A world I know | Teen Ink

A world I know

January 15, 2017
By KazSpitfire BRONZE, Hart, Michigan
KazSpitfire BRONZE, Hart, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To the world, you may be one person, but to one person you maybe the world"

"We are all mad here"

"walk on the wild side"

Chapter 1: Kaz
A year later here I am at the Grand Canyon watching the cities in the distance with my feet hanging over the edge. The wind whips my hair around my face while the sun is set high in the sky. It has to be at least the fifth time today I have been here. I guess I just feel peace in this place. There are no Zombies, bounty hunters, or anything dangerous in general, unless sitting at the edge of a canyon looking down a thousand foot drop is considered dangerous Oh, well. I guess I just like the silence, instead of hearing all the moaning from Zs. I am so tired of all the death, Zombie and human alike, the human race is going extinct and what do the people do with the last remaining humans on earth? They kill them because they disobey, or because they want them as slaves, or simply just because. Every time I sit in this spot above the canyon, I think about everything that has happened. In a way, that’s all we have left nowadays, our memories. I sat there for longer than usual, I have been staying at a nearby cabin, but it was time that I moved on.
I walked back to the cabin with my machete at my waist, and a sniper rifle slung over my shoulder. I stopped in my tracks as I arrived at the abandoned cabin standing between me and the last thing I called home, was a hoard of Zombies. I took a step back hoping they wouldn’t see me, but my hope ran short. One mutilated body turned towards me and yelled a disgusting, phlegm filled yell. Quickly taking out my rifle, shooting the Z in the head. I turned and ran, with the Grand Canyon on my left, running for many miles and I continued to run, knowing they won’t stop until I was out of their sight or dead.
I was still running along the Grand Canyon when I turned to see how far away the zombies were as I did so I was surprised to see them on my tail. One dove for me and slide across the dirt-covered earth, grabbing hold of my feet and causing me to fall to the ground. I quickly took out my machete and hacked into its head. I stood up and started to run, but realized I couldn’t. I was at a turn in the Canyon and right in front of me were the Z’s running towards me, all blocking me in. I looked between them and the cliff behind me. I took off my backpack and grabbed a rope as quick as possible. I tied it around a nearby rock. Checking to see if the massive rock would hold my weight, I took a deep breath and swung myself over the edge just as the hoard of Zombies swarmed me. I hugged the Canyon wall as the Z’s fell down the huge slopes. I waited for many minutes while Zombies fell to their death. After a half hour of hanging by the rope, I decided to climb back up the wall. My arms started to shake and my breathing became labored. I was always bad at chin ups, trying to climb a rope was way harder. I pulled myself over the edge of the Canyon and lay down on the ground exhausted from the climb. As I lay there a Zombie dropped down on top of me pinning me to the ground. I struggled, trying to throw it off, the rifle digging into my back. I tried to grab my machete but couldn’t reach it. It looked at me and then started to lower its mouth to my neck. I squirmed and tried to break free, but it was helpless, I could smell its rancid breath and I can feel the little food I ate start to come back up. Feeling its breath on my neck I thought, so this is it? This is the end… Figures I battle all those Z’s and bounty hunters just to be bitten and turned. I close my eyes and wait for the bite, but it never came instead I heard a loud gunshot as the Zombie falls to the ground next to me. I leaned over looking at the hole through the Z’s head, quickly sitting up and looking around. I spot the owner as he jumps down off a nearby cliff and heads towards me, gun at the ready. I swung my rifle off my shoulder and had it on hand just in case he wasn’t friendly. Keep alert, you can take him, keep alert. I walk up to him the boy was about 5’6”, black hair, lanky but muscular. He wore a black T-shirt, black fingerless gloves, jeans and combat boots. With a black and white bandana on his head covered by a pair of snowboarding goggles.
“Nice shooting.” I compliment the dude as he checks me out and spots my rifle.
“Lucky I was passing through” He stated as he slung his rifle over his shoulder.
“Yeah, thanks, names Kaz” pointing at myself.
“Tommy.” I swung my rifle back over my shoulder. “So what kind of name is Kaz?” He asks looking around for Zs.
“Mine” Smiling up at him, he shrugs and we walk along the Grand Canyon taking til the sun starts to hide behind the distant cities, and dark starts to surround us.
“It’s getting dark I think we should stay here for the night,” I state looking up at him as he lifts his canteen to his lips. I start to feel butterflies in my stomach as I watch him. I shake my head, Come on, this is the Zombie apocalypse! you don’t have time to have a crush, only to survive! I look at him for an answer as he pulls the canteen away from his lips and looks at me.
“Yeah, I’ll take the first watch.” He says as he walks away over to higher ground where he can get a good view of the area. Positioning my bag under my head I lay down on the ground with my machete in my hand, as the temperature drops.


Chapter 2: Tommy
A few hours later I hear a whimper, quickly looking down at Kaz I see her small frame curled in a ball shivering. Quickly glancing around the area for anything I walk down the hill towards her. I look down at her take out my blanket from my bag. laying it over her as she shivers, remembering pre-Zombie apocalypse, hearing about laying with someone you can share your body heat. Seeing her shiver I sigh showing a steam of breath, laying down my rifle next to me on the ground. Laying down next to her as soft as possible to not wake her. I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes noticing how tired I am, staying alerted as I nuzzle closer. I close my eyes and listen but soon start to doze off into a hard slumber. I jolt awake to a gunshot, grabbing my gun, I sprint in the direction the shot was taken. As I arrive I witness Kaz with her Rifle in her hands battling off Zs at a time. I pull out my Rifle and get in position and watch as she heads towards the nearest one. She pulls out her machete and stabs it through the head, then pulls out the deadly weapon and spins around chopping off two Zombie’s heads at the same time. Quickly stabbing one in the stomach as his head bends down she pulls out a pocket knife and stabs the flesh eating monster in the head, killing the brain. The last one comes up behind her, turning she throws the pocket knife in one swift motion. The knife embeds itself, hilt deep, into the Zombie’s skull Kaz walks up to the lifeless body, puts her foot on the monster’s chest and pulls the knife out. Oh man, is she hot when she kills Z’s... No, I can’t be thinking like that. It’ll only get me killed, I need to do is get to my Pa. I stand up and walk towards her, trying not to stare as she walks towards me.
“How did you sleep?” She asks looking up at me, I replace my Rifle back on my shoulder and look at her.
“fine?” Looking around to see if there are any more Zombies.
“Good, there ain’t anymore I’ve already checked.” She states as she walks past me towards the little encampment. I follow, still scouting for anything. I quickly pack the blanket back in my bag and sling it over my shoulders. Hearing a rustle under some brush, I instinctively grab my ice pick and get ready for an attack. As a multi brown colored dog jumps out of the brush, I lower my ice pick and look at Kaz. She seems scared at first with her machete raised in a defense of manner. The look on her face turns from fear to confusion.
“Lilly?” She asks as the dog barks once excitedly. She stands up and pats her leg motioning for the dog to come.
“Lilly!” She states looking at Lilly then at me. "It's Lilly, I thought I lost her, she was my dog before everything fell apart". I smile as I stare into her eyes seeing a spark of joy, something I haven't seen since pre-Z, just then I realized how beautiful she really was. I looked away quickly to bend down extending my hand as Lilly sniffs it.
“Isn't she beautiful?” Kaz asks looking at Lilly. I look down at Kaz smiling as her joy.
“She sure is,” I say not realizing I said it out loud. She looks up at me and blushes, I realized what I just did and looked away flushed. I clear my throat and look out at the distant cities.
“we should head out we have a long journey ahead of us.” I grabbed my gun, and start heading out. I hear her small feet running to try to keep up with my long strides, I smile as she enters my vision. We walk in silence for awhile, making it past the Canyon and into the desert. We walk for many miles, as Lilly trotted alongside us, keeping small talk. I often glanced over at Kaz’s small, 5-foot frame, taking in her dark brown hair and eyes. I’d quickly look away when she’d notice me staring.
“Take a picture it lasts longer.” She stated looking up at me, smiling. Turning red, from heat and embarrassment,  I smiled back at her. When the sun was high in the sky we decided to take a break. I sat on the ground, as Kaz continued to stand.
“I am going to scout around, don’t move,” She says hastily.
“Ok,” I say as she heads over the other side of a dune and disappears from my sight. I sit in the soft sand drinking my water, petting Lilly. I suddenly hear distant voices, Lilly looks in the direction the voices are, barking once, and running off. I grab my Rifle and sprint as fast as the soft sand would let me and as I climb the top of the dune I look around for Kaz. At the base of the hill is a circle of men and in the middle is Kaz. She has her rifle out pointing it at the men as she spins in a circle, Lilly running up to the group of men and starts growling and barking at them.
“Get them, Lilly.” Kaz yells as Lilly bites the nearest man on the leg, The man hits Lilly with the butt of his gun. Angered Kaz and strikes the man in the face tackling him to the ground, the man punches her in the face. Quickly I take out my rifle and center my mark on the closest guy’s head. I took the shot. The guy fell to the ground as the men scatter around Kaz, yelling and shooting their guns at me. I quickly back up far enough to stay out of their range of fire. I took aim and shot another man he drops to the ground dead, the men start to run. I watch them leave, then I jump up and threw my first in the air.
“Did you see that!? Kaz, Kaz?” looking at Kaz I realize she is holding her stomach as dark, glistening blood runs down her hand. “KAZ!” running to her as she starts to fall, I catch her before she hits the ground. I put my hand on her wound and try to stop the bleeding. “Kaz, It’s going to be ok, I’ve got you. Just keep the pressure on it” Looking at the wound I can tell that she isn’t going to make it… at least not out here. I pick her up and run to the distant city, ignoring the burning in my body as Lilly follows.
“Tommy,” Kaz says my name weakly. Looking down at her tiny, bloody frame in my arms, I start to feel scared.
“No Kaz, you're not going to die.” I continue running as I spot a small hospital in the middle of the city.
“Leave me, it’s useless” I look at her with tears in my eyes, I walk into the hospital. I spot two Z’s I set Kaz down against the wall, leaning against it holding her wound and wincing in pain.
“Hold on, I’ll be back” I reassure her as I step closer to then with my ice pick in hand, I quickly kill then off. I walk out to Kaz, who is sitting on the ground, blood everywhere, unconscious. Lilly laying beside her with her head laying on her lap, whimper and licking her hands.
“Kaz! Come on Kaz wake up” I pick her up and carry her into a room, laying her on the bed. I walk over and search for anything to stitch her up. Taking some gauze out of it’s sterilized package, I clean her wound. Then, I plunge some pliers into the wound, I grab a hold and pull out the bullet, discarding it. I quickly, fumble with getting the sutures through the eye of the needle. I then squeeze the wound together so it is in a straight line, and sew the two ends together. When finished I feel for a non-existent pulse.
“Kaz, wake up! Please! don’t leave me.” Tears start to run down my cheeks as she continues to lay lifelessly on the table. I feel complete sadness as I realize that I would have to kill the first person I’ve met since this started. I take out my pistol and aim it at her head, “I’m sorry.”

The author's comments:

I have always loved Zombies and this is my fist writing of them. This story is only a small piece of a bigger story.

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