Remember The Forgotten | Teen Ink

Remember The Forgotten

October 10, 2016
By LiontheLion BRONZE, Dublin, California
LiontheLion BRONZE, Dublin, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was just another dull morning in Glendale. The sun had just peaked from the horizon, the light was shining on the land. The people were just waking up from their slumber prepared to start their day, to set out into the bright green land. But, it was another rocky day for one particular person. Who that person may be? Well, none other than Xavier Riddle. He may see the worst in us, but sometimes it's what we need from others.
Our day starts with Xavier Riddle. He crawls out of bed, to search for his uniform. The planet requires their citizens to wear certain colors depending on their job. Dark blue goes to the engineers, Sky blue for the construction workers, Black is for the government workers or politicians, purple will go to the highest authority figure, White is for the doctors and scientist, dark red goes to the teachers, and gray goes to the other jobs. Commonly known as the forgotten. Xavier grabs his dark red uniform and heads into his changing room to start his day. The teachers play an important role in this form of society, they train the minorities after what they have chosen in their early youth.
Xavier heads down to the train station to get to work. Once he reaches his usual platform he sees a group of people somewhere around their late teen to early twenties. They appear having a discussion about the convocation. One of the most important days for the students. It’s when the students graduate from their training and move up to a higher form of training for their future jobs. They all leave their current institutes and move onto a college, the government issues them into the same college that caters to their job opportunities. The size of the schools depends on how important they find the profession to be. “The Forgotten” jobs get the smallest school, while the government jobs get the biggest school.
The students recognize their teacher from where they are standing and head down to greet him. He used to enjoy the company of his students but this year something had changed on him when he started teaching the government students. Their bubbly personalities were creeping up on him, they were starting to be a burden to the teacher.
“Hi Mr. Riddle, how are you doing?” asked a joyful girl named Scarlett.
“I’m doing well Scarlett, how are you kids doing? He asked
“It’s Scar”
“Right, my apologies.” He responded
“Well, we’re very excited about the ceremony today!” Exclaimed Tristan
“Yeah, it’s one of the biggest celebrations in our lives!” Chimed in Regan
“Yes, this is an important event for all of you, do you plan on doing anything with your families after the ceremony?” He asked
“Actually we were going to the capitol building to see the leaders.” Said Regan
“Really now,” He seemed to be a bit suspicious now, he couldn’t tell why. But, it was particularly odd for new graduates to see the leaders.
The train had finally arrived at their stop, and everyone filed into the train, and took their seats, while some stood and held onto the railings built into the ceiling. Xavier went deeper inside the train to avoid anymore conversations with his students.
The train had arrived at a station alongside their school, once the train stopped the students and teachers carefully walked out of the train and made their way toward the school. Xavier tried to steer clear of his students, he couldn't tell why but today he felt like something had changed, it could be the weather. Or it could him. Normally he didn’t think about the ceremony, he never did anything important. He would always sit with the other teachers and applaud everyone who was given a diploma. So, why did everything suddenly agitate him?
He walked into his classroom, last time he checked the room was suppose to be empty. Except for his desk, something stood out. It was a small pocket notebook, with a pen placed inside to mark a page. Should he open it? Or should he leave it on the window sill? He opened the book to peek at the words, what could someone possibly write in a pocket book. It can’t be something too important now, can it? He skimmed over the words, from the strange word choice to the messy handwriting this book must belong to Tristan. One page particularly caught his attention. He didn't have time to figure out the story behind the page but it's starting to explain why they said they were going to meet the leaders after the ceremony.
He set the book back down, took some papers off his desk and shoved them into his briefcase. He rushed out the door and slammed it shut. He tried to remain calm, and make sure no one would suspect anything from him. He adjusts his tie as he walked toward the front door. Right, when he was about to place his hand on the door knob it swung open at him, only to reveal none other than Tristan.
“Sorry, sir.” He quickly mumbled. Then briskly walking past his teacher. Xavier, watched him walk down the halls, to his “surprise” Tristan chose to walk into his classroom.
Xavier headed down to the auditorium where the ceremony will be held. What he had read was shocking. Would he be better off not reading the book? Yes, of course. Would the Forgotten be better off? No. He was the only person who knew this. He was the only one who can help. But, how can he help them? What influence does he have for them? If there was one thing he knew it was, that he never taught them this. So he couldn't back them up for this. He took a turn from the auditorium towards the classrooms to find Tristan, he opened the door to his room to find one of his students still in there.
“Tristan, I believe there's something we still never went over in class. Like keeping classified information. Or working for the ones with no voice, not the ones who already screech over their words.”

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