What does Birth order mean | Teen Ink

What does Birth order mean

December 3, 2021
By Anonymous

Going to school or work you meet different types of people every day. However, most people can fit into one of four categories. The loner, The rule follower, The peacekeeper and The baby. The determining factor of which category someone falls into are two things. If they have siblings and if so how many. This information can be used to understand them on a deeper level based on how they developed as a child.

The Loners 

People who were raised as an only child easily stand out. They are narcissistic and bossy with antisocial tendencies that lead them to be seen in a bad light when it comes to the sibling- or lack there of- world. Many people with kinfolk often bash the only children saying how their parents were able to pay attention to their one and only child giving them everything. While this is partially true that through years of unconditional love and support that have molded them  into thinking they are the center of attention in any conversation that does or does not involve them creates a narcissist. It is not entirely their fault as there were no other children to look after and therefore share the love for. Also being the only child means that they are under immense pressure to perform well and are sometimes stressed. In all, only children are sometimes self centered but they're not to blame as they have been conditioned by their parents to be the center of attention and to do their best at everything.

Rule followers 

To understand  a rule follower one must first understand their origins.When a new set of parents has their first child they are nervous, which leads them to prioritize obedience and responsibility as the values they want to instill in their child making the child nice but also very stressed under the pressure to be responsible and obedient at all times. This was fostered by the many  rules these new parents create in their desperate attempt to keep their bundle of joy safe and healthy. These rules like bedtime at a certain time or eating then picking up your place and doing dishes does produce some of the cleanest and most responsible people out there. However, rules like no soda or candy or treats or a certain time to watch tv create tension and stress between the child and parents that may lead to the child acting out in the presence of no authority. This may make them see two faces but they are actually just letting off steam from being the golden child rule follower at home. One other thing that creates anger in an eldest child is the way younger siblings may want to copy them making them not able to have their own thing like playing a sport or instrument or anything that may make them unique.


The peacekeepers and social butterflies of the world are normally your middle children. These people are nice to people but very rebellious. They are gifted with learning from the mishaps of their older siblings. They know that most everything will work out in the end and are therefore more willing to go with the flow rather than have a concrete plan in place. However, the middle child's biggest strength is being able to meditate as they had to do it during their childhood. Being great negotiators and well spoken in arguments or alterations they normally have a very strong bond with their peers . This also comes from feeling invisible at home between the Firstborn paving the way and the baby being super cute at everything they do. They often outsource to others for affection but that's ok with them and it helps them become more independent be that leaving for college or going on a trip with friends. Overall with feeling invisible at home they are often social and eager to gain new friends to build special bonds with.

The baby 

The youngest children are easily seen because of their need for attention. After years and years of hearing about how their teachers loved their older siblings or how great their older siblings were it makes the youngest child want to stand out and be different. This leads them to either act out or try extremely hard at being the best at what they do or the best in the family always finding ways to get themselves to be the talk of the dinner table whether that be bad or good they love attention. Often weaseling their way into conversations they don't belong. All this makes them seem self centered and spoiled but in reality they are just trying to make their own way and stand out in the world.

The author's comments:

I am a middle child

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