t wait for what’s in store.

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