Newly Weds | Teen Ink

Newly Weds

June 1, 2016
By joseycummings BRONZE, Readstown, Wisconsin
joseycummings BRONZE, Readstown, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“And do you, Marvin take Doris to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

“I do,” He said with a smile.
n“And do you, Doris take Marvin to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“I do.” she said softly, trying to hold back her tears.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
As everyone cheered, and the families cried tears of happiness, and as Doris’s dad cried over the expenses for the wedding, everyone was joyus for the new bride and groom. As they changed for the reception, they cut the cake, drank some champagne, and danced all night until they couldn’t stand anymore, the newlyweds went back home and fell asleep in eachothers arms.
It was a sunny day on August 15, 1983. It was the week after Doris and Marvin got married. There was a warm breeze in the air and the newly weds were struggling to get to the airport.
“Good lord Doris, do you really need all of these bags?” Tossing her bags into the back of their 1972 Chevrolet Chevelle trunk.
“Marvin, I told you, I need to look beautiful the entire time we are in the Bahamas!”
“You look beautiful all the time Doris. I don’t mind, bring what you want.” Marvin said with a smile.
As the couple drove about 10 mph over the speed limit, they finally made it to the airport on time. They got their passports out, got them stamped and the two love birds sat in their seats. The flight attendant poured them some wine, and the plane was off to go to the Bahamas.
About 5 glasses of wine later, Marvin rubbed his hand on Doris’s arm. “You know Doris, I’m very happy I asked you to marry me. When I first laid my eyes on you, i knew it was you.” He said slurring his words. “It’s always been you.” taking another drink of wine. He glanced over to see his beautiful wife sleeping ever so peacefully.
It was about 20 minutes later when both Marvin and Doris, were woken up by what they thought was air turbulence. As Doris jumped, Marvin grasped her hand. As for the rest of the people in the plane, they were all freaking out. The flight attendant walked down the aisle, her 2 inch kitten heels clattered against the floor as she took each step. Her hands touching the navy blue seats as she walked past.
“Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. We are now crossing a zone of turbulence. Please stay calm and keep your seatbelts fastened.”
“Were all going to die!” A woman yelled. “I’ve had a dream of this before and you all were in it! The plane is going down!”
“Ma’am please come with me you’re scaring the passengers.”
As the flight attendant started walking towards the women, the plane suddenly shifted and the flight attendant fell on top of one of the passengers that was seated. People screamed. Another shift come from the plane, but this one was much stronger than the first one. The oxygen masks fell down and everyone reached out to grab one. Doris looked out her window, the oxygen mask covering her mouth, she saw a flame coming from a wing of the airplane. She looks closer and suddenly she sees a bright light coming straight towards the airplane. Looking him in the eyes, she squeezes his clammy hand tighter.The plane gets struck one more time.
As Doris woke up from a shock from the freezing water, her ears ringing, she realizes what had just happened. At this point she is treading water and screaming at the top of her lungs for her husband.
“Marvin! Marvin please answer me!” she screeched.
There were people screaming and crying all around Doris. But some were just floating there, dead. Doris looked over and saw a part of the plane wing floating on the surface, so she swam to it and used that as a floating device.
“Doris!” she heard a voice call
“Marvin? Where are you!” she yelled searching for him.
“Over there! That’s my wife paddle that way!” Marvin was on a inflatable raft with a few other survivors and they were paddling towards her. As Marvin pulled her aboard he and the others were covered in oil.
“You alright Doris, I was so worried about you.” He said pulling her in for a hug.
“I’m alright I guess, just a little beat up.”
There was only a few other survivors on the small raft with Doris and Marvin, with the hot sun beating down on them, who knows what was going to happen.
“Well what the hell are we supposed to do now?” A man with grey hair said. “Are we supposed to float in this piece of s*** boat with nothing to eat? Nothing to drink?”
“We wait for help.” A woman said quietly.
“What even happened to the plane?” Doris questioned.
“Probably them god damn terrorists.” A southern man said while hawking a loogie into the water.
About a hour later of silence, Suddenly a loud motor was up a head.
“Hey guys, look!” Marvin said pointing upwards. “It's a plane! Help has arrived!”
Everyone stood up and started waving their hands all around and were yelling at the top of their lungs. “Hey! Over here!” everyone was yelling. As the people’s heads started turning, it was like those movies that when something tragic happens and planes fly over without even seeing them. That was what it was like for these people. The plane just flew over them.
“Come on!” The grey haired man yelled throwing his hands up and sitting back down.
“It’s alright, someone will come.” Marvin said to the man.
“No! This is bullshit! I have a family to feed!” The man stopped and put his hands in his face. “I just want to go home.”
About three hours passed, everyone was hungry and tired but they passed the time by getting to know one another. The grey haired mans name was Harold and the shy quiet girl name was Mary. There was a set of twins on board with them named Jack and Joe.
“What if help doesn’t come.” Joe asked
“Help will come haven’t you ever seen survival movies?” his brother Jack replied.
“Shut up.”
Marvin and Doris were sitting together praying for a miracle to happen.
“So much for going to the Bahamas.”
“We can still go, when help arrives.” Marvin said looking down.
It was dark now. The quiet waves was all you could hear. The wind blew, a cool breeze that gave you the chills. At this point everyone thought that help would never arrive.
It was the next morning, everyone was asleep floating in the small raft. When they were awoken by someone yelling.
“What in the hell!” Harold yelled angrily waking up.
“Is everyone alright?” A man dressed in uniform asked.
“No! Of course were not alright! We’ve been floating in this crappy raft for the past, I don’t know two days?” Harold said.
“Well sir, help has arrived. Let’s get you guys somewhere safe.
As the man in the uniform helped everyone get on board, he recognized someone specifically.
“Doris? Is that you?”
She gasped “Jared, oh lord. Is this where you been all this time?”
“Just protecting my country.”
“Oh, well this is Marvin.” she said turning to him. “My husband.”
“Your. Your husband? Oh that’s great, just wonderful.”
“Well enough small talk, let’s get you guys some food.”
As Doris and Marvin got taken care of, they sat down with the rest of the survivors and talked about what they experienced. Jared sat with Marvin and Doris for about 2 hours, talking about how they’re doing.
“You know, Doris and I were engaged once.” he said nudging Doris.
“Yes, but that was a long long time ago.” she said turning to Marvin who had a annoyed look on his face.
“Doris can I talk to you for a minute? Privately.” Jared asked
“Sure, I guess.” she said standing up setting down the blanket that was wrapped around her.
“I know you still love me Doris admit it.” Jared said touching her hands.
“No Jared, I do not love you anymore, I did but that was a thing in the past, you need to let it go. You know why I called off the engagement please don’t start this up.”
“You love me still, I know you do!” He leaned in to kiss her.
Suddenly, Doris raised her hand and let her hand lay flat, and smacked her small hand across his scruffy beard.
“Get off me! What is wrong with you! I am happily married to my husband who does not beat me unlike you!”
Jared stopped.
“Yeah, you remember that don’t you?”
“Oh, okay. I am so sorry.” putting his head down. “It won’t happen again. I just thought-”
“Well you thought wrong.” Doris said with her eyes ice blue eyes, gave him a cold look. And turned around and walked back to sit down with her husband.
Jared didn’t say a word. He just sat there. Watching. Watching Doris and building up hatred for Marvin.
The next day the ship was almost back to land. Marvin was standing on the side of the boat hurling into the water.
“Sea sick?” Jared asked walking up next to him.
“Yeah, the movement on this boat is just making me nauseous. I’m okay though.”
“I used to be the same way.”
“What did you say to Doris last night, when she came back after talking to you she seemed really upset.”
“I just told her about my mother, she and Doris were really close.” Jared said lying through his teeth.
“Oh, well alright then.”
“You know Marvin, I know you love Doris, but she told me something last night.”
“What.” Marvin said looking up, his eyes watering from throwing up.
“She told me that she is still in love with me and said the only way for us to be together is if I kill you. Funny right?”
“What?” Marvin laughed nervously
“I mean, that’s crazy right? I’m not going to just kill you over a girl.”
“Well thank goodness.”
“But the thing is.” Jared said grabbing something from his waist. “Doris isn’t just a girl, she’s my love, my everything. I have never stopped loving her. Which is why I have to blow your head off with this gun.”
“Wait, what?”
Then suddenly a loud gunshot echoed through the entire boat. People rushed out concerned of what that noise was. Marvin was laying there, dead in a pool of his own blood. Then, Jared put the gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger.

The author's comments:

It just came to me while I was writing it

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