Morcia | Teen Ink


May 26, 2016
By jackgt50 BRONZE, Meridian, Idaho
jackgt50 BRONZE, Meridian, Idaho
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There was once an old but beautiful Renaissance kingdom named Morcia, which is in the bounteous world of Fortimar. In that kingdom there was a beautiful princess that was the most graceful dance and the most educated scholar in the kingdom. She had hair as brown as cocoa beans and eyes that were as blue as the ocean on a hot summer day. Everyone respected her words and actions. Her name is Julianna, and she needed to get married. Everyone wanted to marry Julianna, but everyone that she met had some major flaw. They were either very rude, snobby, vicious, dumb, or greedy. The good people who Julianna liked were all poor but very kind and giving, but Julianna’s father, the King, wouldn’t let her marry them because of their social status. Eventually after seeing the old and young, big and small, and the rich and poor, Juliana was indecisive about being married, and everyone knew it.
Months had passed and after seeing almost everyone in the kingdom, Julianna still hadn’t chosen anyone to get married to. The king was starting to think he would have to choose for his daughter, which was the very last thing he wanted to do. He just wanted her to make the decision, because that is one thing that she wouldn’t be able to change after it was done. But one day Julianna met a very charming, rich, handsome, nice man who was slightly over her age and very tall, his name was Romano. Everyone wanted to be married to him, he had the best things that money could buy. As soon as she saw him, she had fallen for him. The King had approved of Julianna and Romano to get married, so they got engaged.
Juliana had gotten what she had wanted the most, she had found her dream husband, he was nice, rich, charming, handsome, funny, and selfless. She was going to have her marriage in two months. The only thing Julianna didn’t know was that Romano had a few new “surprise” plans for their marriage, these surprises were not good surprises.
“Romano, when do you think we should have our wedding?” Julianna inquired.
“I think we should have it in a few months,” Romano replied.
“Yes, that would be splendid,” agreed Julianna, “I also think that you should invite your family.”
“My family is dead,” Romano confessed.
“How did they die?” Julianna urged.
“My old home burnt down and nobody but me escaped,” Romano hinted.
“Do you know how the fire started?” Julianna questioned.
“Someone very smart, quick, and amazing started the fire, but no one found out who it was,” Romano added.
“It sounds like you admire this man, Romano,” Julianna accused.
“Um… No, it’s just attributes he has, being able to plan something like that, and then pulling it off with only one survivor. It’s amazing, except for the part about everyone dying,” Romano insisted.
“Ok,” Julianna stated. She was very convinced that Romano started the fire but just left the topic alone.
“So, where do you think the wedding should be held?” Romano wondered.
“It should be in the throne room,” Julianna commented.
Over the next few months planning and more planning had gone into the wedding. The wedding was coming closer and closer, and Romano was making the “surprise” more and more elaborate. No one suspected anything, except for Julianna. After her conversation about the fire with Romano, Julianna knew something was up with him.  She was just too scared to mention anything because then she might lose her seemingly “perfect man”.
It’s the wedding day and everything is going well. The day was bright, joyful, and everyone has forgotten about their problems. Almost all of the shops had been closed so the owners could go see the wedding. When Julianna entered the room with the King, the music started and everyone marveled at her beauty. When the final words are announced, “I do!”, the whole crowd cheers. Everyone is having fun at the reception, and everyone has forgotten all about their worries.
After the reception the new married couple go into their room. “I am so happy we’re married now!” Julianna screamed.
“I know, I am too! It’s getting late, we should go to bed,” insisted Romano.
“Ok, I guess it is getting late, good night,” Julianna replied, heading off to bed. So Julianna went to bed, Romano lied down next to her, only pretending to sleep. After Julianna fell asleep Romano got up and grabbed a knife and stabbed her. She tried to scream in pain but Romano gaged her with a cloth. Eventually Julianna went unconscious, but Romano thought she was dead. So he stuffed her in a bag and went to go hide her body. Eventually he found an orchard bush and hid her in it.
Early next morning a maid found Julianna’s body, she cried out and then nearly fainted. She brought Juliana immediately to the best doctor around. At first sight he thought she was dead but after further inspection there were a few small signs she was still alive. So the doctor started to get to work immediately. After 6 long hours, the princess was finally stabilized.
After the king heard of the news about Juliana, he went tearing through the hallways to look for Romano to see what happened, however he was nowhere to be found, not in his bedroom, not in the hallways, not in the dining hall, not in the kitchen, not in the town square, nowhere. The ginormous kingdom was put on a lock-down while Romano was missing. The King gathered a search party for Romano, while Julianna was guarded every minute, she wasn’t left alone, not even for one second. Once Julianna could communicate again, she uttered a small, quite phrase, “It was Romano,” and then she passed out.
After a month of searching Romano was found in the sewers, he was living off of merely scraps of food and junk. He had stolen some of the kingdom’s treasure and had hoped to sell it in the black-market. The King did a little research on Romano, and found out that the kingdom he is from does not exist, and he had stolen other kingdom’s treasures. Romano was put on trial and was found guilty, he was sent to the dungeon, and no one but the torturer knew what really happened down there. Everyone resumed their jobs and the princess, Julianna, had recovered from her life changing event, finally life in the castle was finally back to normal.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this piece because I have recently been thinking about the Renaissance time period, and some of the scandals that happened back then, and how they could have came to be.

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