Shadows of Deception | Teen Ink

Shadows of Deception

June 11, 2023
By e_mike11 BRONZE, New York, New York
e_mike11 BRONZE, New York, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a secluded forest, cloaked in an eerie mist, a weary traveler walked to deliver a message and stumbled upon a forgotten shrine. Inside, he found himself face to face with an enigmatic figure whose eyes shimmered with a sinister glow. Weirdly un Frightened, he questioned the being. However, before any words were spoken, whispers danced through the air, and the being claimed to possess the power of foresight.

Intrigued, the traveler listened carefully as the being unveiled a bow, promising a glimpse into his future in exchange for a beautiful woman's head. Driven by a Desire for an effortless existence, the traveler ventured into the kingdom, climbing up its walls into a room where he found her sleeping. With a knife to her neck and a severed head brought home, he gripped the magical bow, its ethereal strings humming beneath his touch.

With Eager eyes focused on a yellow mark painted on a distant tree, he drew the arrow and released it with unyielding Determination. Hours bled into the fading light as he relentlessly aimed for the elusive target, his Hope flickering with each miss to his rather absurd questions. But as Frustration struck his spirit, he dared to question the bow.

"Will I ascend the throne, becoming a king?" he asked. The arrows consistently struck the mark, yet no crown appeared. Disappointment settled in, casting a shadow upon his Aspirations. And in a moment of cruel revelation, he retraced his steps, only to discover his father's lifeless form, marred by his carelessly shot arrows.

Bitterness mingled with Sorrow as he realized the true cost of his Selfish pursuit. The target, once a symbol of his Desires, now transformed into a haunting reminder of his Greed and Laziness. As his father's earthly reign ended, the traveler ascended to an unforeseen throne, burdened by the weight of his choices amidst the ruins of a shattered life.

A loud march then sounded, a chant for the traveler's head. The man looked in Fear, knowing why they were looking for him, but seeing the crown on the king's head, which he thought he rightfully earned, he was left in Rage. Immediately, he grabbed his bow, but before he could draw, he was met with an axe to the head, ending the one-man war.

The author's comments:

Many small details in this short story to look out for. 

For example all words related to an emotion felt by the man are capitalized. This is fine to highlight the many emotions the man feels in this internal war with himself. 

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