Escape From Space | Teen Ink

Escape From Space

December 22, 2016
By Anonymous

Escape From Space
    Aidan unbuttoned his lab coat and hung it on the hook by the door. He began to make his way outside, before noticing he had forgotten to lock up his research notes. Countless pages filled with facts on aliens, crop circles and space shuttles cluttered his office, and if anyone had gotten a hold of them, all the governments secrets would be spilled. He often wondered what would actually happen if he had lost the notes, or came close to seeing a real alien, which had been his lifelong dream. After locking everything into its safe, he went outside and made his way over to his car, sitting alone in the empty parking lot.
Just as Aidan went to unlock his car, he noticed a speck of light hurling towards earth at an alarming rate. The light seemed to be coming right towards him and just as the object was about to hit him,  it stopped, and hovered above Aidan and his car. He stood there, dumbfounded, staring at the now empty night sky, trying to comprehend what had just happened to him. Again, the object appeared, but now it was clear to Aidan what had been floating above him. A single beam of light appeared from the underside of the saucer and three strange beings emerged from within. These were clearly no ordinary beings. These things stood at about 8 feet tall, and had pale, almost pinkish skin. Their fingers were long, and their arms short. The Things heads were about the size of a beachball, but were oblong, like a football. For a while, Aidan stared at the Things, astounded by the way all his years of research had been standing right in front of him, and trying to comprehend why they were on earth.
Aidan didn't move from the spot he was in for a short while, before he realized the Things had paralyzed him and he was unable to move. As hard as he tried, he was unable to move from his position, and the more he struggled, the closer the Things inched towards him. Aidan could see one of the Things raise an odd shaped object and pull the trigger. Within seconds, Aidan was lying on the ground, unconscious.
Suddenly, Aidan was jolted awake by a kind of humming sound resembling cicadas in the summer time. His head pounded, and his body ached. He struggled to sit up right for a little while, before realizing he had been strapped down to a stainless steel table top by his wrists and ankles. Aidan squinted as he looked into the bright light shining above him. He could hear muffled talking somewhere to his left, but the words were indistinguishable, and not English.
Aidan laid on the table unmoving for some time before his memory began to come back slowly, and before long he was able to remember what had happened, but what he couldn’t figure out was why. Eventually, with little difficulty, he was able to set himself free from the leather restraints. As he began to make his way around the saucer, Aidan realized it was a never ending maze of long corridors and doors, which all lead to different places.  Aidan opened door after door, and ran down countless hallways, before ending back in  the large central room where he had woken a few hours ago. The entire room was a chrome-silvery color, and it’s easy to see your own reflection against the walls.
Aidan took one look at himself against the wall and didn’t even recognize who he saw. His once short blonde hair now fell below his shoulders and turned to a dull brown.The bags under his eyes were now darker than they ever had been before and hung low. New cuts and bruises had emerged on his body and face that he had never seen before. He lifted up his shirt to see a freshly sewn scar across his entire torso. How long had he been in the shuttle before waking? What kind of testing had these things been doing on him? How was he going to escape?
All these questions and more raced through Aidan’s mind when suddenly, the doors on the opposite end of the room slid open and a mob of the Things lunged towards him. They all were carrying the same guns that blacked Aidan out in the first place. He saw one of the Things lift his gun and put his long finger near the trigger. Aidan quickly ducked the shot and was now kneeling on the ground, thinking of what his next move would have to be.
Without even thinking, Aidan jumped from his knees and sprinted towards the closest door. He had no idea where the door would lead due to the ships confusing and intricate hallway system. He found himself opening and closing doors, and running down seemingly never ending hallways, trying to make his way around.
After running around aimlessly for what seemed like an eternity, Aidan came to a fast stop at the end of a long hallway. The only door near him was at the end of the corridor, a door marked in huge letters which read: CAUTION DO NOT OPEN.
Aidan turned around to see the Things just a mere three feet behind him. His only option would have to be to open the door, and hope for the best. He closed his eyes, and swung the door open. He felt a cool rush of wind blow across his face, and suddenly felt as though he was floating. Aidan opened his eyes to see a meteor fly past him. He looked around and soon realized where he had actually been. He turned back and looked towards the spaceship, which was now 1 ten feet behind him. He tried to turn around to go back towards it, but gravity won him over. Aidan was left floating away, and watching one of the Things closing the big red door.

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