Injustice | Teen Ink


January 7, 2015
By Viridiana.Ramirez GOLD, Holland, Michigan
Viridiana.Ramirez GOLD, Holland, Michigan
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can always close a book, but you can never close the mind of a writer

Its the 20th century and once we meet someone we still stare at the differences. We stare at the clothing, shoes, jewlery. The way they have their hair done and if their teeth are clean. But whatever happened to looking into their eyes to see a soul deep within?

We hear but we dont listen, we judge but we dont know the truth in their world. We dont stop to open up our minds to let in another set of thougths. Where is the compassion, the love? The golden rule we all learned since we were born. We even live in a country where religion comes first where they teach us to love and to treat one another like ourselves. So tell me what happened?

Cause all i see are kids destroying kids, teens destroying themselves, grown up so focused in their life's they forget we need to leave a better generation to this world. But then again its nothing rare cause even as a world we see nations rise against nations, we see war and destruction we see countires destroying each other and the saddest part of it all is that no matter how big or small no matter who does it against who at the end of the day its all called Bullying.

Its cruelty, its injustice against each other. Its a massive genocide to our own race. Because words hurt, sadness, lonliness and depression kills. Unacceptance, prejudice, hatred destroys. Instead of bulding one another we kill each other.

The author's comments:

Watching how people interact with each other helped me write these paragraphs.

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