Betrayal | Teen Ink


November 20, 2021
By SIRIUZ GOLD, Gahanna, Ohio
SIRIUZ GOLD, Gahanna, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

“This is a horrible idea…”

I groaned as I made a way into the ballroom, it was dark, at least naturally it was. But that darkness was pushed back by radiant lights of all shades and colors that lit up the room. 

“I know this is risky but this is the only option you have, if you weren’t doing this id throw you straight into a jail cell.” 

Exclaimed the microphone that was tucked tightly under the seams of my hair and my ear. That of the sheriff was on the other side of it, instructing every move I made.

“Yeah I know, and I thank you for giving me this mission but I didn't know you’d be throwing me straight into the belly of the damn beast sheriff.” 

I was annoyed, I could be killed in this place and all of this would mean nothing, but at least the place was well-decorated and I had things put in place to prevent my death tonight. For one thing, I had on a mask, this is a masquerade party, after all, second, it’s dark as hell so I most likely won’t be recognized if I just mind my own business, get the info I need, and get out. As I continue to wonder around this building I don’t see much of anything incriminating

“Hey uh, sheriff? Are you sure that this place is where everything goes down? I'm not seeing much”

I say but before I can hear his reply I come across a room, one room in this empty hallway, every instinct in my body is telling me to leave it be because I'm going to get myself killed, but regardless I reach for the door and open it...and there it was, the largest supply of drugs I’ve ever seen in my entire life. The smell was putrid, evil, and laid over with a blanket of villainy. I immediately took out my phone and snapped a few pictures to show the sheriff.

“Hey, sheriff? We got them.”

I could hear him huff in approval 

“Good, maybe now this nightmare will be over”

He laughed, and for the first time in a while, I was left like a truly good guy...Until I heard the door shut and lock behind me.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the infamous vigilante. I knew it was you as soon as you walked through the door, but I figured id let it slide, but you just can’t mind your own business can you.”

I was caught and by the duchess, of all the people who could’ve seen me. 

“Well hello miss. It’s nice to see you again. I figured that the last time I saw you would be the last since know, let me get arrested?” 

She scoffed at me 

“And your hear to what? Get revenge?! Your working with the police to get back at me!”

She walked closer and got up to my face

 “I'm doing this to lower the sentence im being given because YOU were too reckless.” 

She knew I was lying, I could see it in her eyes, her red, viscous eyes that at the moment were tearing blades into my mind. She got even closer, and closer, she raised her hand near my neck...and she tore the earpiece straight out from behind my ear. It hurt like crazy, I stumbled back and onto the floor holding my ringing ear. I looked up to see her crushing the earpiece under her foot. 

“NOW, your gonna tell me the truth, or-”

“Or WHAT?!”

I snapped back at her, a bad choice on my part. She nealed down, pulled a blade from her pocket, and put it right up to my throat.

“Or ill tear more than just your earpiece, now. Tell me the goddamn truth.”

I stared into her eyes and watched the pure confusion and betrayal sink into her expression

And for a second I felt horrible like I had broken her trust in the worst way...and in her defense, I had done just that. But then I remembered why I was doing this.  

“YOU’RE asking ME why I’m doing this?! You betrayed me first.”

She looked shocked, and so hurt, but I didnt care.

I got up off my knees,  grabbed her wrist, and slightly twisted until the knife fell out of her hand. She winced.

 “You left me in the line of fire, and you got away while I getting apprehended by the police.”

She tried to slap me with the hand she still had free, but I was quick enough to grab her.

“You destroyed any respect I had for you when you abandoned me, after everything.”

She looked terrified, like she just now realized how much she messed up, and at this moment? 

I enjoyed watching her emotionally suffer. 

“I will never.”

I pushed her against the wall, she didnt speak a word

Her mask fell to the ground

 I got real close to her

 “And I mean NEVER...forgive you.” 

We stared at each other for a long time.

So long that I got lost in her gaze, and in turn loosened my grip on her wrists 

And that's when she pushed me away

She pushed past me toward the door and I turned to pick up my phone but…

It wasn’t there.

“godammit, duch just give me the pho-”

She shoved the phone into my hands

 “You know what, take it. Go ahead and ruin me.”

She looked up at me, and I could see the tears running down her face.

 “I deserve it. So go ahead, an eye for an eye right?!”

She waited for me to do something

And without a doubt in my mind.

I dropped the phone and smashed it under my foot. 

We were both silent

She turned around and picked her mask up off the floor and put it on

I watched her get halfway out the door before she stops 


The author's comments:

this story is about two former lovers who were also partners in crime until one of them leaves the other to get arrested, and that same person begins to work for the police to take her down, but was it the right choice? one is a traitor and the other a betrayer....what an interesting pair.

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