The Eyes | Teen Ink

The Eyes

March 12, 2020
By Anonymous

Someone, or something, was watching. The feeling made me turn around just about every second or two, checking to see what was behind me, even though there was never anything there. But it was there, I swear it was. Now, I get it, all this probably sounds confusing. Let me go back to the beginning. June 27th, 2016, I was at a house party. The host of the party happened to be my best friend Jade. I planned to stay the night with a few other friends of ours. Our friend John, a tri-athlete at school who was also staying the night, suggested that we watch a horror movie. We decided that “The Conjuring” was the best option if we really wanted the crap scared out of us. But our friend Kacie, a 5’0 girl with long back hair, had a better idea. The Ouija board. Yep, sounds cheesy, and stupid, but at the time we all thought this would make for a good story later on. We set up the board and all circled around it, and suddenly, we didn't know Kacie like we thought we did. The group and I thought this was all of our first time playing with this board, but apparently, Kacie had been doing this for years. The board had writing all over it, scratches, and what I thought looked like blood.  We all looked at each other, slightly concerned, but just shrugged it off thinking maybe she was just trying to scare us. We all put our fingers on the planchette and 1 by one started to ask it questions. They started out pretty simple and predictable, “who are you?”, “Is anyone here?”, “do you have a name?”. The planchette wasn't moving. Our friend Shane angirly jumped up and exclaimed “This is a waste of time, can we just watch the movie?”. We all took our hands of the planchette and agreed. But kacie still sat there, with her eyes closed, two fingers on the planchette. “Kacie get up, this doesn’t even work.” jade said. Out of nowhere, Kacie started twitching, her neck started cracking, and whispers in what sounded like gibberish were coming out of her mouth. We shook Kacie and were screaming at her to stop scaring us and open her eyes. But she didn’t. Blood started dripping from her ears and she sat up and shouted in a voice that wasn’t her’s, “Who wants to die first??”. We stood there, eyes stuck wide open with salty tears running down my face. The four of us ran down the stairs, and I as turned back Kacie stood up, bent backwards and cracked her whole back, stood back up and started to follow us. Her eyes were rolled back in her head, a huge, stretched out smile from ear-to-ear, and blood still dripping from her ears. We finally ran outside, looked up to the upstairs window, and saw Kacie staring down at us, but this time angry. We ran, we ran into the woods as fast as we could. Oh, did I forget to tell you? Yeah, Jade lives in the middle of the woods and her driveway is about a 10 minute walk up and we decided to go the opposite way, deeper into the woods? Now for god’s sake why would we do that?? Yep, I'm thinking the same thing, I have no clue. But anyway’s, we were all running, faster then we had ever ran, all calling out for each other every few seconds to make sure we were all still together. I called out, “Jade!, Shane!, John!”. Jade and Shane called back, but John didn’t. We all stopped, gripped onto each others shirts, feeling each others faces to be sure we were all still there, all still real. The three of us called out for John, and again, no answer. Suddenly we heard rustling right behind us. I looked over my shoulder and saw kacie walking slowly towards us and a tall figure with piercing red eyes standing behind her. I let go of my friends shirts and started again, down the path to nothingness. I soon heard them behind me running again, heaving, as none of us could catch our breaths. At this point I think we were all crying now. Running and crying, realizing that John was probably dead. I mean, Kacie said “Who wants to die first?”, so it wasn’t an irrational thought that he was now dead somewhere. Kacie was possessed. Possessed by some kind of demon that obviously wanted to harm all of us, but why? We couldn't think about that right now. We ended up in a huge field. There were two old, broken down cars in the right corner of the massive field. We looked up to the sky, seeing a full moon that was giving us light to see around us. Crows started flying out from the tops of the trees and we saw kacie and the demon come through the dark pathway. The demon bent backwards and screamed. The figure crawled towards us as we started backing up, slower, then faster. As we were backing up Jade tripped over a huge branch that had fallen. It was wet from the rain from the night before and was weak. Out of nowhere, Jade got the courage to break the branch in half, pick it up, and walk towards the demon. The tall, horrible creature stood up and saw jade coming at him and screeched the loudest, most ear-piercing noise you could think of. She threw the stick over her head, and whacked the branch on the demon's head. The demon collapsed to the ground. We looked at it for a second and Shane smiled. “You killed it,” he exclaimed “You killed it!”. We turned back to give each other a hug, but Kacie was right there, her back turned to us. “Kacie..?”, I whispered. She whipped her body around and screamed, “Ha! pranked ya!”. We screamed, and then got more agitated than ever. It was cold, 2 a.m, and out of breath. “Wait, then who is that?” Jade said confused. We turned and the “demon” stood up, unzipped the back of what was a costume, and out came John. Shane mumbled “i'm going to sleep, goodnight.”, and started back to the big wooden house. I let out a little giggle but for the most part was mad that they did this only because I actually thought I was going to die. John said sorry, as he was rubbing his head from the welt Jade left when she hit him with the damp tree branch. Me and Jade sighed, told them that they were the most annoying humans on the planet, and started the hike back to the house. As we all entered the woods together, we heard a rustling behind us, and this time it wasn't a prank….

The author's comments:

This peice is a fiction peice of writing, but the charcters in this story are real friends of mine who i've been very close to ever since I was a kid. We are all into thriller and horror stories and movies, so I thought it would be perfect to make them cahracters in this short story. 

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