In response to Dorms in College...and Beyond | Teen Ink

In response to Dorms in College...and Beyond

November 27, 2018
By rsherman2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
rsherman2022 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Reading the selection "Dorms in College...and Beyond" by Nicholas W. made me feel like living in a college dorm can be very useful for when you’re living with a partner because you learn to adjust to how other people live and get used to sharing things with other people. I was also informed about how “a new company in San Francisco is renovating old buildings and turning them into modern dorms,” the author states.  I think this is very cool and effective to people’s social lives and the environment. The author also informed me by saying, “These dorms can also reduce as well as cut pollution and traffic” because the people living there would not need a vehicle. I think that this could be a very cool thing to do, and it seems like something I would really like to try out.  

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