The Quarry | Teen Ink

The Quarry

September 19, 2022
By katelyn124 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
katelyn124 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
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It was a cold gray windy day. The wind was howling in the ears of the kids known as the fantastic six. The group consisted of two girls and three boys, their names were Noah, Charlie, Richy, Tommy, Stella, and Katie. But ever since their friend Tommy had disappeared last October they just call themselves the Fantastic five. No one was ever able to locate Tommy, all that they knew was that he was taken while walking home after school. While the group was walking all that they could talk about was Tommy and where he could be right now. Noah chimed in with so much enthusiasm “I know Tommy he has to be alive, he is one of the toughest kids that I have ever known” but after he had said that he was met with utter silence and the sight of glum faces looking back at him. Noah knew what he said had hit a nerve with the group but he didn't care all he cared about was hoping that his best friend was alive. They all continued walking in silence all you could hear was their teeth chattering and feet shuffling. Today marked the first year that Tommy was gone,  the group had made it tradition to go to the quarry no matter rain or shine to make a memorial for him or find clues of his disappearance since he walked to the quarry saying to his friends that it was his “shortcut home”. When they finally arrived, all they could hear was the sound of the water splashing. The dry wet leaves crunch under their feet. They had split into their usual groups Stella, Katie, and Richy worked together to make the memorial since they thought the idea of looking for clues was a lost cause and having false hope but kept the thought to themselves since they knew how much it meant to Noah to at least find something. With the boys, their job was to search the path that Tommy used that day.  They looked over rocks. Climbed trees, looked in bushes, the same usual spots they looked at every month. Noah told charlie “maybe we should expand more and split since we're having no luck in all the usual places”. At first, he was hesitant but slowly nodded and walked away without saying a word. Noah decided to look the farthest away from the trail after an hour of looking he heard his friends calling to him he answered back saying “I'm over here a few feet away from the trail” his friends looked at each other with a nervous stern looks on their faces but continued to walk towards his voice. When his friends met up with him they told Noah to come on there's nothing here let's all go home we will come back next month as they continued to urge him to leave it just wasn't enough it made him want to look for clues more. Until all had gone silent when Noah stumbled over a heap of dirt covered by twigs and leaves. He begged his friends to help him dig but they just stood there with disbelief on their faces. Noah was digging furiously now laughing hysterically hoping that it wasn't what he thought it was. He was praying now while bawling and laughing hysterically shouting “THIS CAN’T BE IT, PLEASE GOD THIS CAN’T BE IT” he then stopped when he felt something pointy and hard at first he just thought it was a sharp rock he grabbed hold of it and then he heard a crack and a tear as if he broke a bone and as if someone ripped a piece of fabric he looked down and it was as if he was dreaming he couldn't speak all that he could do was cry silently feeling the teardrops on his cheek rolling down to the piece of fabric with a dirty white bone wrapped in it the fabric was a piece of the flannel that Tommy was wearing the day he went missing he continued to dig and unearthed a skeleton wearing khaki oversized pants, black vans, a black t-shirt and a bright and dark red flannel on top of the shirt. Everything he wore that day the skeleton resembled he stumbled out of the shallow grave to the floor crying. He turned to his friends to see why they didn't help but he wasn't greeted with sympathy but yet the coldness of their stares he looked into each of their eyes and didn't see his loving caring friends but yet he saw strangers looking at him smiling from ear to ear. Charlie walked up to him and bent down he said in the most chilling haunting voice “we told you so” he looked at them with disbelief asking why they did it to Tommy he was the sweetest of them all he had done nothing wrong and all he did was help people. The girls toppled over laughing Charlie and Richy stood serious. They had answered all in unison “why not” Noah couldn't move his mind telling him to run as fast as he can away from this but his feet didn't get the memo he just sat there next to the grave crying silently. He finally mustered up the courage to ask “so that's why you did it just because of no plausible reason just for fun? How could you?'' Charlie had said “Tommy never belonged to the group. We saw how he became your best friend and it didn't seem right. We got jealous and thought of a plan so he wouldn't be a problem. After school, that day we followed him to the quarry just to scare him not to be friends with you and distance himself from the group but one thing led to another and that's how it came to be.” “We didn't mean to, I swear but he just kept on moving so much,” Stella had said, all happy. “But what just sucks is that now you know so you know what that means buddy don't you” charlie had said. Noah saw that charlie had gotten a big heavy rock hiding behind his hand that's when he tried to muster enough courage to run but it was too late the girls fell on top of him and Richy was holding his legs down the last thing he saw was charlie standing over him with that same smile plastered on his face the last thing he heard was charlie whispering in his ear saying “tell old Tommy boy we miss him.” then all he heard was the sound of the rock clashing with his head.

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