Big White Room | Teen Ink

Big White Room

April 13, 2015
By Anonymous

I’ve been in this room for too long. My skin was a sickly white from the lack of sun exposure. I never thought I would miss the sun. My hair dangled in front of my face. They haven’t let me have a proper shower in months. I was trapped in here and it would be impossible to get out.
The steel door that led out of my room creaked open. The lady who was put in charge of me peeked around the door. I had never been able to see her eyes. The bright white lights in the facility always cast a glare on the glass. She made a gesture with her hand saying,” Follow me.”
I stood up from my steel bed and slipped on the shoes. I shuffled out, head down low and my greasy hair in front of my face. I watched the grey tile pass by as we walked to “The Room”. I had stopped caring what they did to me. It didn’t matter anymore.
The lady in white opened the door for me and sat down at her desk. The door behind her stood out against the white walls. It was a dark wood and was the only thing that contained color in this place. That door led to “The Room” and I knew that was where I’d be spending the rest of my day.
The lady grabbed her notebook and pen and sat down in her fancy business chair. She looked at me with that eyeless face and smiled. The questions were about to start again. They were always the same. How are you feeling today? Do you remember anything yet? They asked me that so they could administer the amnesia serum.
I had a sick feeling in my stomach today. I wasn’t going to tell her that though. I wanted to see what this meant. I hadn’t felt anything since I was brought here. I just always felt like a spectator to my own life. I saw everything they did to me, but I never really comprehended it.
The feeling in the pit of my stomach grew with each passing second. Another doctor opened the door to “The Room” and made a gesture for us to walk in.
The sterile white walls greeted me as they had for the past however many years. I knew the procedure so I went ahead and laid down on the cold metal. The thin gray clothes I wore did nothing to shield the cold from my skin.
The doctors drew blood and hooked me up to machines. Same old, same old. The feeling I had wasn’t going away and my thoughts distracted me from the experiments. I used to ask why I was here and why they were doing this to me. I didn’t care anymore. I honestly knew that if I were to drop dead at this very moment I’d be okay with it. Life was but a dream at this point.
A man in black had suddenly burst through the door. I had never seen someone like him before. He went on to say that there were intruders in the building and as soon as he finished the sentence, alarms started blaring.
This had never happened before. I don’t know how to handle it. There had never once been a break from the everyday routine of this place. I could only hope that something good was happening.
A barrage of footsteps could be heard outside “The Room” and there were loud popping noises. The doctors suddenly slumped to the ground, crimson red staining their white clothes. Another “pop” and the man in black went down.
Two women in green camouflage proceeded to enter the room. They both appeared to be in their thirties, but the one on the left seemed a bit harsher. The lady without the big, black object held her hand out to me and told me that they were there to help. I had always imagined what a mother would be like and she was it.
We raced through hallways that never seemed to end and then finally stumbled upon a door. Before the motherly lady could open the door I heard that “pop” noise again. There was a strange sensation in the middle of my stomach. I looked down to see that crimson color again.
I stood against the wall as the mean woman shot something towards the guard at the end of the hall. I looked at the two and whispered a small thank you. I walked towards the bright white light and hoped it would grant me salvation.
I ended up in another big white room. It wasn’t like my cell though. It was warm and made me think of what a home would feel like. I was okay with being in this big white room. It felt like the home I had never had.

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