Eviction Notice | Teen Ink

Eviction Notice

June 5, 2015
By chrisveazie BRONZE, Lakewood, California
chrisveazie BRONZE, Lakewood, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Failing to prepare is preparing to fail&quot;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -John Wooden

Eviction notice.

At first glimpse he thought that pink paper stamped with red ink, attached to his door was just a flyer for someone running for mayor, or another clothing donation event.

Just like any other piece of junk mail he threw that small square pink paper in the trash without really reading the message it held.

With all the sickness from Chemo and radiation, Mr. Spransten payed little attention to small things. 

Camel cigarettes were always his favorite. They seemed to be the only thing in his world that would take the edge off, that made John forget he had stage four lung cancer.

John didn’t care about smoking because the doctor told him he had about a month to live. Upon Johns arrival to his apartment the day of his last radiation treatment, John found his belongings outside his front door. He had been evicted.

John with little energy to be used on anger or sorrow wheeled himself to the park next to his apartment. He withdrew a camel and lit the end. He then took a drag.
A drag that would be his last.

Johns cancer from smoking had evicted his life from his body.

The author's comments:

This piece shows that even something you love dearly can be fatal.  Fatal attractions are not hard to come by.  

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