The Potion | Teen Ink

The Potion

May 20, 2016
By LuisLopez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
LuisLopez BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Joe was born in a weird town full of weird people who did really weird stuff. His parents would keep him inside the house everyday because his parents believed that those people weren’t safe to be around with. Joe didn’t enjoy his days spent inside the house, the only moments he enjoyed was when his mom would take him down to the basement and hang with his dad in his laboratory. One day when his parents weren’t home he decided to go to the basement and play with the potions, a lot of things ran into his mind that he decided to drink one of the potions. He was only 7 years old when he drank that potion , he didn’t know what he had drank , he just loved the color of the potion so much that he couldn’t help himself but to drink that potion.
When his parents came home they went up to Joe’s room to see how he was doing, he was laying down in his bed rubbing his stomach.
“What’s wrong son?” his mom said curiously as she was sitting next to Joe.
“N..nothing momma , I just have a small stomach ache from last night’s dinner” Joe replied in a sleepy voice.
“I’ll bring you some pills from the cabinet so you feel better son , okay ?” his mom said.
“Okay mom” Joe replied to his mom.
As his mom left the room to grab some pills for Joe her husband called her down to the basement.
“Victoria can you come down here !” his husband sounded really angry .
“Yeah I’ll be there in a second Carlos” she said
Victoria went down to the basement to see what was wrong with Carlos , and to find out what was wrong with Carlos.
“Where’s my potion Victoria ? Where ? . Yesterday it was right here . What happened to it ?” Carlos said kinda sad.
“I…. don’t know Carlos .. maybe someone broke in today when we weren’t home or last night , who knows ?” Victoria said .
“ I been working on these potions for 20 years ... FOR 20 YEARS!!!” he said crying.
“I’m sorry for what just happened Carlos .. I’m sure you can make another potion just like the one that disappeared”  she said.
“No . I can’t make the same one , I won’t be able to find the same resources that the last one had” he said .
“I’m sorry to hear that Carlos I really am” She said sad.
Victoria left Carlos’ laboratory and went up to Joe’s room to bring him the pills.
“Joe do you know what happened to your dad’s potion? He is really sad because one of his potions disappeared” His mom said.
“No mother. I’ve been on bed all day , I don’t know what happened to his potion.” he said.
“Oh we’ll something happened to one of his potions and you were the only one home so my only guess is that you took it or that someone broke in last night and took it, I really don't know but those are the only guesses” Victoria said wondering.
“Momma I wouldn't do that. I know how hard my father was working on those potions so I wouldn't take any of them” Joe said.
“I’m just hoping you didn’t take any of them son” his mom said.
“I didn’t.” Joe said.
“Oh here’s the pills, take only 2 and you’ll feel better by tonight” his momma said.
“Alright mom, call me down when dinner is ready” Joe said.
“Ok son” Victoria replied.
As soon as Joe’s mom left the room , Many thoughts came into Joe’s head. He started thinking about what was gonna happen to him if his dad found out that he was the one who took the potion.He also thought what was gonna happen to him since he took that potion , was his body gonna change ? Was this potion gonna have really bad affects on his body ? he got really depressed he regretted drinking the potion, he really did. He started crying.
“Why did I take that ? why..” he whispered to himself while crying.
He wanted to pack up his stuff and run away before his parents found out that he was the one who took the potion , but since he has never gone outside, he sat back on his bed and cried himself to sleep.
After 2 hours his momma called him down to come eat dinner.
“Joe dinners ready!” His mom said.
As Joe woke up he went to the restroom to wash his face, he saw something new in his face that he had never seen before.He had small facial hair.It seemed that the potion he had dranked made his body develop faster.He didnt look like a 7 year old anymore, he looked more like a 13 year old.He was amazed at what the potion had done to his face.
“Woooooow… I’m growing a small mustache” he said rubbing the small hairs he had.
After several minutes of constantly rubbing his small facial hairs he remembered that the potion is the thing that caused him to have those small facial hairs. He than went to get his dad's razor and shaved off the little hairs of mustache he dad.
“Son? , are you coming down?” his mom said.
“Uhhh yeah mom I’ll be downstairs in a second” Joe said.
After he had shaved off the mustache he went downstairs to eat dinner , he just hoped that nothing unexpected would happen to his body during dinner. When he was on the table he was frightened but by the look in his face you couldn't tell he was scared , his parents came to sit with him and they started speaking to him.
“How'd you feeling son?” His momma asked.
“I'm feeling very good mom , I think those pills really worked out good.. Hahaha” Joe said
“Why are you shaking son ? are you sure you feel good ?” his dad asked.
“I'm just cold dad” Joe said.
“Do you want to eat now son” mom said .
“Of course mom that's why i came downstairs” Joe said wanting to laugh.
After Joe finished his dinner he kissed his parents in the cheek a goodnight kiss and he went to sleep.When Joe went upstairs Victoria and Carlos started whispering to themselves.
“Victoria, Joe has been acting weird today you know ..” Carlos said whispering to her so Joe wouldn't hear them talking.
“I think he's acting normal , probably you think he's acting that way because he's sick” Victoria said.
“There's something going on and maybe he doesn't want to tell us” Carlos said.
“Maybe , but that's not our business so let's not get involved” Victoria said.
“I'll find out soon..” Carlos said.
8 years later …
“Mom , Dad I'm home..” feeling happy
“Oh hey son, how was your day?” Dad said
“It was amazing, today some seniors at school kept staring at me and after several minutes of starring at me they told me that i was cute and if i wanted to go out sometime .. I literally didn't know what to say because i didn't have much experience with girls..” Joe said.
“Well son im proud of you” Carlos said
“Thanks dad” Joe said
A few hours later Joe was feeling very bad, he felt that his intestines were gonna explode, his stomach hurted really baaaaad , it hurted 5x more than a punch in the gut, literally. He called his parents up.
“Moooooooom!!! , Daaaaaaaaad!!” he yelled as loud as he could because the pain he felt was the worst pain ever
When his parents came up to his bedroom it was too late he was laying down in the floor and the last worlds he said was “Sorry dad”.
His parent took him to the hospital as fast as they could but when they took him the doctors said “Sorry but your son is dead..” the doctor said sadly.
The parents cried hard but there was nothing to do.

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