The Werewolf on the Hill | Teen Ink

The Werewolf on the Hill

November 2, 2016
By Anonymous

The Werewolf on the Hill

I’m going to tell you a story about an experience I had as a teenager, it’s one that still haunts me to this day.
Me and a group of friends decided to go to the hill, as we called it. We would all get together and go up there, to party and have fun, drink and not worry about getting into trouble. It’s a very secluded place up on the hill with nothing but, woods an open field and one house about a half a mile down the road. The house was in the woods, the house is huge and abandoned. It looked kind of creepy looking. Never seen anyone up there before till this one night.
We had been going up there for about a year, or so we would play music, start a fire. Drink and have a good time. We felt safe and did not have nothing to worry about getting in trouble. We always cleaned up our mess and never got out of hand. I felt as long as we were respectful and did not go beyond a certain spot, everything would be ok.
Well on this night, my friends, John, Tom, Shannon, Shawna, Steve and I got a little bit out of hand. We were not drinking that night. We were just being stupid and were bored. So we went to the hill.
The night started like and other. We was sitting in the car listening to music. We decided to get on the hood of the car and do donuts in the field, and went beyond our limit. We than proceeded to explore around the field and went to the woods. We could tell right away we messed up. We should not have gone into those woods. We felt this sudden sense of dread. It was like a feeling I had never felt, terror and dread. We seen that the trees in this area looked like someone or something very large and strong had went on a rampage through it. The trees were put from ground, broken, bent over. There was prints in the ground like some large animals was there. It felt like there was breathing all around us. We got scared and turned around and started running back to the car.
I was the first to make it back then John, the girls, Tom, and then Steve. I had the car on and the headlights on. We all seen it, it was large, 8 feet tall. It was running on all four legs at first and slow rising as it ran. It had the head of a German Shepard dog, red eyes, and claws it scared us so bad. I put the car in drive and took of as fast as we could. Well we went back the next day. We found a lot of dead rabbits and foot prints of a large dog and the strangest thing was, there was someone at the creepy house. There had never been anyone up there, we knew this because we were always up at the house partying. It was the largest man I had ever saw before he was 8 feet tall and had so much heir on his body that it was coming out of his clothes.
We came to the conclusion that we had seen a werewolf the night before and this man in human form. I swear to this day and to my dying breath day that man is a werewolf and we barely excepted it.
He let us go, but I can still feel him in the woods around me from time to time making sure I don’t mess up again. He follows me, I can feel him, hear him breathing like he wants me or something. I’m afraid at night he is going to come and get me. The Werewolf on the Hill.

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