Stop Planting Weeds: An essay that may save the world | Teen Ink

Stop Planting Weeds: An essay that may save the world

June 5, 2024
By Racounter BRONZE, Alpheretta, Georgia
Racounter BRONZE, Alpheretta, Georgia
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You'll survive. I did.

We humans, our generation… We live in the best and worst of times. The world is dying… yet just maybe, we still hold a chance to save it. The production of plastic- the clogging of all the world's arteries, is at an all time highest. We are at the tipping point of the eventual apocalypse, and to end it before it takes permanent hold we must stop our production of the vilest material of our own creation- plastic. 


In too many countries around the so-far spinning globe, the world is a not-so personal dumpster. Plastic waste lives in the streets, the rivers, in the very people it once was meant to serve. The worst part of this mess? Each day we churn out only more millions of pounds. Stopping the production, scorching the weed’s wicked roots shall be the only way to upend the mutiny of waste. 


Looking out at our world, humanity, I can find you yet another crisis we can solve with my proposal; the employment struggle. In many third-world countries (in which the streets are a thick heated mess of rot and plastic bags), the people begin to waste away as well. If we eliminate production of virgin plastics, focus on the recycling of our past transgressions, jobs will be provided. People may find livelihoods in the cleaning of their once beautiful homes, and be able to trade in collected waste for currency, sustenance, and other items of high value to themselves. 


Coca-cola. Dasani. Shein. Amazon, Pringles, Chervolet! I’m certain you recognize at least one of these, and why? These all fall into the category of mass producers. -What, exactly, is the problem with mass production? In simpler terms, it rears the ugly head of one of the four horsemen of the plastic apocalypse. It creates cheap “disposable” products that honestly never are disposed of. They simply build and build, like some sort of virus upon us. If the production of virgin plastics is halted, mass production will slow, or fade away entirely. 


To play it fair, let's see what the cons of my proposition would be, starting with a loss of convenience. Conveniency; is that what we are calling the average time of usage of a plastic bag (12 minutes!)? It seems to me that this idea is one of the current century, a sinning of sloth.


“When plastic stops production, prices will rise like a rip-tide.” They will rise, along with the quality of the items being sold, (making them longer lasting, a better bang for your buck). Not to mention that the market itself will quickly adapt to reusing plastic- it always adapts, and in our time it shall happen with great haste. 


And so as my essay comes to its close, I must restate my proposal with hopes in your mind it will reside. We must stop our churning of the wheels and end the production of plastic. Otherwise? Perhaps one day our children, our beloved, will curse us for the end of the Earth. 

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