Miracles That Heal | Teen Ink

Miracles That Heal

January 4, 2017
By sjailinh BRONZE, Mocksville, North Carolina
sjailinh BRONZE, Mocksville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As he flies high in the pale, blue sky, the heroic Reign is on a quest. A quest in which he is seeking to find the renowned healing waters for his dear mortal father. Just one trickle, and you are magically healed of any illness. Yet, not one soul has had the honor to nip a taste. Why? Oh well of course such a precious thing has to have a fierce and malicious protector. And who better to protect the healing waters than the spiteful Protaqua. As he travels far and wide, Reign has yet to know what awaits him.

A hue of ombre colors flood the sky above. The only sound heard out in the wild is the rustling of leaves. Absolutely no other creature neighbors Reign on the rocky trail. He can still feel the soreness that coats his tired wings which flew him a long ways from home. Kicking pebbles here and there, Reign duly trudges along, hoping that his destination can soon be reached. As he continues on with his journey, Reign can’t help but think of his mother, Mailia, the Goddess of Miracles, and how she cautioned him before he set out on his journey.
“Beware of the glowing light that guards the magical water, for it is the devil in disguise.” She spoke to him in a dream. 
As he thinks about her warning, Reign can’t seem to figure out what she meant. Not bothering to dwell on it now, the young hero stops at a nearby tree as a wave of drowsiness hits him. Walking for two days straight with a little bit of flying here and there takes a toll on someone. Lying against the tall tree, Reign closes his eyes, drifting to a peaceful slumber.

The blazing sun of summer beats down against Reign as he flies high in the sky. It was the next day and he was anxious to finish this tiring quest. Throughout his whole journey, the only thing he thought about was his dad. That was the sole reason for him even going on this mission. Just as he was about to land, Reign caught the sight of a massive cave. Observing it more, he sees the intricate design of its arch. Instead of a normal curved arch, it was curled all around, like swirls. At that moment, Reign knew he found what he was looking for.
Stomping on the ground, Reign pauses. The sight in front of him took his breath away. The magical cave looked even more beautiful up close. It is then that his feet start to walk towards its opening. Thinking this is too easy, Reign makes sure to look at his surroundings. Nothing. All he sees is rocky terrain, with the exception of a few plants here and there. Blowing out a puff of air, he continues walking. Even with the evening sky, a few feet into the cave, and everything is engulfed with darkness. Hesitantly, Reign backs out of the cave and back outside. Looking around, he picks up a stick from the floor, and returns to the cave. With a mighty force, Reign scratches the thick stick against the jagged inside of the cave, and just like that, it lights on fire, making Reign continue on with his journey.
More and more minutes pass, and Reign is starting to feel as if the cave is never ending. Just as he was thinking that, Reign notices a small glow further ahead. Squinting his eyes, Reign can’t make out what the glow is. As if his feet have a mind if their own, they start speeding up. He would’ve flown to get to the glow faster, but because the cave was so narrow, it didn’t allow much space for his mighty wings. The closer and closer Reign seems to get towards the slowing object, the brighter it seems to get. So much so that Reign stops a few feet away because of the harsh light it emits.
Starting to back away slowly, Reign goes to turn around, but stops when he notices the bright light get bigger and bigger as if coming towards him. No knowing what else to do, Reign breaks into a full blown sprint. Faster and faster he runs, not stopping until he’s outside. Once his feet make contact with the rocky land does he feel safe. That is until he’s knocked down by a strong force. His face makes direct contact with the harsh ground, breaking some of the skin on his cheek.
“Looks like you’re my next victim.” Speaks a sultry voice.
Turning around, Reign comes face to face with a woman. Surprised is written all over Reign’s facial expression. Never has he seen such a beautiful creature. Her pale skin contrasts the golden color of her gown. Upon further inspection, Reign notices the wings that surround her. A rich golden color cover them, and at the ends of them, claw like features sprout out.
“Well? Are you not even going to fight back?” She asks.
“Who are you?” Reign finally asks.
“Have you never heard of the monster that guards the magical waters?” The woman says mockingly.
“Of course I have.” Reign says. “But I never thought it was a girl that resembles a mere human.”
“Watch what you’re saying, boy.” She spits out.
Feeling discomfort from still being on the ground, Reign heaves himself up, taking a few steps away from the ‘monster’.
“So, you’re Protaqua?” He speaks again.
“The one and only.”
“Alright. Well, I’m here to get to the healing waters, so if I have to battle you to the death, then so be it.” Reign speaks, puffing out his chest in the process.
Laughing sarcastically, Protaqua spreads her wings, and advances towards the young hero.
“This will be a piece of cake.” She says arrogantly, and launches towards Reign.
Being quick, Reign flies upwards, barely missing the attack from Protaqua. She soon follows, not backing down. Both creatures high in the air, not ready to face defeat.
“You might as well give up now.” Protaqua sneers.
“Never.” Reign replies confidently.
All of a sudden, there’s chaos everywhere. Protaqua makes the first move to attack by going straight for Reign’s neck with her wings. Being faster, Reign moves to the right, stretching his sharp wings that manage to scrape the side of Protaqua’s cheek.  Taken aback from his skills, she realises this isn’t going to be as easy as she thought. Much angrier now, Protaqua starts to chase Reign. Having a head start, Reign soars towards the ground. Landing on his feet, he turns just in time to see Protaqua swipe her claw like features at his face. Throwing his head back, Protaqua only manages to cut a little of his neck, not enough to seriously hurt him.
“Is that all you got?” He tells her mockingly. 
Letting out a roar, Protaqua flies again towards Reign, ready to unleash all she has. This time, he’s not as quick. Protaqua starts to swing her wings, causing Reign many painful scrtaches on his arms, face, and abdomen.
“I got you now!” She yells. “Didn’t you know my wings are poisonous?”
Taking in a deep breath, Reign uses his muscular arms to push her with all his force.
“Now you’ve done it.” Reign rasps through the pain he’s feeling.
Suddenly, Reign feels as if someone injected him with a strong amount of adrenaline. Veins pop out of his arms, fists curling until they’re flushed white, and wings stretched as wide as possible, Reign makes his way to Protaqua whose eyes flash with a hint of fear. In a flash, Reign lurches towards her with newfound strength, managing to catch her off guard, and swipes his sharp wings against hers. A blood curdling scream leaves the lips of the monster on that lies on the ground. Looking down at her, Reign sees the damage he’s done. Both of Protaqua’s wings are disconnected from the rest of her body that are drenched in her own blood.
Stepping back from the gruesome scene, Reign notices that the harsh light emitted from Protaqua, has turned dull. That is all the proof he needs to know she’s dead.
“My child, I’m so proud of you.” Whispers a melodic voice. 
Confused, Reign twists and turns his head, but there is no sign of anyone else.
“Mom?” He asks.
“Whenever you’re in  need of help, just know I’ll always be there.” The voice says again.
“Mom, is that really you?” He whispers to wind, but gets no response.
The gears in his mind start to turn, thinking of what his mother meant. And then it clicks. That sudden newfound strength came from her. Oh, she surely was the Goddess of Miracles. Turning around, Reign picks up another stick, and makes his way towards the cave once again. Lighting the stick on fire, he walks and walks until he hears the sound of rippling water. Closer and closer he walks, and is finally met with the sight of the bluest colored water he’s ever seen. Tempted to drink some, he cups both of his hands together, bringing the healing water to his lips. As it trickles down his throat, Reign feels the wounds he got from battle close up. Truly healing. Taking the canteen that hung down from his waist, he opens it up, dips it in the water, and closes it back up. Now, Reign takes another on the quest of safely returning to his dad in order for him to give his ill father the healing water.


The author's comments:

Diving into the world of mythological creatures, I was amazed by the vast amount of different characters there were. Gods and Goddesses their were. Each one was more different in their own way than another. With so many ideas in my mind, I poured it all into a story. 

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