Teddy | Teen Ink


August 2, 2023
By BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
BananaN3rd ELITE, Clarksville, Tennessee
108 articles 9 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the pen is stronger than the sword, what am I supposed to do when the pen declares a war?

Kevin watched the people in the room go in and out. In and out. Talking and chattering as if there was nothing else to do, even though it was actually his birthday. He grabbed at the end of his fluffy sweater, feeling another string unravel as he pulled.

Hours seemed to pass as he stood in the corner of the room. People coming in and out, holding their fancy glasses filled with what looked like juice. No one even bothered to tell him happy birthday. No one even noticed he was there. They were all just . . . talking.

Kevin left the room and went into his sanctuary, grabbing at his blanket. Just days earlier, his dog had torn apart his favorite teddy bear, and to little Kevin, it seemed as if his only friend was gone forever.

His father knocked at the door a minute later. “Hey, Kev. Your grandpa wanted you to have this. He said it was for your birthday.” His father’s words blended together, like he was super tired.

His father held out a stuffed teddy bear with one hand, using the other to take a large swig of his juice. “Thank you.” Kevin said quietly, taking and hugging the bear.

His father chuckled. “No problemo, kiddo. Hah, that rhymes.” He walked out of the room with a slight wobble as he closed the door.

Kevin admired the bear before smiling. This one could be his new friend. Just like his old one. “Imma call you ‘Teddy’. Your daddy was called ‘Bear’, so you can be the newest in the family legacy!” He exclaimed, spinning the large and somewhat heavy bear around. “You have big eyes like me, so you must be a baby teddy!”

The bear stared back at him with blank eyes. Kevin sighed and put the bear on his bed before going back into the house. He gave his silly-acting parents a hug goodnight before going back into his room.

He tried not to cry as he pulled the covers over himself and tightly hugged Teddy. “It wasn’t even a party for me.” He said quietly. “It was a big grown-up party with their grown-up drinks.” He sniffled. “I just wanted a cake. Or cookies. That’s all I wanted . . .”

He turned to look out his window, feeling hot tears roll down his face. He started to cry while looking at the twinkling stars above.

“I’m sorry, Teddy. I didn’t mean to upset you. You’re just a kid. Like me. You shouldn’t have to deal with this.” Kevin said to the bear, still hugging it tightly. “I love you, Teddy.”

“A kid like you shouldn’t have to deal with your drunk parents.” A voice whispered in Kevin’s ear, and he quickly sat up, staring at the bear. “I love you too, Kevin.”

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