the lobby | Teen Ink

the lobby

June 6, 2024
By landon25 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
landon25 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Andrew carefully walked down to the lobby keeping his head on a swivel. 

“Andrew…” said a voice. Andrew stumbled back in fear ready for anything, he then saw one of his neighbors in the lobby. “You scared the crap out of me Sam!” Andrew said with a sigh of relief.

Sam, confused, said “why are you looking around like someone is hunting you?”.

“You didn't hear what happend?”. Andrew said. 

“No I haven't heard anything, what's going on?”. 

“While Jenny was sleeping someone broke into her apartment and from the caution tape and the amount of police at her apartment… I think she might have been killed”. 

“Have you heard anything from her?”

“No but I know she came home last night. We were walking in together and she told me she was going to stay in and I texted her to see if she was okay. there hasn't been any response”. Said andrew.

Sam in disbelief thought in silence for a moment trying to piece everything together, She must be dead. “This is freaking me out, did she have any cameras or anything in the house to know who did it”. Asked sam.

“Not that I know of and neither do I so I think after work today I am going to get a camera system for my living room and my front door.”Andrew told.

“I may have to do the same within the next few days.”

Andrew and Sam walk away but Sam keeps an eye on him rethinking what happened when he first said his name. Andrew started running away from the building looking all around still like someone may be following him. Then from the lobby someone stands up sprints after him faster than Sam has ever seen anybody run before then tackles him to the ground and puts him in handcuffs never to be seen again.

The author's comments:

this is my final exam for my composition class 

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