Bullying The True Experience | Teen Ink

Bullying The True Experience

March 4, 2013
By SSSplatters PLATINUM, Plainview, Minnesota
SSSplatters PLATINUM, Plainview, Minnesota
25 articles 0 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What does not kill you makes you stronger!" or
"Your only limits are the ones you set on yourself" Love doesn't bring happiness, happiness can just happens to be found easier where there is love-- Sam

Beaten;bruised I stood courageous, I survived another day. Never did I know fighting and surviving didn't make what they did to me "ok". To survive them a hardened fighting tomboy I had to stay. At the moment...I thought that my life was "ok". The year after they graduated I found out to be a girl may be "ok",cause I don't have to fight to survive today.

"Soccer "Girls";"Populars";"New Friends", a day never passes I don't think about the debt I can never repa, cause you lessons make it possible to be who I was meant to be.

The author's comments:
I dedicate this to the people who help me through life;Happiness from Kali; a sense of control of my future from Kenzie;A sense of stability and safety from Claire; and finally, faith and love from Makena and Lanae...God bless you I'd be a shell of myself without you guys.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 11 2013 at 3:51 pm
SSSplatters PLATINUM, Plainview, Minnesota
25 articles 0 photos 38 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What does not kill you makes you stronger!" or
"Your only limits are the ones you set on yourself" Love doesn't bring happiness, happiness can just happens to be found easier where there is love-- Sam

you are not on there because so many things describe you I didn't forget you there's just not room to put your personality

on May. 2 2013 at 9:04 pm
One of my best friends' poems. Sam, even though u didnt mention me in you author's comments portion, you are still one of my best friends and always will be. I love all of your poems by the way and thanks for keeping me on track with things at school!