Are Solid-State Batteries the future of Energy Storage? | Teen Ink

Are Solid-State Batteries the future of Energy Storage?

July 13, 2024
By Anonymous

Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) store energy in everything from smartphones to electric vehicles. However, they are critical sources of environmental problems and severe safety issues in the modern world. Solid-state batteries (SSBs), which use a solid electrolyte instead of a flammable liquid electrolyte, are supposed to deliver a much safer and more efficient environmentally friendly alternative to LIBs.

The growing demand for LIBs has driven an exponential increase in lithium mining, which comes with dire environmental consequences. Lithium mining processes pollute air, water, and soil, threatening vast ecosystems and human health. LIBs are also highly flammable and easily catch fire when used and when thrown out in landfills, emitting dangerous gases.

Lithium extraction is water-intensive and causes extensive pollution. The lithium-rich brine evaporation process that happens during lithium mining depletes and contaminates local water sources. This water-use is especially problematic in lithium-rich areas like Chile's Salar de Atacama, where groundwater levels are already dangerously low. The environmental cost of lithium extraction is unsustainable.

The other environmental hazard is LIB disposal. Low recycling rates mean most batteries end up in landfill sites; flammable electrolytes cause fires, which release toxic substances, contributing to air pollution and health risks.

Solid-state batteries replace the flammable liquid electrolyte in LIBs with a solid one, reducing the risk of catching fire to near zero. Higher energy output from the cell and reduced weight and volume give it a performance edge, which, along with improved ion movement, makes these batteries a promising alternative to traditional LIBs.

Researchers have been trying to combat the challenges of manufacturing true solid-state batteries by adding lithium salts, copolymers, and plasticizers. All improvements made at these structure levels seek to enhance stability, conductivity, and overall performance. Researchers want to achieve specifications that will surpass the current capability of LIBs. 

While the solid-state battery has yet to become a consumer item, the research and development work in progress is making its adoption closer and closer. These batteries could be the new invention that may transform energy storage with a much more secure, efficient, and green solution. Not only will the batteries last longer, but if the world works together to use lithium from recycling to make these batteries instead of continued mining, SSBs will be even less harmful to the environment. With technological advancement, solid-state batteries could soon replace LIBs and power anything from consumer gadgets to electric vehicles. 

Overall, solid-state batteries may solve environmental and safety problems caused by conventional lithium-ion batteries. With improvements in the weaknesses of LIBs, solid-state technology could be the answer to safer and more efficient energy storage—hence, a greener future.

The author's comments:

I have always been interested in climate change and technology which is why, when I found this topic at the intersection of both fields, I was beyond excited. Current lithium-ion batteries are in almost every piece of technology so this article applies to many people. I hope you enjoy my article I wrote about how solid-state batteries could be the battery of the future!

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