Jealous | Teen Ink


October 29, 2015
By TheSwaggyAshley BRONZE, Tully, New York
TheSwaggyAshley BRONZE, Tully, New York
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Kate Osborne is not your average girl.  She has an adventurous side to her, she’s a star athlete, and she just happens to be seen as the most popular girl in school.   One day Kate was climbing her favorite mountain, Mount Hood, and she walked through her own trail that only the people closest to her knew about.  After Kate reached the top, she sat and enjoyed the view.  Once it was getting dark, Kate, decided to go for a run down the mountain.  As she ran down the mountain, she fell in a large hole.  Kate had tried to catch herself, but instead she landed very hard on her wrist.  Kate figured that she fell in the hole because she was not paying attention to where she was going, but the hole was not there on her trip up.  The next day Kate decided to go back to the mountain and observe the mysterious hole.  When she reached the hole, Kate noticed that there was a shovel left behind a tree nearby.  That is when Kate knew that someone else had caused her to fall in the hole. 
The following week Kate had been with her best friend, Sydney Azul, and they were in the woods painting nature.  Sydney said to Kate, “I’m getting hungry. Would it be okay if I went and got us something to eat?” Kate responded to Sydney, “Yes, but hurry! It’s going to get dark soon, and we want to finish our paintings.”  About  half an hour after Sydney left, Kate heard a noise coming from the trees.  She looked around, and did not notice anything.  Then all of a sudden Kate saw something falling down fast from a tree.  A medium sized tree branch fell on Kate’s leg.   Ten minutes later Sydney returned and helped Kate get the branch off of her leg.  The tree branch had shattered Kate’s leg.  Kate was starting to get worried that someone actually was trying to sabotage her. 
The day after the tree branch fell on Kate’s leg, Kate went to talk to Sydney’s dad because he was a police officer.  Kate trusted Officer Azul, so she knew that she could come to him about her fears.  As Officer Azul answered the door, there standing in front of him was Kate crying.  Kate said, “Will you please help me?! I believe that I’m in some serious trouble.”
  Azul commanded, “Come with me to my office at the police station.  It’s safer and more private there.”  In concern, Officer Azul, rushed Kate to the station.  Once they arrived at the police station, they ran inside to his office.  When they ran in, Officer Azul’s partner, Officer Ozzatto joined them.  Azul said, “Now tell us what has been going on.”
  Kate stated, “Well I was climbing my favorite mountain, Mount Hood, a week ago and I was on my secret path.  When I got to the top, I sat and enjoyed the view.  Once it started getting dark I decided to go for a run down the mountain.  I took the same exact trail that I had taken earlier, and I fell into a hole that had not been there on my way up.
Ozzatto said, “How big was the hole?” 
“ Approximately three feet deep and four feet wide”, Kate replied.
Azul asked “Were you with anyone, or did you notice anyone else follow you?” 
She said, “Nobody that I know of.” 
“Does anyone other than us know about the secret trail” Ozzatto asked.
  Kate answered. “Yes, all of the people I’m closest with.” 
Ozzatto said, “Would you mind telling us who they are?” 
“My parents, my boyfriend Jack,  my friend Abby, and of course Sydney” she said.
  Azul said, “As much as I hate to say it, all five of them are suspects.” 
Ozzatto asked, “Did you find any clues there?”
Kate replied, “Yes, I found a shovel behind a nearby tree the following day.”
  “May I ask you what you did to your leg” Azul said.
  Kate stated, “Yesterday I was in the woods painting nature with Sydney.  Sydney was getting hungry, so she left to go get us some food.  A half hour after she left, a medium sized tree branch, fell on top of my leg.”
  Ozzatto asked, “When did Sydney return?”
  Kate remarked, “About ten minutes after the tree branch fell on me.” 
Azul said to Kate, “I’ll take you home now, and so you can get some rest.”
When Kate got back to her house, she could not sleep because she was too busy worrying about what could happen next.  Later that night, Kate got a call from her boyfriend, Jack. 
Jack asked Kate, “Are you okay?  I was going to come over to your house today to see how you were doing, but then I saw you with Sydney’s dad in the cop car heading to the station.”
Kate said, “Well you know how I told you about how I fell in the hole last week, and yesterday the tree branch fell on my leg and broke it?” 
Jack answered, “Yeah, what about it?”
Kate replied, “I’m starting to think that someone is trying to sabotage me….. I know I can’t just come to conclusions, but I found a shovel behind a tree near the hole I fell in.  Also what’s the chance that two bad things would happen to me two weeks in a row?”
Jack said, “I’m coming over right now!  I will not let anything happen to you.  You will be safe as long as I’m with you.”
Kate remarked, “You don’t have to...I don’t want to cause you any trouble.”
Jack said, “Let me stay with you.  I care too much about you for anything to happen.  I’ll be over in a little.”  
A little after Kate got off the phone with Jack, the power went out.  Then a large rock came shattering through the window above Kate’s bed, and the rock fell right on her pillow.  The power came back on right after the rock came through the window.  A couple of minutes later, Jack was knocking on Kate’s door.  Kate screamed, “I NEED TO BE ALONE RIGHT NOW!!”  Kate was in fear that Jack had caused the rock to come through the window.  Immediately Kate called Officers Azul and Ozzatto to come over.  When they arrived, they saw Jack sitting in his car in Kate’s driveway.
Azul said to Jack, “I think you should go home.  Right now is not a good time.”
Jack replied, “But I have to protect Kate!  Nobody can touch her!”
Azul stated, “Go home.  We’re with her.”
Jack did not want to cause any issues, so he went home exactly like Officer Azul told him to.  Kate let Officers Azul and Ozzatto in her house and showed them what happened.
Ozzatto stated, “Unfortunately, your boyfriend is a major suspect and we’ll have to take him into questioning.”
  Kate said, “Do you think it was Jack?”
Azul replied, “We cannot just assume that Jack did this, but there is a chance that he has been the one doing this to you.”
She replied, “All that matters is that we figure out who is doing this.”
Officer Azul said, “I think it would be best if we stayed with you tonight.”
In the morning, Officer’s Azul and Ozzatto decided to send Kate to school.  They told her to act as if nothing had happened, and to hangout around her friends and boyfriend.  Jack started to question Kate about what was going on the night before.
Kate said, “Sorry about that.  I was just upset.  It’s nothing.”
Abby, Kate’s friend, said, “Are you sure you’re okay?  You’ve never missed this much school.”
Kate replied, “Yes I’m fine.  Don’t worry about me.” 
Throughout the entire day people were questioning Kate on why she missed so many days of school, but she just said the same thing every single time.  The school day felt like forever to Kate.  At the end of the school day Officers Azul and Ozzatto were there to pick her up.
  “While I was gone, did you find anything” Kate asked.
Azul stated, “Actually we found broken glass outside of your house right near your window with some blood on it.  Whoever it was must have been cut by the glass when the rock shattered the window.  We sent the blood sample to the station for a DNA test.”
She responded, “So we will know who did it soon?”
Ozzatto answered, “Not necessarily.  The test could take a while.” 
Then Kate asked, “May I ask why you sent me to school today?” 
“Whoever had been doing this to you would have seen you acting perfectly fine.  Most likely they would get frustrated that you were okay.  There’s a very good chance that they will try to attack tonight.  One of us will stay in your room with you, and the other one will watch for someone to enter the house” Azul had said confidently. 
Kate stated, “So now we wait.”
Officer Azul stayed with Kate in her room while Officer Ozzatto was the lookout.  Suddenly Ozzatto spotted someone enter the house.  Ozzatto contacted Azul that the criminal was coming.  Then they heard someone walking up the stairs very slowly.  Kate’s room was the furthest from the stairs, and they nervously waited as they heard the footsteps approaching the room.  Officer Azul hid in the closet, and Kate laid in her bed  with the lights off.  The person had walked through the door and was heading towards Kate with a knife.  Quickly, Azul jumped out of the closet and turned on the lights to a major surprise.  There standing right in front of him was his own daughter.  Kate sat up even more surprised than Officer Azul.  Ozzatto came running in the room and put Sydney in handcuffs.
Kate and Azul both said at the same time, “Why would you do this?”
Sydney said with rage, “I’ve always lived in Kate’s shadow.  Kate’s the most popular girl in school, and I’m the second.  She’s captain of all of the teams, and I’m on all of the teams with her.  Her family is rich, and we’re in the middle class.  She has the best grade average, and I have the second, but that doesn’t seem to matter.  Kate has the perfect boyfriend, and I have nothing.  I guess what I’m trying to say is that Kate has it all.  I wanted to have what she has, so I decided that the only way that I could get it all was to kill her.” 
Kate said, “You could have just told me how you felt.”
Sydney’s father said, “You did not have to resort to trying to kill your best friend.” 
Sydney replied, “I’m can we just act like this never happened?  Then we can be best friends again, and I won’t go to jail.” 
Officer Azul said, “No you’re going to jail for a very long time, even if you are my daughter.  Ozzatto please take her in now.”
Ozzatto said, “Of course.” 
After Officer Ozzatto left with Sydney, Kate hugged Officer Azul and said “Thank you” with tears in her eyes. 
Sydney was in jail for fifteen years for the attempt of murder, and once she got out of prison she was put in a psychological hospital.  As for Kate, she moved on with her life.  She got married to her high school sweetheart, Jack.  The maid of honor in their wedding was Abby, and the head ushers were Officers Azul and Ozzatto. 

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this because people do not understand teenagers.  Teenagers struggle with life because of their emotions.  Emotions can make people lose friendships.  I hope people learn that life is hard, and emotions are very hard to face. 

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