Recycling saves lives | Teen Ink

Recycling saves lives

October 21, 2019
By Kate-T BRONZE, Indio, California
Kate-T BRONZE, Indio, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Recycling can save countless lives and not to mention climate change issues. If only people could recycle 7% of what they throw away daily, it could be reused to make public benches and tables to better help communities. More needs to be done to help save the environment while we still have the chance.
All people need to do to recycle is to put aside any aluminum, glass, paper or plastic aside. Then everything that was going to be thrown away anyway can be taken to a recycling center. It should be noted, there are 7.6 billion people on this planet, and if 1% of those people pick up a single piece of trash every day, then over 27.7 billion pieces of trash would be picked up a year. Another thing anyone can to do is to not use plastic for single-use. If everyone in the world did this even for a day that would be over 500 million pieces of plastic.
As well as the reduction in energy cost. The manufacturing of metals from natural ores consumes 90% more electricity than it would be using recycled aluminum. Some countries have even faced such an extreme shortage of natural resources that they had to, therefore, rely on local recycling and imported waste.
In conclusion, if people try to make a difference and recycle or reduce using plastic they could save the world from running out of natural resources. Society needs to be considerate of our future and help do something about it.

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