Shadow's Ally | Teen Ink

Shadow's Ally

April 24, 2011
By Kael96 PLATINUM, Shiloh, New Jersey
Kael96 PLATINUM, Shiloh, New Jersey
32 articles 0 photos 22 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Just a small town girl/ living in a lonely world/ took a midnight train/ going anywhere."

In the corner of the room, all that hides me is shadows. Sometimes, even they abandon me, fleeing from the predator, light, that comes on its daily hunt. Other times, the shadows protect, standing strong against my captors, for they cast their spells and muddle the senses of the enemy. Their magic is stronger than any of the light. The predator can blind with its power, but only momentarily, and though it scatters shadows, they always find a loophole in which they return, marching silently into the corners and their perches from which they spy.

I watch their muted battles, praying constantly for the shadow’s eternal reign. I cower, not sure of how to assist, guarded by the shadows that remain behind to protect me. I’m but a human, no power in my grasp to help to either side. But I shiver as the shadows pass over me, to let them know that I fear them with the highest respect.

They respect me, too. They know that I can shatter their world with a nod of my head, with the clap of my hands. They fear me, possibly as much as I fear them. The light falsely believes in its own invincibility. It perceives itself to be the ruler of both day and night for all eternity. But it is mistaken. It will be defeated by my ally, the shadows.

The light allows me to see, but only the shadows allow me to live.

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This article has 1 comment.

redz14 SILVER said...
on May. 10 2011 at 9:32 pm
redz14 SILVER, Bridgeton, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 21 comments
This is really good kael! I like it a lot, like a lot a lot! :D I'm gonna go read your others now. Love, ( o )