Chainsaws Gone Wild | Teen Ink

Chainsaws Gone Wild

May 14, 2013
By AnnaMusic BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
AnnaMusic BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Since 1600, 90% of the virgin forests that once covered much of the lower 48 states has been cleared. Most of the remaining old-growth forests in the lower 48 states and Alaska are on public lands. In the Pacific Northwest about 80% of this forestland is slated for logging." (University of Michigan). Clear cutting is unstable tot he environment but is the most economically friendly. Most forests are cleared for agricultural uses. As of this, many old-growth forests are cleared which leads to many problems such as habitat destruction, soil erosion, flooding and many other problems. Historically, loggers have had access to virgin forests and have cut down trees without replacing them and we now need to look at controlling the process of clear cutting to prevent further damage to the environment. Clear cutting leads to a loss of many habitats as well as certain kinds of animals. Clear cut logging causes soil erosion, ruins habitats, and causes more pollution.
First of all, clear cutting causes soil erosion. Once trees have been cut down, there is not much water being taken up by them which leads to more water to go into streams and rivers making them bigger as well as taking soil with them when it rains. "The loss of trees generated widespread erosion, resulting in water pollution from surface runoff, severe flooding, and the depletion of coastal fisheries. The loss of topsoil due to erosion can also be costly in an economic sense." (Global Environmental Governance Project). As of this, there would be a loss to some farms because of the nutrient rich soil will have been eroded away. With soil erosion, it gets harder to grow anything on the land. "...old-growth forests can be compared to similar but harvested forests, and conclusion can be reached about the effect of harvest on soils, plant and animal life, the rate of tree growth, and many other parts of a forest's ecology." (Minnesota Department of Natural Resources). Because of this, there is less of a chance of any good growth of plants or trees.
Granted, this is a great loss to the lumber and building industry. Since we harvest some trees, then that supplies the lumber and building industry. Once you limit that, then building structures with wood and lumber prices will skyrocket. Also, when there is trees cut down, then there is more pollution which contributes to global warming. Some people may not care because they do not believe in it. On the other hand, by not cutting down old-growth forests, there is more protection of wildlife and tree species. Since clear cutting is destroying wildlife habitats, then some species are going extinct. Also, there is soil erosion, flooding, nutrient loss, elimination of indigenous tribes, disruption of weather patterns and increases climate change (Roberts and Roper 2001- Global Environmental Governance Project). Some old forests are being harvested for toilet tissue. "'No forest of any kind should be used to make toilet paper' says Dr. Allen Hershkowitz" (New York Times). Since some companies do not rely on using at least some recycled paper, they rely solely on using trees. Because of this, many species may be lost because of clear cutting.
Lastly, with more trees, there is less pollution. With more trees, there is less pollution because tree take more C02 out of the atmosphere. "... logging can transform a swath of forest from a carbon 'sink' into a carbon source, not only destroying CO2- absorbing trees but emitting tons of new greenhouse gases in the process. Clearcutting- the most CO2-spewing logging method of them all-is meanwhile devastating to wildlife, habitat and water quality." (Center for Biological Diversity). "... massive clearcut logging could not, to the public, be reframed in a positive environmental terms." (Resolving Environmental Conflicts by Chris Maser, Carol A. Pollio 146-147). This quote explains how the public views clear cutting. Because of pollution, it contributes to global warming.
Clear cutting forests have created destruction of habitats causing extinction of some species of plants and animals throughout the world, also causing pollution to our environment. There is soil erosion which causes flooding and other problems. More species can be saved, and with more trees, there is less pollution. With the help of everyone in the world, we can make laws preventing clear cutting, therefore saving the environment.

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