Never After | Teen Ink

Never After

April 28, 2010
By Nishat PLATINUM, New York, New York
Nishat PLATINUM, New York, New York
24 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
We lead our lives like water flowing down a hill, going more or less in one direction until we splash into something that forces us to find a new course.

Everyone thinks that just because you are rich you’ll get your happily ever after, well; I’ve got news for those people, money isn’t everything, especially if money does not buy you immortality. Most of you have figured out by now that I am rich. My father owns Mursali Enterprises, which he inherited from his father and his before him and so on. I am the daughter of Renée and Damien Mursali. I am also the sister of the famous Neil Hilson or I should say I was.

You see my brother Neil was killed 10 months ago and they still have not caught the murderer. You’d think that for someone so famous and respected they would have caught the murderer by now. Seriously what has the glorious United Sates of America come to? Police officers and investigators are supposed to give it their all when it comes to an unsolved crime, but so far nothing, zip, nadda.

My brother’s death was so devastating that my mother and father had to get away from all the memories.

So here we are in Westchester in my great ant’s Victorian style house. (A.K.A the middle of nowhere, and I mean that literally.)

There’s the lively part of Westchester where the mall, libraries, and restaurants are and then there is the old Westchester, where grandparents live. There is nothing but trees and more trees. Do not get me wrong but it is a relief getting away from L.A.’s hectic life, but ever since Neil’s death all I’ve wanted is revenge, and since the police and our P.I. couldn’t do anything, I’ve started a little sleuthing myself.

I’ve done some research on what Neil did and who he came in contact with before his death. So far, I‘ve gotten it down to 5 suspects. My 18 year old cousin (Maddie), my ex-boyfriend (Logan), Blaire, Pierre Delaini (Neil’s ex-publicist), and my sister-in-law, Taly. How did I narrow it down to five people, you ask? Well, simple. The ones with a motive (and the guts) were easy to pick out.

Tonight I’m going to invite them over. It’s the best day because my parents are going away for two days. So I’m locking myself and a possible killer in a large mansion, in the middle of nowhere. No I’m not crazy.

“DING DONG.” Damn that bell was loud. I quickly ran down the stairs and opened the door. It was Logan and Blaire...... holding hands. Hmmm didn’t know they were dating. “Hey, come on in.” I said as I moved back. Blaire smiled thinly, and Logan held up a box of pizza. “I bought dinner.” He says. They walked down the hall and into the living room. Just then, the bell rang, again. “Make yourself at home; I’ll be just a minute.” I said and then without waiting for an answer I ran to get the door. It was none other then……

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This article has 5 comments.

on May. 10 2010 at 11:41 am
Nishat PLATINUM, New York, New York
24 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
We lead our lives like water flowing down a hill, going more or less in one direction until we splash into something that forces us to find a new course.

I was actualy just going to leave it as a cliff hanger but during 1st pd. i started writing the ending.

on May. 9 2010 at 10:06 am
jrose426 SILVER, Kirkville, New York
5 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Decide you want it more than you are afraid of it."

ahh dont stop now, I have to know what happens! haha

on May. 7 2010 at 1:53 pm
StarlitStranger SILVER, Delancey, New York
6 articles 2 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Because if it isn't 'of Doom' what's the point?"

hahaha! It's like the written dtory version of CLUE! I like it! ^_^

on May. 6 2010 at 7:53 pm
sweetiecow BRONZE, Ramsey, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 10 comments
That was awesome, even if it was only a part of it! I love it.

Kasumi BRONZE said...
on May. 6 2010 at 4:31 pm
Kasumi BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life can be hard and sad, but there is good things in life, too

So far so great! 

I really like the start of the story, but that just may be because I can relate to the main character. ^^