The House On Halloween | Teen Ink

The House On Halloween

November 11, 2015
By Railriderz BRONZE, Keller, Texas
Railriderz BRONZE, Keller, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Our parents told us to stay away from ’that’ house but my sister and i really want to go, it looks so scary and no one lives there. For weeks maybe months we've been asking our parents to go and check it out even during the would be nice because it's almost halloween and we figured people would pay to come and take a tour through the haunted house in 2 days when it's halloween. My sister was even planning on dressing up like a tour guide and i was gonna dress up like a zombie and try to scare people during the tours. The reason we want to make all this money is because there is a really cool new video game and it's the next series to our favorite game of the zombie hunters. Today i haven't seen my sister and she just revealed why, as she pulled out 2 flash lights and a notebook i knew exactly what she was planning. sneak out at night and scout the house out, she even made posters for the business. So it was about eleven o'clock at night and we snuck out heading down the street to find ourselves standing in front of a giant haunted house.
We first just searched the yard only to find super long grass that looks like it hasn't been cut in 2 years but we just moved to this neighborhood so we don't even know if someone lived here before. Once done with the yard we crept up to the front door, it creaked every step we took, we hoped the neighbors couldn't hear as we got to the door and rang the doorbell because it was very loud, so loud that when it rang crows flew out of the trees but we weren't sure if they were crows or bats. Nobody answered so we slightly opened the door and peered in to find lots of spider webs and old dusty things. We walked inside turning on a light switch and what we thought was the air conditioner but it made a really weird sound. My sister cautiously looked around then told me she was gonna go look up stairs but i didn't like that idea so i yelled “NO”. We decided to stick together and headed up the stairs.
                                                        The upstairs (KEEP AWAY)
       The first thing i saw when getting upstairs was a door with the words KEEP AWAY in blood my sister turned pale but i thought it would be nice for our business, my sister couldn't continue so we decided to finish the search in the morning. Once morning rolled around we went back to the house when my mom went to work, we got up there and saw nothing. Very confused we looked around and around continuing to find nothing but the walls and the floor.We decided it would be ok to run the business so we went home and got to work on making decorations for the house since nothing was in there. The night rolled around and we headed to the house in which we decorated earlier that afternoon only to find nothing there and now there was no upstairs. We once again looked around the house trying to figure out what happened but when we opened the door to a bedroom we heard a voice saying, “get OUT” so we ran only to find no doorknob to get out. We said our goodbyes as the lights went out and then came back on and my sister was gone. I was so scared i ran up the stairs who came back all of the sudden then went straight down the slide to find by sister strapped to a metal table, then i was strapped. A person appeared with an ax and raised it thrusting it down right next to me then pulled off its mask revealing to me and my sister relieved now only to find that it was mom teaching us a lesson that it is always better to just obey. Still to this day though she will not tell us how she did the disappearing of the stairs and all of the other things and from now on me and my sister always obey her.

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