Social networking: Good or Not? | Teen Ink

Social networking: Good or Not?

January 18, 2012
By payton morrison BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
payton morrison BRONZE, Uniontown, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This world is addicted to two things; the internet, and Conflict. Social networks are involved not just one, but both of these things. This is not just to inform you about the awareness of how social networks affect your overall health, how social networks affect your relationships in life and, how popular social network Facebook is literally taking over the world one new account at a time at a time.

The internet is a wonderful resource and a common way to keep in touch with distant family members but, it could very well be the simplest reason why some people have extreme cases of anxiety, paranoia and, in some cases insomnia. Social networks are used commonly to interact with your peers and family members. But around half of the world and growing use social networking systems. Most people don't realize how addictive social networks are and, they also don' realize how big that part of their life is. A person that is addicted to a social network is completely unaware that they are addicted. If one is addicted they can suffer from withdraw side effects such as; vomiting and chronic headaches, if they are unable to check or look at their social network. Today our generation is obsessed with conflict and fighting, unfortunately social networks have both fights and conflict all over them because, people have a feeling of confidence and being in control from their keyboard and computer screen. Due to this other people feel obligated to look and get involved. Since they are getting pulled in they have this feeling that they are going to miss something good. Since they have this inner feeling that they are missing out they might have trouble sleeping due to that feeling. So therefore this feeling can lead to insomnia and become an addiction. Most people access the Internet to get on these social networks by using Wi-Fi internet access. Wi-Fi is extremely convenient but at the same time it is also found to be semi dangerous. Wi-Fi is a wave of radiation that can transfer information in real time. Some of that radiation is known to cause internal problems to the body which is the reason that it is so dangerous. Social networks can also cause anxiety. They can have this effect on a person by making them nervous because of something that they said or posted on their social network and, by posting something risky can also cause them to be paranoid about seeing that person of group in person causing them to have a real life fight or conflict.

Which brings me to my next point, how social networks can affect your relationships in real life. One out of five divorces is caused by problems caused by social networks. This happens because someone’s significant other could potentially be jealous of someone try to make their move on that persons significant other, which could in the future bring up suspicion of cheating which can cause them to break up or get a divorce. In a relationship it’s probably best to keep the internet let alone social networks out of it because, then you’re leaving yourself and your significant other open to rumors and drama which is usually the cause of break ups. Relationships can be made over the internet on social networks such as E-Harmony,, etc. Over 50% of relationships that are found and created on the internet fail with in the first year. The problem with all of these dating social network is people create account with their picture but then they kind of, lie about what they are really like to make themselves seem that much more attractive to the opposite sex. Due to them lying about the real them, it can lead to the end of that relationship as soon as the other person find out. As ridiculous as this sounds but, actually social networks can even break up families too. The way this can happen is family members can find out that you doing something that they frown upon on your Facebook page. So therefore that person could get in trouble and argue which can make the family mad at each other for the ways they treat each other.

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