The most dangerous ride | Teen Ink

The most dangerous ride

March 11, 2013
By Anonymous

The most dangerous ride

Me and my friends Skylar, Juan went over to Marcos house to play games and eat pizza. After we got there the girls, Tara, Kelsey, Autumn, Jennifer showed up and ate some pizza with us. I suggested to do something fun. after I said so Jennifer said lets go to carowinds and everybody agreed.
So we decided to go. Me and the boys wanted to ride the new ride called
The run away death because it seems so scary.

We went out of the house and got into the car and got on the road. When we

Got their we got out of the car and made a plan for what we where going to do. Me and the boys decided to ride the rides while the girls go eat and play games. So we went and got tickets and said we’ll see you later. Me and my best friends first time doing anything together so we got on the ride and buckled up because the ride goes up to two hundred miles per hour on the straight away and goes one hundred on the turns so if were not buckled in we will go flying out and most likely die. We started and all ready Marco was freaking out because it started so fast.

Boom we heard a sound come from behind us but we just thought it was part of the ride. But Marco seemed to be getting even more scared. I looked forward and saw a twist coming as I looked I could see the beams holding the track up. Their was something that I really couldn’t see so I squinted my eyes to see. What I saw was a crack in the beams at that point I started to panic.

When we got to the turn I yelled out hold on everybody did except Skylar. When going around the turn the back of the coaster popped off the track and Skylar went flying out as he was falling he fell straight on top of a hotdog umbrella. When he did the pole went straight through his stomach. He then turned his head to the guy selling hotdogs asking if he could have a hotdog all the way. After the coaster started falling off the rails even more we realized that another turn was coming. Marco was trying to get out when all of a sudden the back half the coaster went flying off. We finally got to the turn but we started going faster. The wheels started sparking then the wheels start falling off we then flew off the track as we were we started screaming our heads off. The next thing we know was that we were being pulled out by the paramedics being put onto stretchers. We all knocked out and then we woke up at a hospital we were all badly Injured but Skylar was badly injured. Marco had broken legs Skylar had a big hole in his stomach Juan had a broken arm and neck and I had a broken arm. After a couple of days the girls came and brought us some food from subway. Two days after we got out and went back to carowinds to ride a different ride.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 18 2013 at 2:41 pm
jarridhelms BRONZE, Kings Mt, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
erhmagherd dude