My Personal Essay | Teen Ink

My Personal Essay

January 19, 2011
By Anonymous

There was once a time in life where I had no worries. My childhood was everything a kid could ask for. Anytime I asked for something I got it. I guess I was the kind of black kid who was lucky because his parents had their lives all figured out and made good money. My mom said that the first word I had ever said was daddy. That was funny to me because I loved my “dad” to death. I was a daddy's boy. Always wanted to be under my dad. He was the man that has been there for me since day one. Getting me everything I wanted. Every pair of Jordans that came out I got them. It was like me and my “dad” had this friendship kind of bond at a young age. I remember I would sit and wait up for my dad to come home from work. My mom would say “Boy if you don't go to bed Ima beat yo ass.” I would sometimes wait up to 1o'clock. As I begin to age me and my “dad” began to work over the road hours because he was a truck driver so we kind of grew apart. Then what brought us back together were sports. I began to like football. I started playing football for the Windy City Dolphins and shockingly I was pretty good. My “dad” asked me after one game “Is this what you want to be when you grow up?” I replied “Yea, I want to make millions of dollars!!!” I played football a few years. After football got boring I started playing basketball. I began to get really good at basketball. One day after one of my games, I was about 13 years old my mom said “what if I told you that your “dad” isn’t you real “dad”?” I said “I know that's not true so I wouldn't care.” She said “Okay” and walked out of the kitchen. Later that day I asked my “dad” if he was my “dad” and he said yea. I left it at that and never thought of it again. 2 months after I had turned 14 my mom and my dad said they had to talk to me when I got home from school. I thought it was about me making the decision about what high school I wanted to go to because I received a scholarship from Saint Patrick's High school. When I got to my grandma's house they were waiting in the living room. When I walked in I noticed that my mom had this sad look on her face. I immediately thought that someone had passed away in the family. My “dad” said “We got something that we have been hiding from you because you were too young to understand.” I replied “What is it?” The room paused everything went silent for like 30 seconds then my “dad” said “I AM NOT YOUR BIOLOGICAL FATHER.” My heart dropped. I burst out in tears. “My “dad” said, “Your real dad name is Kenny, I am the one who claimed you because Kenny said he didn't want you.” I remember my mom crying and saying that she was sorry for holding it in so long. On that day it was the first time when I felt like everything that me and my “dad” had was worthless because he's not even my blood. My life collapsed on me in that short span of time. I didn't have anything to say to my parents. But later I realized that all this happened for a reason I had mixed feelings about the whole thing. Later I saw the situation as if my “dad” wasn't there then I wouldn't have had a dad. I was very upset that my mom held that from me so long but at the same time I was glad she told me because it's good to know who your real father is because when something good is about to happen in your life they will be the first person to claim you. But I only have one dad and that is the one who claimed me at birth. A few days later me and my dad had another talk he tried to sit down and explain the whole situation but before he could get a word out I stopped him and told him I understood the whole thing and I appreciated that he was man enough to accept me as his son. After I met my real dad a day before my fifteen birthday. Once again the meeting was in my grandma's living room, it seemed like all the drama went down in the same place. I was nervous. I didn't know how he would be, or what kind of person he would be or how he looked. At one point I wished that I was never in this situation. He walked in the room, I suddenly felt as if he was a normal person. I didn't want any part of him now like he didn't want any part of me when I was born. We talked for a while. He apologized for not being there for me and I didn't respond I just got up and walked out and that was the last time I seen him. I didn’t need him I had my dad the one who cared and took care of me.

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