Solar Power | Teen Ink

Solar Power

March 7, 2013
By sparth BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
sparth BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Electricity itself is not sufficient for growing the economy, but it is definitely essential. It is not possible for factories, businesses, and homes to operate without electricity. Access to electricity is extremely crucial to human and the world’s development. Many appliances, educational tools and other crucial machines work on electricity. It is vital for jobs and development of technology. It would not be good if the growth of technology decreased because of the lack of electricity. Solar panels are already being used today, but what if we took it a step further. Concentrating light toward solar panels can help solve the energy crisis. The electricity generated can help power houses and other buildings. Placing any object under a convex lens in the sunlight can cause the object under the lens to heat up. The same logic works with solar panels. Concentrating light using convex lens can generate more electricity.

Solar panels provide clean and renewable energy for cities, buildings, and homes. They capture sunlight and generate electricity. Solar panels do not use any fuel or gas, and they do not produce gasses that can ruin the fresh air we breathe. Some homes, businesses, and other buildings already use solar panels, but that is not enough to solve the energy crisis. We have power from the sun, but we are not using it to its maximum power. Places in the world where electricity in not available could use solar panels. In a research study, a group of scientists magnified light using a convex lens and aimed it at a solar panel. The light concentrated by the convex lens generated twice the amount of power then light directly hitting the solar panel. This innovative idea could save money and could solve the energy predicament. The concentrated light occupied less space of the solar panel. Why waste money by mounting massive solar panels on buildings, when people could use solar panels half the size.

In conclusion, solar panels can provide clean and renewable energy for our planet, and the concentration of light by using convex lens could save money. Also, the concentrated light would double the amount of power generated. The world would absolutely change. People would wake up every day breathing fresh air instead of smelling the polluted air and smog. Countries where electricity is scarce could grow and strengthen their economy. Cities could use clean and renewable energy. Instead of seeing and smelling pollution, we could see the light blue sky. People could feel sereneness and calmness in this beautiful world.

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anna said...
on May. 11 2015 at 10:50 am
amazing...really touched me.

on May. 11 2015 at 10:41 am
SierraSpears BRONZE, Lingle, Wyoming
4 articles 0 photos 12 comments

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