You’ll Learn Kid | Teen Ink

You’ll Learn Kid

March 10, 2015
By Joseph Mendoza BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Joseph Mendoza BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“There’s beauty in a struggle”

J Cole’s new album was destroying my eardrums as every hard beat would drop. I was aggravated, mad, and a bit stuck up while on the trip. School had been tough and I was looking up to the sky for answers, yet it never came.

As we arrived to St. Vincent DePaul Center in Phoenix, the Interact club had their members filled with smiles. All except me. I questioned why I was there in the first place until we came across the playgrounds. Small creatures whose smile could cure sickness, inhabit the area. Children.

There was this one child who didn’t seemed too thrilled to be on the teeter totter by himself. My dimple rose from my cheeks as my smile couldn’t resist to pop out.

“Hey little man! You okay?”

Silence was handed to me

“Hey… Well I’ll play with you”
His face brighten up to the opportunity. We played and interrogated each other with silly questions. He pointed to his mother and said she was the best mother for getting him toys that day. I looked over and her joy made me a lasting impression.

I could tell by his shoes, which had rips so unbearable that I questioned how he could walk, that he was not fortunate as others, but he possessed a fortune higher than others.
A positive attitude was all he needed for fortune. I then realized that life is simply how you make of it. Sure sometimes factors as school, family, and work play a role in life, but does it necessarily control your happiness? There are some who have it all, and are miserable. There are some who do not have a cent, yet they remain happy. Being dictated to a negative attitude would not help at all. Being positive sheds a better stream of light onto my life.

Lost in my thoughts, I had forgotten that the bell had rung. Sweat dripping down my face as I looked for the boy, but my tension declined once I saw him with his mother. With all the questions asked, I all but forgot one.

“Hey what’s your name?”

“Christopher! Thanks for today!”

No thank you for making me understand life with a better aspect. The van started and we dashed out the shelter. There was beauty in finding wisdom in the struggles of a young child.

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dmoney said...
on Mar. 18 2015 at 6:22 pm
Awesome you awesome

Tania said...
on Mar. 18 2015 at 11:06 am
Proud of this message