The Pack | Teen Ink

The Pack

November 3, 2015
By ShadowGamer BRONZE, 85234, Arizona
ShadowGamer BRONZE, 85234, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Hey Zoe! Wait up!”
Zoe stops in her tracks to wait for Kayla patiently. Zoe, a cute, light brown hair, 15 year old teenager with light blue color on the tips of her hair, has a sweet, caring personality, and has been bullied at all her schools. Kayla is a small, kind, 14 year old teenager, with a sensitive, curious, and adventurous side to her; has been Zoe’s friend since 2nd grade.
“You forgot your homework and your necklace in class.” Kayla handed Zoe her homework assignment and the necklace, a dream catcher, over to Zoe.
“Thanks, I guess.” Zoe takes her homework and puts her necklace on, which starts to shimmer when Zoe clips it around her neck,”Well I have to catch the bus, so I'll see you around Kayla.” Zoe gave Kayla a hug and left her standing there with a surprised look on her face as Zoe walked away. Kayla, after a while ran to catch up with Zoe.
“Hey Zoe can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah sure. Come sit with me and we can chat more.” Zoe led the way to the back of the bus on seat 23.
“Okay, so whats up Kayla? Is something wrong?”
“Umm yes something is wrong.”Kayla looks down and twiddles with her thumbs.”You see we haven't talked since you met Sage, and now you talk to me. What's going on with you Zoe? You’ve changed, what happened?” Kayla looks at Zoe with a serious, worried look on her face.
“Kayla,I haven't changed. And yes, I have noticed that I've been hanging out with Sage more than you and completely left you, but that doesn't change anything.” Zoe hugs Kayla, “We are still friends and nothing can change that.”
“I guess you're right. I'm sorry about this.”
“No it's better that you told me, than for you to not tell me.”
“Hey guys what are you talking about? It's Kayla right?” Sage, a light blonde haired girl with a fun, and carefree personality has been the new girl since last month, sits in the seat in front of Zoe and Kayla.
“Yeah I'm Kayla, and we were just talking about some stuff. Oh, and Sage can I ask you a question?”
“Oh, okay.” Sage says with a smile. “Shoot. What’s this question?”
“Where did you use to live? And why did you come here?”
“Well Kayla, why do you need to know this information?” Sage turns serious and protective.
“Oh, it’s just a question, nothing important. I’m just curious, that’s all.” Kayla says with a fake smile.
“Well, I don’t feel comfortable telling you that information. Anyways, Zoe are you going to join me tonight. We need to talk.”
“Oh yea, I'll be there.” Zoe says back with a smile.
“Wait, what is going on?” Kayla looks at Sage and Zoe with a puzzled look.
“Oh you haven't told her? I thought for sure you would have, after all you two have been best friends for years.”
“What haven't you told me?” Kayla turns to look at Zoe with a stare, but Zoe is focused on something else. “Zoe, what are you looking at?” Sage looks at Zoe’s special necklace and see it turning into a blue. “Zoe, calm down.” Sage whispers only loud enough for Zoe to hear. Sage and Kayla turn to see what Zoe is staring at and see the new guy, Mike. Mike is a dark haired, 16 year old boy, who just moved into town, and is fun to be around.
“Oh yeah, Zoe that's what we need to talk about.”
“Hey girls! What's going on Sage.” Mike joins in and sits next to Sage.
“Oh, hey Mike. Zoe this is Mike, we met in the hallway today and I helped him out .You know, getting to classes and all that jazz. Anyways, Mike this is Kayla and..”
“Zoe I presume?” Mike interrupted Sage's introduction of her friend.
“Nice to meet you, Mike. I'm Zoe.” Zoe says quietly.
“Ah, nice to meet the lovely shy bug.” Mike says with a joking laugh.
“Well I’m going to go sit with Victoria, before the bus leaves.” Kayla gets up and walks three seats in front of everyone.
“Mike, why don’t you sit with Zoe?” Sage gives Mike a little push out of the seat.
“Alright, alright, alright.” Mike sits next to Zoe, “So what’s up. I’d like to get to know this shy bug.”
“What would you like to know?” Zoe says looking down, blushing.
“Well, what’s your favorite place here?”
“Umm, my favorite area would be the cafe right by the forest. They have the best drinks.. What’s yours?”
“Mine? Oh, well I like the field.”
“The one with all the girly flowers? That’s a girls thing!” Sage starts making fun of Mike.
“Oh yeah hot shot, well your favorite spot is also a boy’s.” Mike throws his retort back at Sage.
“How did you know my favorite spot?” Sage looks back, eyes wide.
“Don’t play dumb. I know you two know what I am.” Mike says quietly.
“We know what you are, but how can you read our minds? I can’t do that, can you Zoe?”
“Yeah, I can.” Zoe says quietly.
“You do? Why didn’t you tell me?” Sage turns her attention to Zoe.
“I didn’t think it was important at the time, and besides you would use my powers for your own use.” Zoe looks up with her necklace a bright yellow.
“Zoe calm down, don’t get mad at me.”
“Why shouldn’t I!” Zoe starts to get louder and the necklace start to sizzle.
“Mike hold her down.” Sage orders Mike.
“Why would I do that?”
“Just do it!”
“Don’t touch me Mike, you will regret it.” Mike grabs Zoe.
“I said don’t touch me!” Zoe starts to burn Mike’s arms and Mike jumps away.
“Ow, what was that for.”
“She’s wolfing out Mike. We need to stop her.”
“How do we do that?” Mike looks at Sage worriedly.
“I don’t know do something.”
“Hey Zoe, can I ask you a question?”
“What do you want, are you just going to be a jerk to me like everyone else is?”
“No, Zoe. You are an amazing girl, and I see your feelings towards me. I know you don’t like and or trust me, but give me a shot.”
Zoe starts to calm down on what Mike says, “Really?”
“Ah, just kiss already.” Sage starts to play around, like nothing even happened.
ANYONE AT WINDER STREET TIME TO HOP OFF. THIS IS YOUR STOP. The bus stops and Mike, Zoe, Sage, and Kayla get up and exit the bus thanking the bus driver.
“Hey Zoe, can we walk together? I’d like to talk a bit more with you.” Kayla pulls Zoe away from everyone else.
“Yeah, sure. I’ll meet you there Sage.” Zoe says walking away with Kayla.
“Alright see you around.” Sage and Mike set off to their homes, which are right next to each other.
“So, what’s going on, Kayla?”
“What have you not told me? What are you hiding?”
“I’m not hiding anything Kayla, you’ve known me forever. Why would you ask me that?”
“I am just curious and I feel like you're hiding something from me.”
“Oh, come on Kayla. Well I have to go catch up with them. I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Okay.” Zoe takes off with Kayla asking questions to herself when Zoe is out of range.
“What is she hiding from me? What is up with her lately? Is it something to do with Sage? And why was she so mad on the bus today?” Kayla walks home whispering more and more questions as she walks home.


“Zoe I didn't think you'd come!” Sage runs up to Zoe and gives her a big hug.
“I promised I'd come and besides, you had news for me?” Zoe hugs Sage back.
“Yes Zoe I have big news.” They break up their hug and Sage takes a deep breath.
“Yes? What is it?”
“You remember Mike?”
“The one from the bus, the new kid.”
“Yeah him.”
“Yeah. What about him? Wait, is he one of us?” Zoe leans in very interested.
“Yes he is.” Sage says slowly, as she takes a step back.
“I knew their was something up with him, I could tell as soon as I saw him.” Zoe jumps up with a glee, while her necklace turns orange.
“I know you completely went zoned out when you saw him.” Sage says with a giggle.
“Well you can tell him to come out now.” Zoe says looking down, blushing, with her necklace red.
Mike jumps down from the oak tree above Zoe and Sage and lands right in front of Zoe. “ How did you know I was up there?” Mike says with a mockingly shocked tone.
“I could smell you. You know you're very obvious?” Zoe looks up a bit at Mike with a innocent smile.
“I am, am I?” Mike goes up to Zoe and looks at her.
“To me you are” Zoe looks back into his sparkling green eyes, with a cheerful smile.
“Okay enough you two love birds, we are here to talk about business,so let's get down to it.”
“Alright, alright commander.” Zoe says with a mocking tone as she steps away from Mike. “So what's this business?” Zoe’s necklace turns purple, for excited.
“Well, Mike is new to our territory and rules so we must teach him everything we know.” Sage walks towards Mike slowly.
“Ah, that's why we are here tonight at the full moon?” Zoe replies with a tone in her voice.
“Bingo, we have to teach him the territory tonight.” Sage pushes Mike to the ground and takes off into the woods.
“What was that about?” Mike says with a confused look as he gets back up to his feet.
Zoe sighs and explains as he helps Mike back to up, “Well you see, to learn the territory you must play a game.”
“What's this game?” Mike cuts her off.
“Well, listen first, and ask later. Anyways, it's a game of tag with a twist, you will see when we play, but she pushed you and ran, so you need to find her and bring her back here to the camp. And more will be explain after that. I will wait here for now, now go track her down!”
“Alright see ya in a couple minutes!” He takes off after Sage on her trail.
Mike sees Sage in the forest and takes off with a full sprint. He gets right on her heels and reaches his hand out to catch Sage and take her back to the camp,but before he could catch her she jumped into the oak tree directly above her and Mike just barely missed her by an inch. Mike jumped after her and they were hopping from tree to tree playing this game of 'tag'. After a couple of minutes of hopping from tree to tree Sage went to the ground and looked behind her and changed her direction and jump kicks off a tree and goes directly over Mike and takes off running in the opposite direction yelling mockingly like a little kid, “Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, you can't catch me!”, and sticks her tongue out at him.
A couple minutes later, “Plan Z! NOW!”
Zoe runs out from the camp and runs to Sage's aid and jumps up into a tree with a leap. Sage runs under Zoe's tree with Mike on her heels. Zoe jumps down and lands right in front of Mike and makes him stumble.
“What was that for! I almost had her!” Mike gets up and knocks Zoe to the ground.
“As you can see, there was a twist. You should have seen me coming.” Zoe smiles from the ground with her necklace turning yellow again, but very faint.
“What do you mean. I was supposed to catch her and bring her back.”
Zoe interrupts with a sigh, “ You didn't listen, I said it had a twist and you would see the twists. Sage and I have these plans to stop intruders and well, that was Plan Z.” Zoe says with a smile.
“Oh that’s why she yelled that and changed her course?”
“PLAN F!” Sage shouts from deep in the forest.
“Ah, duty calls, Mike. Be aware of everything and you shall be fine. Gotta go, Plan F has commenced.” Zoe jumps up and takes off into the woods the opposite way from Sage.
Mike stalks Zoe as she heads in the direction back to camp and takes a turn to go to Sage's direction.
“Plan S!”
Zoe turns back and jumps into the trees and disappears from Mike's vision.
“Where did she go?” Mike wonders out loud.
“Use your senses. You're acting like you never use them.”
“Because I don't use them.”
“Ah, that explains a lot then. Zoe we have a lot to teach him. Let's get started shall we?”
“Yes, we shall.” Zoe's voice came from behind him.
Mike twirls around and Zoe is standing there with a smile on her face.
“How long have you been there?”
“For a while. Ever since you spoke aloud to yourself.” Zoe says with a smile and a glimmer in her eyes.
“Well, we should head back to camp and get your senses sharp again.” Sage jumps down and leads the way back to camp with Mike and Zoe following behind in a clamber.
“Hey Zoe, what’s up with your necklace?”
“Well it changes colors due to my mood, and it’s the source of my powers.”
“Ah, so what do the colors mean?”
“Well red is love, orange is happy, yellow is mad, green is nature, blue is my wolf, purple is excited, and black is it’s normal color.”
“Well that’s is very helpful information. What happens if your necklace is removed?”
“My powers won’t work anymore. Every since I was a little child I have been soul bound to this necklace.”
“Wow. That’s amazing.”
"Anyways, let's stop talking about me, where did you use to live?" Zoe asks very interested.
"I used to live in the city. I grew up there, and that's why my senses are bad. I never used them."
"Why couldn't you use them?"
"The wires from the towers hurt me when i tried, so i just stopped using them."
"I would never know how that is?"
"How what is?"
"Not being able to use my powers. I've used them all my life."
"So what is the story behind you and Sage's friendship?"
"Well it used to just be me, the lone wolf, but ever since she joined me we have been a pack."
"So where did she come from?"
"Well she knows the most of her powers more than I do. I never knew where she came from though."
Sage overhears their conversation and turns around. "Do you wish to know? Where i came from and my history?" Sage’s eyes start to turn into a gold
Mike and Zoe look at each other and nod. "Yes, we wish to know." They both turn back to look at Sage.
"Okay, well let's stay here, and make a camp."
"Alright, ma'am." They both say with a hand to their foreheads.
"Alright stop playing around. Zoe lets test you on your knowledge. What do we do to make a camp safe from anything?"
"Well do you want me to set it up or order you all around?"
"Whatever you wish, captain."
Zoe looks around to see what she can do to build a camp. There are several oak trees surrounding them, some oak logs on the ground from previous storms. Zoe brainstorms ideas and makes up her mind.
"Alright, Sage grab that log and bring it here. Mike grab any logs like that and bring them here." Zoe points out the log for Sage and Mike to see. Sage takes off and rolls the log over to Zoe and Mike heads off to find more logs.
"Okay, Sage help me put this log on that branch." Zoe picks up one side and Sage picks up the other. "Are you sure the branch can hold this?" Sage questions.
"Yes, it will. Now jump!" Zoe and Sage jump up into the tree with the logs in their hands. Zoe positions the log so it's stable on three trees.
"Hey girls were did you go? I have more logs!"
Zoe jumps from tree to tree, "Use your senses tell me what tree i am on!" Zoe jumps to one last tree and sits and waits.
Mike drops the logs and leaps into the trees, "Let's see, your trail leads over here." Mike jumps to the tree Zoe shouted from, "And then you went here." Mike then hops to the tree Zoe is on. "Ha, got you!"
"So your smell could use some work along with your hearing." Zoe stands up and takes a great leap to where mike dropped all the logs off.
Mike follows Zoe down, " What do you mean my smell and hearing could use some work? I found you in like 30 seconds."
"Yes, but you could have found my location right away, or heard me jumping through the trees."
"Oh, well okay." Mike sounds disappointed.
"Hey, don't be sad. You did better than I expected you to."
"Yes, no come help me lift this up there."
As everyone continues to build the tree house that Zoe commanded. It slowly turns to dawn. "Hey guys, dawn is approaching." Zoe announces while looking at the sunrise.
"Your right." Sage stops and looks with Zoe, "Well this is the last piece and we will be done, captain Zoe."
"Well the oak floor looks great. We have a lovely roof of leaves. And a nice base of oak logs. It seems to hold, and it blends in with its surroundings. I believe I have made a camp."
"Good job, you have passed your test. We must all meet in this tree house camp tomorrow at midnight. Everyone got it?" Sage directs as she exits the tree house.
"Wait! Tell us your history." Zoe jumps down out of the tree house and stops Sage.
“Ah, okay. Back up we go.” Sage and Zoe jump back into the tree house.
“Okay, my history. Well I have siblings who I despise, they made their own pack and my sister is the leader. I used to be part of it, but they banished me.”
“Why, what did you do?”
“I killed one of the members of the pack.”
“You what!?” They both look at Sage scared.
“I killed him. We were play fighting and I got too mad at him.” Sage looks down with a tear. “After that I came here. You know the rest.”
"Alright, well I have to get going ladies. I'll see you at school." Mike takes off through the trees.
Zoe and Sage look at each other with a smile and take off together down the camp through the forest and into the small town of Moonville.
After the school day, Mike, Zoe, and Sage all ride the bus home together, while Kayla watches from a distance. "I will find out your secret, Zoe." Kayla swears under her breath.
"Hey, Mike what do you want to practice?" Zoe asked Mike after they get off the bus, and Sage leaves to go do homework.
"How about my speed, and hearing, and smell?" Mike offers.
"Yeah sure, but the question is are you ready for another game of tag?"
"Will there be twists in this one too?'
"I mean Sage is not here, but you never know. That's how you practice your skills."
"Alright, push me down." Mike puts his arms up and is ready for the push.
"Ah, my friend, that's not how I play."
"What? Then what do you do?" Mike looks at her confused.
Zoe spins Mike, so he is not looking at the forest. "Well I just make you not look and." Zoe's voice is cut off and everything is silent.
"Zoe? Zoe? Zoe!?" Mike gets worried even more when Zoe doesn't respond. Zoe's scream of bloody murder reaches where Mike is standing. "ZOE!" Mike turns around as fast as lightning and zips into the forest, not thinking and only relying on his senses. "Zoe, I'm coming!" Mike's senses boost up way more than they normally are and he can smell her location, can hear her moving, and is much faster than normal. Mike runs up a tree and jumps off landing on a branch of another tree. He takes a giant leap onto the tree Zoe was in and sees Zoe sprinting off into the distance. "Oh, you sneaky sly." Mike swears under his breath. Mike jumps from tree to tree above Zoe and takes another leap, right in front of Zoe. Mike grabs Zoe's arms, "Ha, got you."
"What, were did you come from?" Zoe says with a surprised look. "I couldn’t smell you or hear you."
"You couldn't?" Mike lets go of Zoe.
"No, I couldn't. What did you do?"
"I heard you scream, and went running to you fast than I normally could. I could also smell, hear, and I knew your exact location. I was in the trees."
"Hold on a second, I screamed?'
"Yes, I heard you scream, like someone was going to kill you."
"I didn't scream."
"Then, who." Mike was cut of by another scream.
"That's Sage!" Zoe takes off to Sage's aid with Mike ahead of her.
Mike reaches the location first and sees a girl lying on the ground. "Zoe." Zoe catches up and is standing next to Mike looking at the girl. "This isn’t Sage. Who is it?"
"Step away from our leader!" A stranger voice says with a growl.
"Who said that? And who is this girl?" Zoe starts asking a lot of questions at the random voice.
"Zoe, finally I found you." Kayla steps out from the undergrowth and runs to Zoe.
"Kayla! What are you doing here?"
"I followed you." Zoe pushes Kayla behind her.
"My name is Jack. I am part of the enemy that you should know about, and it seems you are busy protecting this human."
"Jack, that sounds familiar." Zoe whispers to Mike.
"Now tell me what you did to Sam, or we shall go to war."
"Listen Jack we didn't do anything to Sam, we heard her scream and thought it was Sage, so we came running to help."
"Don't you lie to us. This will not end well for you." Jack changes into a white wolf, with a tear on his right ear and black eyes, lunges at Zoe. A larger golden wolf, with black patches and gold eyes, jumps out from the side where there were a lot of undergrowth and knocks Jack into a tree. The golden wolf changes back into Sage. "Don't you hurt them Jack, it will only end badly for you."
"Oh, my god Zoe, what is happening?"
"We need to hid you." Zoe grabs Kayla and lunges into the trees and puts Kayla on a branch "Stay here, no matter what you see or hear, you got it?" Zoe whispers to Kayla. "Yes I understand Zoe, but you have a lot of explaining to do after this."
"I understand. I will tell you everything after this." Zoe jumps back down next to Mike.
John continuous and ignores what happened with Zoe,"I can see that. What did you do to your sister?"
"She's not dead, she's just knocked out from my hit."
"Wait, she's your sister, Sage? Why didn't you tell me?" Zoe gets closer to Sage. "Stay back, Zoe!"
"Zoe, this isn’t your fight. You need to stay out of it." Sage whips around and pushes Zoe back into a tree. Zoe gets knocked out by the blow and Mike runs to her side.
"Ah, look what you did to you friend there, Sage. You hurt her, shall I finish her off for you?" Jack mocks and changes back to his wolf self
"Don't touch her!" Sage lunges and in the air changes into her golden wolf, but she was didn't act fast enough as Jack slammed her into a tree and lunges at Zoe.
"Don't come any closer!" Mike stands in front of Zoe's unconscious body.
"Oh, how cute. Trying to save you little girl. It won't work." Jack knocks Mike to the ground and walks over to Zoe. "Oh, what a shame. She is unprotected." Zoe changes into a black wolf with brown patches with red eyes, and rolls out of the way and kicks Jack out of the way. "Don't be so c***y, Jack. I don't know what you did with my friends or what Sage has done or who you are, but this is where you will die." Zoe and Jack start circling each other in an attacking circle.
"That's a big threat for a little girl. I bet you don't even know who I am, do you?"
"What do you mean?"
"You don't know? I am Sage's brother."
"I will still end you. You hurt her!" Zoe luges at Jack and pins him down. Jack kicks Zoe up in the air and lands next to Mike with a thud. Jack gets back up and charges at Zoe, but Zoe climbs into the trees and changes back to jump around in the trees. Sage gets back up and joins Zoe in the trees and makes the signal for Plan B. Zoe jumps down on top of Jack and changes back into the powerful wolf and sinks her claws into his back. Jack jumps around, like a bull, to try to throw of Zoe, but Zoe is clinging on, like it will cost her her life. "Get off you brat!" Jack shouts as his jumping around.
"NOW!" sage jumps down in wolf form and slashes and bites at Jack's head and get Jack's leg in her mouth and Zoe bits down on his throat. Jack screeches and falls limp under Zoe. "I think we killed him Sage" Zoe changes back and is shaking. "I killed him. I actually killed him. What am I going to do, I've never actually killed someone." Sage grabs Zoe "Listen to me. He was going to kill us all if you didn't. You need to focus."
"Where's Mike?"
"I don't know." Zoe and Sage start looking around for Mike.
"Over her Sage, I think he is unconscious." Zoe is leaned over by Mike, while Sage heads over.
"He will be fine, but we should focus on the others."
"Who's the others?"
"In the enemy pack. There here, they smell the blood of Jack."
"I'll handle this, Sage watch over Mike. And trust me on this, okay?"
"Okay." Zoe and Sage switch spots, while four more wolves enter the area, growling in rage.
"Listen pack members. Hear me out and be humans."
Everyone, but one, changed into their human self and stand looking at Zoe in curiosity. The one brown wolf lunged at Zoe, but Zoe doesn't flinch. "I will not fight, hear me out." The brown wolf holds Zoe down growling, it's spit hitting the ground around Zoe's face. "I said I'm not going to fight, and I am true to my word. Now be honorable and change back, like the rest of your pack." The brown wolf backs off Zoe and changes into a boy. "You have five minutes. Tell us what you want."
"I want to offer peace." Zoe announces getting back to her feet and dusting the dirt off her clothes.
"Peace, are you kidding! You stole our leader!" The boy steps forward in rage and looks as if he is about to change back.
"Calm down, let us explain." Sage stands up and walks over.
"Sage, I told you to wait. What"
"Sage, I am so sorry, I didn't know you were here, or responsible." The boy bows with his head down and the rest of the pack follows.
"Sage, what happened?" Zoe turns confused.
Sage sighs, "This is John, and this is my last pack. I used to be leader, but I ran away and left my sister in charge. She came hunting me down, but I didn't want to return to the arctic, so this is how this happened."
"Will you please come back with us?"
"No, she will not, but I will give you an offer."
"What is this offer?" John looks up at her.
"Combining the packs."
"What are you serious?!" growls at Zoe.
"Yes, imagine how it would be."
"Why should we join you?"
"Because we are the same. There are not many of our species. It's better to be an alliance than enemies."
"You have a point, but we will not combine. We will be your neighbors and alliance, so if you need us we are right there."
"Amazing, so we can stop this fighting?"
"Yes, we can."
"Wait!" Two strange voices shouts.
"What is it Alice and Ty?"
"We wish to join them."
"What?! You can't leave us. "
"Why can't they? It is their choice." Zoe steps up to collect the followers.
"Are you sure you want to leave us and join them." John turns and stares at the two friends.
Ty and Alice look at each and nod then walk over to Zoe, "We wish to follow her."
"It's your choice. Zoe take care of them, we must head back."
"Okay bye, see you around."
"Zoe! Help me down!" Kayla shouts from her spot on the branch with shock.
"I'm coming!" Zoe leaps up and brings Kayla down.
"Put me down, you monster! What are you?"
"Kayla let me explain." Zoe tries to put her hand on her shoulder, but Kayla slaps her hand away. "Don't touch me you beast."
"Kayla please let me explain!" Kayla takes off into the woods away from Zoe.
"What am I going to do?"
"We can help you!" Alice and Ty walk over to Zoe.
"We shall do as you wish."
"Okay let's bring her back here. You two go to the front and make her come back here and I'll do the rest."
"Yes ma'am." Alice and Ty take off together and a couple second later Kayla comes running back shaking.
"Kayla, please give me time." Zoe pleads while walking slowly towards Kayla.
"Why should I, you're a beast! What is there to explain?"
"Please just calm down and sit down. Just hear me out. I am no beast. Please just trust me"
"Okay, I trust you. " Kayla sits on the ground breathing heavier as Zoe gets closer and sits next to her.
"Kayla, I'm a wolfblood."
"What's that?"
"It's like a werewolf. But we can change whenever we want and have more powers than a normal human."
"Can you show me."
"Will you freak out?"
"No" And with those words Zoe steps back and changes into her wolf self.
"That can't be possible." Zoe steps closer and sits in front of Kayla and licks her face.
"Okay, change back." Kayla pleads as she wipes the saliva off her face; Zoe changes back.
"Okay, so I believe you, but why did you never tell me?"
"Because if I told you, you would have told others and our secret of wolfblood would be out. We would be experimented on, or even killed."
"I see, so I can't tell anyone?"
"Correct. But hey, on the bright side you can join me on my adventure and i don’t have to hide anything from you."
"I guess so, I mean having a friend that can be a wolf is kinda cool."
"Wanna go to the tree house?"
"Yeah, sure, how do we get up there."
"Grab on, and hold on tight." Kayla hugs Zoe tight, like a spider. Zoe leaps up to the newly built tree house and Kayla hops off.
"What else can you do?"
"I have super speed, strength, I can hear, smell, and sense things much more than a normal human can."
Mike, Sage, Sam, Alice, and Ty jump into the tree house and Kayla starts shaking. "Calm down they won't hurt you."
"Okay." Kayla starts to calm down.
"Ah, so you finally told her, did you?" Sage runs up and starts asking gleefully.
"Yes, I had to. She can now be apart of our pack."
"But how she isn't even a wolfblood." Alice questions.
"She doesn't have to be a wolfblood to be in the pack. She's my best friend, and since i'm leader, she is now in the pack."
"Yes, ma'am." Alice bows.
"No need to bow."
Alice gets back up, "Oh, Okay, ma'am."
"And no ma'am, it's just Zoe."
"Yes, ma'am, I mean Zoe."
"Good now, we should probably get you home, Kayla.'
"Can I ride on a wolf?" Kayla asks with sparkling eyes.
"Yes, pick a wolf. Everyone wolf form." Everyone in the room changes into wolf and Kayla looks scared but gleeful.
"Umm, I want to ride on Zoe." Everyone but Zoe changes back into their human self and Zoe gets down so Kayla can hop on.
Mike goes up to Kayla and whispers "Hold on tight, grab the fur and don't let go. She's a rough one."
"Thanks for the advice."
"Ready?" Sage asks.
"I think so."
"Okay Zoe, off you go." And with that Zoe takes off to Kayla's house and everything is peaceful in the town. Everyone lives as peaceful as possible, the fighting has ended with an alliance, and Zoe's secret is safe with Kayla, and they got two new members, Alice and Ty. Zoe, Mike, Sage, and Kayla may have more adventures and gain more pack members.

The author's comments:

I had a secret that I didn't want my friend to know about, but once she found out she didn't tell or judge. She just accepted me for who I was.

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