Mystery of the Mines | Teen Ink

Mystery of the Mines

May 21, 2018
By JopeRope BRONZE, Houston, Texas
JopeRope BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Dad I’m telling you I didn’t do that!” I yelled across the hall. ”Well Darrow footage doesn’t lie!” My Dad yelled as I left out the door. I shut the door and trekked up a hillside. I viewed the boring town from the hill, a couple merchants set up a town in this crater like valley. The people walked down the sidewalks casually this cloudy summer saturday morning. I lean back on the coarse gravel, I feel a slight crumbling under me. I flip myself just in time to land on my feet, I see a sign smothered in dust and dirt. Once wiped it reads “DANGER DO NOT ENTER” it isn’t industrial someone hand crafted it. The main attraction is in front of me the rugged mine door, it’s barricaded by a termite eaten 2x4. I open the barricaded door dropping the board.

A slim husky pops out of the darkness and sniffs my odor, he licks my jeans and leads me to a break room with a rusted door that leads to the other parts of the mines. On the blood or wine stained table is a journal. It has a monocle symbol and a title reading “The Mystery of the Mines.”  I open the book, I read the first entry “First day here. I’m am investigating my Grandfather’s death or sudden disappearance in the mines in 1887. The mines closed in 1888 no employees were found, or that’s what the officials say. I skip a couple pages. I read the 10th entry “Me and my little pup Wolfie have explored the mines more and have discovered something grave and disturbing. The miners are not dead, a cave in happened trapping all the miners in an oil reserve. By the time rescue teams got there they resorted to cannibalism. This transformed them into agile, monster-like humans who will kill anything that moves and I literally mean this. They covered this up and shut down the mines. I shut the book and being the “brave” obnoxious teenager I am I decided to venture into the mines. On the way I grabbed the molotov and lighter on the table. The dank and humid mines made me sweat buckets while me and Wolfie walked the halls. I glimpsed past the corner and saw the monster. It was like spider with all of its limbs stretched out it. In my eyes it was not disgusting, but instead it was truly terrifying.

Next thing I know I’m tiptoeing out of the mines. Into the valleyside fields, into the evening town and into my house. “Well sonie I’m truly sorry for accusing you. You were trying to just get out of the school not trying to tamper with it. But what’s that Old husky you got there?” Dad asked. “Oh I found Old Wolfie in a….... Alley, he needed some shelter so I thought you would be fine with it. Also thanks for the apology. Hey! Wolfie don’t do that.” I dragged Wolfie out of the carpet and into the room. Over the course of 2 weeks I read most of the journal it gave me a map of the mines, how to stay hidden, and how to kill them. I had to stay perfectly still to be hidden, but they would use screeches to scare. Only fire would burn through their tough skin and burn them as a whole. Going back to present. Wolfie is sitting in my lap and I’m petting him. I walk to open the door to get some snacks, and Wolfie makes a mad dash for the carpet. He crawls under the carpet knocking over a nightstand and lamp. “2 weeks passed and it happened again! Where did you even get that dog again?” He says after I pull Wolfie out of the carpet. Now I remember a dumb mistake. I left the mine gate open. I facepalm and grab the molotov and lighter.

“Chao!” I yell to my father as I dash to the mine. Once I get there I see the gate has not been opened and Wolfie followed me. We leaned into the room, no sight of the monsters. I pace the room in a plan and eventually one comes my way. I send down an elevator that the author fixed. But I have to blow this mine up for the town’s safety.(Mostly my paranoia) So here’s my plan lead the monsters to the oil reserve and blow it up. Wolfie and I  tiptoed through the mines, we hear screeches of the monsters and drops of stalagmite water. I must always be aware of my movement and be cautious of the shadows. I see multiple eyes that are not sure if I’m gust or a meal. I stick to the walls as their numbers add-on to each other. Wolfie moves when I move I guess the author taught him that. Then out of nowhere a monster pops out screeching, but in my peripherals I see the pool of oil. I grab a shovel behind me, the elevator makes a ding. The monster’s head gets hammered by the shovel and I light the molotov. We make a mad dash to the elevator after I throw the molotov. I tackle Wolfie into the elevator and we cling to the corners to avoid falling rubble. Wolfie barks when a monster breaks through the middle of the floor. It swipes at me with its long claws.

I thought this was the end of the line until Wolfie jumped in front of the blades meeting his demise. In pure anger I smashed the monster through the hole it came through, I grabbed Wolfie’s lifeless corpse “Wolfie,Wolfie! Come on bro we are going to go on all sorts of adventures aren’t we? Aren’t we!” I yell as we ascend. Wolfie barely opens his eyes and licks my cheek. He closes his eyes, and I feel a part of me missing. The elevator is barely holding on and boulders fall breaking the weak floor. I hear a faint ding, I leap out of the door just as the elevator breaks. There’s a soft sound when the elevator drops, sparking a bigger cave in. I throw Wolfie’s corpse out the door and slide past my near certain death. I carry him up the hill and bury him with my tears along side. I throw the journal in pure rage and cry. Now I just lay looking at the stars with my friend by my side.

The author's comments:

I wrote this a very long time ago

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