Into the Lands | Teen Ink

Into the Lands

October 28, 2016
By Anonymous

Crazed space adventurer Jared Lesker finds himself the quarry of relentless bounty hunters after he steals an orb coveted by Nakai , a powerful villain. To evade Nakai, Lesker is forced into an uneasy truce with three disparate misfits: gun-toting Liam carroll , stupidly intelligent Nick Gomez ,  and vengeance-driven  Roberto Velasco. The group is flying to the closest system to fuel up their ship, they soon realize that nakai has dispatched groups of his army to  every planet in the solar system to seek out the orb, they land and quickly pay the fuel attendant, Lesker has roberto stand watch for Nakai's men as they fuel up, couple minutes pass by and   Roberto calls to Jared letting him know that nakai's men are heading their way, as they rush back into the ship Jared yells to the attendant take it out we are leaving. The group leaves the fuel station before Nakai's men can get any closer.Once they reach space Jared places  his ship on autopilot and sits with the group in his quarters  “We can't keep running from them, we should just give the orb back” says Roberto. “Do you wanna die?”.. “He's going to kill us either way if we  give it to him or don't we are all  screwed” Says Nick as he jumps out of his chair in an aggressively stressful way. “Roberto is right we can't keep running, we need to find someone who would pay us handsomely for this orb and get get out of this mess” says liam . “We can't sell the orb to anyone, we need to get it to a safe place away from Nakai says NIck.

“why can't we sell it, is there something you're not telling us, what is the orb ,why does nakai want it so bad”? Says LIam.

Nick's head drops into his lap with the look of shame. “The orb is a very dangerous thing, let's just put it this way it is  a cosmic threat for every planet Nakai wants to destroy if he gets the orb, that's all I Know and that's all I could tell you”. Says nick

The crew drops their heads knowing that they have to get it somewhere safe and do everything they can to make sure it gets somewhere safe. “We head for earth, probably the only place that has a Military big enough to protect the orb from Nakai”.

The crew nods their heads and head of  to their quarters for the long ship ride ahead. The crew finally reaches Earth and make there way to speak with president and inform him of the situation. Shortly into their conversation one of the president's agents inform him that Nakai's and his men are flying to Earth. President calls to his general of the military and tells him to ready his men. President asks the crew for help, they look each other in the eyes and respond.. “Yes we will help”.says Jared

“Good” says the president. Couple of minutes past by and Presidents men are at the ready and Nakai's ship began to rain fire down on the men, from the crews pov it looks as if the men were shredded into pieces. As a few hours of a fire fight Nakai and his men tear down the Earth's defences and march on  through the front door of the president's building and are headed right for the president and the crew. Jared looks outside and sees nothing but bodies on fire, He turns to the crew and says i have a plan. LIam you've got the big guns you take first line of defense and the rest of the crew follows behind. LIam and the rest of the crew defend the best they could but Nakais men keep moving in waves, the crew falls back to Jared and the president. “There are too many of them” says Roberto.

“What do you suggest we do”? Says LIam.

“I don't know ….we can't do much at this point” Says Jared.

They sit in a room of silence, then Nick comes up with a plan, “The plan is not gonna work” says Roberto.
“It has to”says LIam

The president and Jared's crew switch the orb with a steel container the contains nothing and move to a safe distance from the building , set it down on a table in plane sight so when Nakai enters he looks around to make sure no one is in there. “Pick it up” says Nakai ordering one of his men. Nakais solder lifts the container and then tick boom. A cloud of smoke surrounds the building. Jared and his crew move in to secure the building but see no sight of Nakai, then “swoosh” a small spaceship flies to space in a matter of seconds. They regroup with the president and hands over the orb to  president. “Thank you son, you and your crew have done the Galaxy a big favor” says the president. Each member of the crew received a great gift that evening. They leave and  live a normal life, with the orb protected by a trusted place, but the power villian Nakai millian still wonders in space, but the team is ready for when he does decide to show his face again.



The author's comments:

I chose to right about this peice because I love space I just felt like making a short storie based on something I Love

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