Cosmic Voyage | Teen Ink

Cosmic Voyage

May 13, 2018
By Intel BRONZE, Eagle Butte, South Dakota
Intel BRONZE, Eagle Butte, South Dakota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The world's crumbling to an unknown disease. Vasily doesn't fully understand what's going on, but the one thing that he knows for sure is that he and his classmates are going into space! But... why? What are they going to do up there? 

Chapter 1: The Space Port

Vasily, do you have everything?
Yes aunt Tanya.
Fix your school I. D. so they won’t badger you when you go through screening

Vassily quietly adjusted his school I. D. without answering aunt Tanya

Aunt Tanya, will you join me out in the cosmos soon?
Yes Vasily, don’t worry. I’ll be along as soon as I can.
But what about uncle Denis? He’s still in the hospital. Or mama and papa? They’ve stopped answering my calls.
Vasily, don’t worry. Uncle Denis will get better and I’m sure your parents are busy fixing things so you can go back to New York. That’s why they sent you to Alaska remember?

Vasily and aunt Tanya found Vasily’s class then, lined up to go through screening.

Here’s your class Vasily, I suppose I should get going now.
Wait aunt Tanya! Can you stay with me for a little longer? Just until it’s my turn to go through?
Alright Vasily, but no longer.
Thank you aunt Tanya!

Just then, an alarm went off overhead and a robotic voice said: EMERGENCY! EMERGENCY! SEAL THE SPACE PORT! PREPARE TO BOARD NOW!

A spaceport official came running over and said to aunt Tanya,  Ma’am are you with this group of students?
She replied, no sir. I’m just accompanying my nephew to screening before he boards.
You need to go. Anyone not boarding a shuttle must leave. We are trying to get all evacuees onto a shuttle as soon as possible.


Aunt Tanya turned her attention back to Vasily.
Vasily, you need to go now! Before the mobs get here!
But aunt Tanya, you said you’d stay with me!
I know what I said, but you need to go! NOW!

Vasily turned away from aunt Tanya and followed his class through the screening station.

I’m going up to the cosmos. Alone…
Vasily, pushed the thought out of his mind as his class was ushered onto their waiting shuttle...

The author's comments:

This story began as an assignment for my Advanced Creative Writing class, but I'd like to continue adding to it. I really enjoyed writing it because this is my first sci-fi story, so my biggest hope is that my audience enjoys reading it as much as I did writing it. 

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