Mask_45 | Teen Ink


April 2, 2014
By Taylor Rice BRONZE, Meadow Vista, California
Taylor Rice BRONZE, Meadow Vista, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She sat alone in her room. Computer in her lap. Omegle and Chatroulette were only filled with perverts. So she decided to log into an old “Yahoo!” chat room.
“Is anyone online?” She typed into the chat room.
She had a couple chats with random strangers, most were perverts who only wanted her to send dirty pictures. Until one new person joined her group chat.
“Who’s the new guy?” User Bdawg78 asked.
“I don’t know,” She typed. “Hello Mask_45”
She waited for the new chatroom user to respond.
“Are you a boy or a girl?”
No answer.
“Are you going to talk or what?”
Mask_45 finally responded with,”I see you.”
She typed, “ookaayy…?”
Mask_45 responded with “o_o”
“Okay, dude your getting annoying,” Bdawg78 snapped.
Mask responded with “o_o” again.
“Really? So if you can see me what color is my room wall?
Mask_45’s silence was broken again.
“Blue, you are sitting on your bed, with a laptop. See you soon o_o”
The girl finally just exited the chat room.
That was kinda creepy….
She nodded off to bed after a while. She encountered Mask_45 twice more. Once in Chatroulette and once from her own personal e-mail. He only sent her, “o_o.”
Her dream was the same as it usually was.
She lay in a forest and took in the sounds. This was her favorite dream, on account that it was so relaxing. Only this time she sat in silence. Usually there was a forest ambience, but this time it was silent. She felt worm-like creatures crawl over her face, into her mouth, on her eyes, and all over her body. They were like fingers.
She woke with a jolt. There were four indents in her bed, as if someone had been straddling her while she slept.
She checked the time. Two AM.
She took her laptop out and decided to update her website. Colfax High School had required her to create a personal website. At first she had not payed attention to it. But in recent years she would update it constantly, it was like an online diary.
She opened the page and was horrified at what she saw. A single picture had replaced her entire site. It was a picture, of a horrific demonic figure. It held what appears to be meat hooks and scissors. Its bald head was mostly covered by it’s hideous mouth and black soulless eyes. Underneath the monstrosity it said only two words.
Your turn….

She stared in horror. Then in fury. This was her own site, her own haven. Whoever this Mask guy was had not only found out her own personal e-mail and hacked into Chatroulette so he could talk to her again, but had found a way to slither into her personal website like the worms in her dream.
She picked up the phone and called her friend. She asked for confirmation on her site’s new appearance. After a period of time her friend returned to the phone and said her website looked the same as it always did. She was confused.
Maybe he changed it back
She looked back at her computer and it still had the picture Mask_45 had created plastered on the screen.
She went back to her email and replied to the message from Mask_45.
“Hey, asshole. Fix my website. It meant a lot to me and I don’t appreciate what you did with it. What you're doing is beginning to anger me.”
It took Mask five minutes to reply with a single sentence.
“That was not my intention.”
This prick was beginning to piss her off. This prank had gone too far. She was really scared but didn’t let Mask know that.
“If you don’t fix my website I will report you.”
“So many people have attempted that, silly girl.”
She paused. The anger boiled.
Thats it. This guy is getting reported.
She clicked the “Report User” button at the bottom of the screen.
Mask_45 delivered a message.
“Want to see who has reported me so far?”
Another message appeared in her inbox.
It was twelve pages long. The entire list stretched the span of all the pages top to bottom with user names who had complaints with Mask_45.
Her inbox dinged with a notification that she had another message.
She opened it.
“See the one at the bottom? Thats you, silly girl.”
Mask then proceeded to send her hundreds of disturbing and horrifying images, from disemboweled people to bloody eyeless faces, everything disgusting or terrifying was there in a matter of seconds. Her email notification sounded like a slot machine with the sheer volume of creepy images he sent her.
She stared in terror.
She messaged him . “Stop it! You’re really scaring me!”
Mask responded again,”That was my intention. You know what I titled that list? I titled it, ‘Mask Clients,’ Thats you… You will receive your mask shortly.”
“Just fix my website and leave me alone!”
There was a ten minute pause. She simmered. This guy had sent her into a blind rage. She was the angriest she had been in her entire life.
Mask_45 finally replied with, “o_o I see you”
The girl threw her laptop across the room.
She screamed in fury and punched the wall.
She heaved struggling breaths into her lungs. She walked into the wall and put her forearm against the surface and sobbed. She was frustrated that she would let one person take control of her entire cyber world. She let herself fall back into her bed and closed her eyes.
Her mind wandered.
There she was again, lying in the forest. Silence. Absolutely nothing. The worms covered her again. One large one went up the side of her face.
Like a tongue.
The fingers returned.
She felt them enter her mouth and move around. They grabbed her jaw and she barely felt the jawbone become removed.
The worms continued to crawl all over her face. It felt natural and relaxing to her.
Then the fingers moved to her eyelids and pulled. What a pleasant feeling. The worms began to rake up and down her face and torso.
Then all at once the worms retreated and she was left alone in silence.
She awoke again.
The pain in her face was massive. She moaned and felt her jaw. Something wasn’t right. She couldn’t blink.
The girl jumped out of bed and slowly walked into the dark hallway. The clock read 3:00 AM.
She opened the bathroom door and stared into the mirror at her face.
She didn’t recognize it as her own.
Her eyelids were missing and blood ran down her face, her jaw hung uselessly down by her neck, with only skin holding it in place. Scratches were all over her face and upper body. Her face was now deformed in a horrifyingly violent way.
Of all the things she could have thought, only one comment came to mind. As if some outside force had changed her perspective. She did not feel fear. She did not feel pain.
She could only repeat the same thing to herself.
“What a lovely new Mask.”


The author's comments:
It was a challenge issued to me. Someone wanted me to right something creepy and unsettling. I think I hit the nail on the head here.

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