The Liber | Teen Ink

The Liber

December 22, 2016
By hrichins28 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
hrichins28 BRONZE, Springville, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a warm summer's day in Lost springs Nebraska. Two scientists with bags under their eyes were still trying to figure out how to get a Mountain lion and a bear to mix and make what they would call a Liber. They were down to their last resort and were hopeful it would work. They would make the bear and the mountain lion mad creating high energy levels which would increase the chances of the Liber coming into life. Their plan worked and the first Liber was created. It was black with white around its eyes and huge paws and a long tail and sharp claws, but their wasn't just one mountain Liber but two, exactly the same as each other not one difference. As the two scientists celebrated they realized that something was wrong with the Libers they wheres hideous and one was thrashing and tearing up everything in sight including its sibling. Blood and guts from the not so fortunate liber lay motionless on the ground. The two scientists spring into action to try to stop the horrific thing. They were throwing and shooting whatever they had at it. After none of that stuff did any good they knew that the only way in hell they were going to catch “it,”is  was with their bare hands. Their plan was to just to jump on it at the same time then throw it into a cage like thing in the corner of the room. Having the Liber cornered, The youngest most inexperienced of the two scientists made a huge mistake trying to throw his whole body at The Liber and missing,  the Liber was on him in a split second tearing him limb from limb, as the other scientist watched in horror. As soon as the liber was done with the youngest one blood one his teeth and the fresh taste of meat, he went after the older one. On him in a split second the Liber then went on tearing him limb from limb, Then escaped and took of running for the mountains……..
5 years later in Akron Nebraska everything was peaceful and no one had ever had a problem with the Creature from 5 years ago. People had heard of it but just either completely forgot about it or just thought it was a Myth that was going around from town to town. All was peaceful in Akron It was a typical fall day like any around here. Their was a brisk wind coming in from the east and Leaves were blowing off the trees as the wind whistled through them. Everyone was in school or at work there was no one around in sight, except for two friends Michael Miles and Tommy Giles. The two friends were sloughing school, Tommy has had a rap for being a slougher. Tommy last year in seventh grade (both of them are in Eighth grade) had sloughed every day for one semester straight and has had after school detention every day after school for the rest of the year. The plan was for both of them to hike to the highest peak on the mountains that surrounded their town to blow off some steam. They started hiking about 12:30 and figured it would take them about a half hour to get there and they would hang out there until about 4 then start hiking down. They made it up ok they got there at exactly 1:05 according to Michaels watch. Tommy sitting down dug deep into his backpack “I know they're in here somewhere” He then pulled out a pack of beer saying “here drink this”. Michael never having tried any kind of alcohol replied “no i can’t” “just drink it” said Tommy trying to pressure Michael into doing it. Tommy couldn’t get Michael to crack. Tommy gave up and was mad after Michael  took the beer and through it the way they had hiked to the peak. Michael then realized he had to get away from Tommy because Tommy was trying to make  Michael into something he's not. Michael then stood up and said “well we better get goin” Michael started to walk back the way they came when Tommy threw a used cigarette at him saying “where you going so fast mike, Do u need to get home to your mommy?” Michael then turned and threw a rock at Tommy saying “shut the hell up” hitting Tommy straight in the head Michael turned straight down the narrow rocky shoot. Tommy as red as a bell pepper ran after Michael swearing with every step he took towards Michael.
Twisting and turning every which way Michael ducked under a fallen down tree and hunkered down low. “I must have lost him” he said to himself right then he heard a horrific sound a sound like none he had ever heard before a horrific sound that hurt his ears. He peaked to see what was making the sound and where the sound had come from. Peering over the tree he saw nothing then he caught a glimpse of a figure running by. He thought it’s just Tommy running past trying to scare me he then started to walk back up the hill where they were before to get his backpack he had left. On the way up to get his backpack he smelt a smell of something that he recognized, a musky fresh smell the smell he had smelt last year when he had just shot his first deer. He followed the scent,  following it for about 500 feet then he saw something nestled underneath a tree was a fresh pile of guts and blood and in the very middle of the mess was a shiny piece of metal that almost looked like the necklace Tommy had been wearing. Just then Michael turned around to see a tall figure standing right behind him with blood stained teeth and blood dripping from his mouth Michael turned to run but couldn’t find the strength to run. Michael thought to himself I know i've heard or seen a picture of something like this before. Then just as he started to remember what the creature was the thing took one swing at his head and Michael taking one last breath collapsed with a thud…..
It was getting late and Michael's parents were starting to worry about him, because he said he would be home at 5:00 sharp and it was now 6 Michael told them not to start to worry until about 8 or so. As the time ticked by slowly Michael’s parents started to fear for the worst, at 7:30 when they had not heard anything from him they decided to call search and rescue.
Search and rescue looked for days and night but with no sign of Michael or Tommy they had to call off the search. Michael’s parents in spite of the search being called off were determined to find out what happened to their son, they started a search party with the town all in one week's time. The town started their search on friday the 13th of october one week after they had got a complete search party together.
On the night of the 13th they headed out hopeful to find at least the remains of tommy and Michael. They searched the lower slopes and cliffs first then worked their way up the steep mountain side. With 52 people searching at once they figured they had a great chance of finding at least something about the whereabouts of the boys. At about 6:00 they were about half way up the mountain side when they heard a loud scream coming from the north, it sounded like it was someone in their group. All of the group ran that way to see why the person had let out that terrifying scream. As they got over there they saw blood marks running up a big pine tree and strange substance dripping down. They then tried to investigate the strange substance and why there is blood running down the tree. They then counted all the group “50” “51” Mrs. Miles said, “we are missing one”, “where is gage?” Said an older lady. They continued to search for Tommy, Michael and now Gage throughout the night.
It was nearly 12:00 when they decided to call off the search and start to walk down they gathered everyone together to make sure they had everyone. Mrs. Miles then counted again “48” “49” and then stopped their they only had 49 now and it had only been 3 hours since they last took a head count. They then decided to figure out who they were missing as they were trying to figure out who they were missing they all caught a glimpse of something moving in the shadows, then it jumped out at them. One by one it was ripping them limb from limb. Some of them turned to run and were more than half way down the mountain when the creature started to go after them. So people had stopped because they were panting hard and also because they thought they had lost the creature.
Mrs. Miles ahead of the entire group was almost back to town when she heard loud screams behind her yelling “HELP!” HELP!.”, Ignoring the cries she kept running for her own safety. She made it back to town without any problems and quickly ran to her house inside her house she pulled out old newspapers, looking for any indication to what this thing was.
After searching for hours and ready to quit she checked one last newspaper. To her astonishment it read, An Experiment Gone Wrong, she continued to read on. It read Two scientists on june 13th were working on an experiment that would shock the world. They had worked for years and could never find the solution to mixing a Mountain lion with a bear. On the night of June 13th 1999 They came up with the solution, Something went terribly wrong and the Liber got out. On August 2nd the bodies of Nathaniel Thigs age 25, and samuel roosevelt 64, were found with little remains left in their laboratory, It continued to say that the the Liber must have gotten away and no one knows where it is today. Just then there was a loud thud on the door, as Mrs Miles turned to see what it was she saw her husband and 4 others standing there with eyes wide open and jaws dropped and shaking vigorously.
They all woke up huddled around the front room table, it was silent for the longest time. Jim a tall husky looking guy with a long, thick black beard broke the silence, saying “what do we do next”?, In defeat they all replied “what can we do”?. Just then Mrs. Miles then told the group about what she had read and what she thought the thing was that had taken so many people’s lives the night before. They all agreed to research more about it and try to find whatever they could. They all searched for hours and hours with not ever finding anything more, except an article the scientists wrote about a gun they had made that would for sure kill anything. It was made of electrical currents and shot a lightning bolt and immediately kill anything it hit they also found a small article that lists all the local sightings of what they say looks like a Liber lurking in the shadows. The last sighting was near where they live in the red rocks about a mile south of them It is said that it was thrashing and tearing  out trees,bushes and completely demolishing small critters. Then after that there have been no recorded sightings since. They then all decided to do whatever they could to kill the Liber and find Michael and keep anyone else from getting hurt.
They all loaded up with guns including the lightning gun, pepper spray and anything else they could find, and they headed out ready to kill whatever stands in their way. They had not even got to the mountain when they saw it, it was sitting on a ledge watching all the movement in the town. They gathered a plan then sprang into action, Mrs. Miles and her husband went up and around to get behind and sneak up on it and everyone else went down and up towards it, The mountain looking like a war zone it was hard to step anywhere without stepping on a dead carcass or in blood. When the lower group got to it they didn’t see it anywhere, They heard a rustle in the bushes and everyone got ready to kill whatever came out at them. They waited and waited then out jumped a…….. A……..a bunny all of them jumped back and started shooting. The bunny was completely destroyed and a bloody mess, Then when another bush rustled they thought nothing of it, they just figured it was another harmless bunny. To their surprise it was no bunny, it was the Liber standing there not ten feet away from them. They all started to shoot, Every shot bouncing off not phasing it at all it started to run after them jim let out three loud shots with his gun that echoed through the forest it kept running and jumped on them as they all let out one last loud cry for help it was done killing them in minutes.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles didn't hear the screams but they did hear the gunshots. They rushed to where the gunshots had come from and found a horrific sight, there was blood all over and 55 dead carcassas sitting on the ground and in trees. They rushed in wearily to see if anyone was still alive. No one was alive so they looked around to see what other people's bodies were there and to under a tree was their son's body. Mrs. Miles fell to her hands and knees crying and hitting the ground, Little did they know the liber was right above them in the tree stalking them. The liber jumped down in a split second and was on top of Mr. Miles tearing him to shreds. Mrs. Miles still crying and having no idea her husband was dead and more importantly, the Liber was right behind her walking towards her. She turned around just as the Liber lept in the air, and landed right on top of her………..

The author's comments:

Its about a long lost creature

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