Because of Chartreuse | Teen Ink

Because of Chartreuse

April 12, 2016
By Maya3l BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
Maya3l BRONZE, Ardsley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was walking into the house when the piercing screech of metal hitting metal blasted into my ears. “Dad! I’m home!” I yelled down the our families laboratory. I saw dad in his lab coat jumping up and down screaming for me to come down stairs.
“Summer! I did it!” now he was frantic. “I invented a time machine!” Now he was hugging me.
“Wow dad I can’t believe it!” He has been working on this time machine for as long as I can remember. “I can’t wait to go tell chartreuse!” I kissed him on the cheek and ran out the door. Chartreuse is my best friend and I told her everything. Her and I both know what it feels like to be outcasts. People thought it was weird when we hung out and call me a freak, but we ignore it, our friendship is too strong. 
I came to a stop where the brooklyn bridge began. “Chartreuse! you'll never believe it!” I ran down to the water's edge where we always meet. Chartreuse swam up to the surface, “You’ll never believe what just happened!” we did our secret handshake when we saw each other but I can tell something was different, there was something wrong.
“ My horn picked up something unusual somewhere around the bridge” (Oh by the way, Chartreuse is a swimming unicorn that lives underneath the brooklyn bridge.)
“There was so much power my horn almost fell off”
“What? but this can’t be happening” I began, “ you are the only supernatural creature in Brooklyn, you signed that treaty with the mayor to insure so!” 
ZIIIINNNGGGGG! Chartreuses horn turned orange, it does that when it finds something out of the ordinary.
“Over there!” She gestured. And sure enough there was a flashing light around a giant cloud of smoke. Out stepped a small brown haired girl and a bright silver remote fell out of her pocket and flew towards me. I hesitantly went over and picked it up to then see it was labeled “The Jenkins 3000”. Wait, Jenkins, the Jenkins 3000? As in my dad’s Jenkins 3000? Is this girl from the future?
She was wearing a silver jumpsuit and pink sneakers. She looked like some sort of futuristic barbie doll. Walking over to me looking confused she said, “Where did you get that remote from?”
“Umm it just fell out of your pocket and flew over to me.”
“FLEW OVER TO YOU?!?!” I didn’t know how to respond to that. “The remote only flies over to people who are related me. My great-great-great-great grandpa invented it!”
“My dad is Marty Jenkins.”
“Your dad… your dad is Marty Jenkins?! He is my great-great-great-great grandpa! I used the time machine he invented to get here!”
I stopped. Time machine?  If this girl was telling the truth, that means my dad created the first ever time machine, and she had time traveled here from the future! “My name is Jayden, I am from the year 2176, and I have come to this era to warn you”
“Warn me about what?” I was kinda scared, it's not everyday a futuristic teenager appears the side of the Brooklyn bridge.
“ A terrorist group called ISIS placed a bomb somewhere around the Brooklyn bridge. On this day in my time, the Brooklyn bridge and my school explode and many people died. I came back in time to find the bomb and dismantle it, so nothing will be destroyed. If you saw the damage that this is caused, you will understand” Questions ran through my brain. “There's no time for waiting, let's get a move on. First step to our plan: get a map of the whole city to see where to go next”.
“ Look! There's a newsstand on the corner!” We hustled over to the newsstand to find a boy confusingly looking at a map of the bronx zoo. While Jayden surveyed the maps I walked over to the boy. “ Excuse me, you know your looking at a map of the Bronx zoo..Right?”. He had an old fashioned styled outfit and stared at me like I was an alien.
“Oh yes, Thank you, miss”
Just as I was about to walk away I noticed a silver shiny remote in his pocket. I spun around yelled for Jayden and grabbed the remote. “How did you get this?” I yelled in his face.
I gave him no time to answer. “Come with us” I pulled him along the side of the street all the way back to the bridge. There Jayden started analyzing the map while I questioned the kid.
“Who are you and how do you have this remote” I was very serious while asking this question, his answer could mean I found another distant relative in the same day.
“Slow down, slow down I'm from Brooklyn 1877, my name is Aidan and I don’t know what the remote is or how I got here” Before I was able to question him some more, Jayden interrupted my thoughts.
“Guys! I figured it out!” She shouted, “it's under the bridge!” She pulled out the map and showed us where the bomb was, then explained her plan. “ Summer, your unicorn friend-” I interrupted her, “you mean Chartreuse”
“Yes, Chartreuse, She will swim under the bridge and dislodge the bomb from where ISIS hid it. Then she will swim it back to us and we will bring it to a research center. There they will dismantle it so everyone will live happily ever after”
As we ran to the river edge to explain the plan to Chartreuse, the young boy asked what our names where.
“Jayden and this is Summer” Jayden replied. Just then Chartreuse emerged from the water, she had already heard the plan. “Sorry I was eavesdropping, but I'm in”.
I could tell Aidan was alarmed by seeing a unicorn come out of the water. Jayden started showing her the map and were she had to go once she got down there. ¨You will swim 45ft underwater, the bomb in 1000 feet in from the water's edge, at those points the bomb should be right there” Chartreuse nodded her head. She seemed very cool, relaxed and almost even excited. Before she dove down into the water, I gave my best friend a hug and told her to stay safe and I would see her later. I was little scared about my best friend going to get a bomb from underwater, but there was no way I could stop her. 
Without warning, Chartreuse dove back into the water.

We all anxiously waited around, “Are either of you concerned about Chartreuse?  it's been an hour” asked Jayden. To me this wasn’t even a question, of course I was concerned about Chartreuse, I couldn’t help but think something terrible was going to happen. “ No, of course I don’t care about my best friend” I replied sarcastically. Aidan started to laugh.
Another hour passed and there was still no sign of Chartreuse or the bomb. I was starting to get restless, so I picked up a rock and started skipping it across the water.  Just as I skipped my last rock from the pile I had made, the ripples in the water began to grow. Before I knew it, bubbles were rising out of the water. There was something unusual about the bubbles, when they popped, little clouds of smoke came out of them. A black cloud began to form right above the river. Before I had a chance to turn away, Chartreuse floated to the water's edge with the bomb stuck to her horn.
Jayden, Aiden and I stared at each other. I gasped and we ran to the water to try and save her. With no time to think, Jayden ran into the water and pulled the bomb off her horn... She didn’t flinch. Just then I realized I had lost Chartreuse. I collapsed to the ground and uncontrollably cried. Tears rushed over my face as Chartreuse slowly began to sink to the river's floor.
“And that pretty much brings us up to date”
I looked up from the podium of where i’ve been speaking. This is the first time I have ever spoken at a funeral, let alone my best friends. I saw mom in dad in the seats closest to the stage. I could tell they are proud of me. “ But Chartreuse died a hero,” I continue, “ Jayden returned to the future to find everything was back to the way it was, and Aidan returned to the past to use the time machine to go even farther in the past to see his mom. Non of this could have happened without Chartreuse, her actions will never be forgotten” I look over at the picture of her and I smiling at the foot of the Brooklyn bridge next to the podium. “May she rest in peace”

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